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WebDataGrid with DataTable as DataSource


I am using a WebDataGrid with DataTable, I know the DataTable doesn’t support autoCRUD operations therefore I am manually handling this operations.

I am using a Oracle Data Base, retrieving my data, loading it into a DataTable, for this porpuse, I am using Oracle Data Provider for .NET from ODAC for visual studio 2010.

CRUD operations are performed in the database but does not reflect or update on the client side. I am binding the grid to the updated data source but that those changes cannot be reflected in the client side.

For example, in the event RowUpdating of WebDataGrid I am re-binding to the data source:

protected void GridViewWebFormDetails_RowUpdating(object sender, RowUpdatingEventArgs e)
         //some code...


        //if update is TRUE then binding data
        WebDataGrid wdg = (WebDataGrid)sender;

Could you help me with an example using a DataTable as DataSource? I don't know what is happening with my project.

Please, Help!


Geovanny Domínguez