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PDF Permissions/Encryption


 I just discovered that I can set permissions in my PDF-Export of my grid, simply by using

         void UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1_BeginExport(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.DocumentExport.DocumentExportEventArgs e)
            Report report = e.Report;

            IPdfPreferences pdfPreferences = report.Preferences.PDF;
            IEncryptor encryptor = pdfPreferences.Encryptor;
            encryptor.Password.User = "foo";
            encryptor.Password.Owner = "bar";
            encryptor.Permissions.Print = false;
            encryptor.Permissions.Add = false;
            encryptor.Permissions.Copy = false;
            encryptor.Permissions.Modify = false;


Unfortunatly all I get is

Encryption has been requested for the document being published but encryption is not supported in this release.