Log in to like this post! Which are my CSS files? Alex Kartavov / Tuesday, August 10, 2010 When working with Infragistics ASP.NET controls one may wonder which control uses what CSS files? Good question! Here is the list of CSS files shipped with NetAdvantage for ASP.NET (by default they are located in Public Documents, in case you didn’t know): ig_calendarview.css ig_captcha.css ig_dataGrid.css ig_datamenu.css ig_datatree.css ig_datechooser.css ig_dayview.css ig_dialogwindow.css ig_dropDown.css ig_explorerbar.css ig_hierarchicalDataGrid.css ig_imageViewer.css ig_monthcalendar.css ig_monthview.css ig_progressbar.css ig_rating.css ig_shared.css ig_slider.css ig_spellCheckerDialog.css ig_splitter.css ig_tab.css ig_texteditor.css ig_webschedule.css But which ones should you deploy to a hosting server if you are using only a few of the controls from the suite. Another good question! Let’s break it down per control. Now the ig_share.css file is used by all of the controls, since it contains shared styling among all of the controls. So it needs to be deployed at all times, except for WebSchedule, where ig_webschedule.css is serving the same shared styles purpose. And here is a chart of corresponding CSS files if you were to use one control at a time: Control CSS files WebCaptcha ig_shared.css ig_captcha.css WebDataGrid ig_shared.css ig_dataGrid.css WebDataMenu ig_shared.css ig_datamenu.css WebDataTree ig_shared.css ig_datatree.css WebDatePicker ig_shared.css ig_texteditor.css ig_monthcalendar.css WebDialogWindow ig_shared.css ig_dialogwindow.css WebDropDown ig_shared.css ig_dropDown.css WebExplorerBar ig_shared.css ig_datatree.css ig_explorerbar.css WebEditors - WebCurrencyEditor - WebDateTimeEditor - WebMaskEditor - WebNumericEditor - WebPercentEditor - WebTextEditor ig_shared.css ig_texteditor.css WebHierarchicalDataGrid ig_shared.css ig_dataGrid.css ig_hierarchicalDataGrid.css WebImageViewer ig_shared.css ig_imageViewer.css WebMonthCalendar ig_shared.css ig_monthcalendar.css WebProgressbar ig_shared.css ig_progressbar.css WebRating ig_shared.css ig_rating.css WebSlider ig_shared.css ig_slider.css WebSpellChecker ig_shared.css ig_spellCheckerDialog.css WebSplitter ig_shared.css ig_splitter.css WebTab ig_shared.css ig_tab.css WebSchedule - WebCalendarView ig_webschedule.css ig_calendarview.css WebSchedule - WebDayView ig_webschedule.css ig_dayview.css WebSchedule - WebMonthView ig_webschedule.css ig_monthview.css Happy coding! ASP.NET team