We have a requirement to show a month view with each day cell displaying 'activity' information - so it's not appointment data at all. In addition we need to be able to show a custom popup form when a day cell is clicked - not the predefined appointment form.
An activity needs to be represented by a specific (custom) icon, and alongside the activity icon we need to show a total elapsed time for that activity (in hh:mm format). There will be multiple activities for each day.
We also need to display some other info/icons in each day cell.
Is this sort of thing possible with this control - is it even appropriate, or do I need to look elsewhere?
Thanks for any help or advice on this.
Well not sure if you can put custom information on the days thing but you can put custom images i believe theres a setting for it.
Also creating a custom dialog page is simple I've done it many times in the webdayview. On the clientside event for openingdialog page you can set the page url to be what you want it to be. Code for the dialog opening posted in a second post below cause these forum text boxes suck.
Also to answer a little bit more of the question you can set most of the information you want in a tooltip hover. This may not be appropriate for your requirements however. If the weekview works like the dayview you should be able to set the duration of the activity by making a timespan out of the start and end times and theres probably a way to display that instead of the start and end times on the activity. if you can get into the appointment object in your code behind you can set all sorts of things the way you want them to be. In the dayview theres Appointment.Subject that allows me to add whichever descriptive text I wanted in the activity.
And guys at Infragistics web development or whoever created this forum can you please fix the bugs in it that makes my code I display go all over the post.