If you have a client side row_exitingupdate even it is triggered by "enter". Server side you need to change rows. How can you force update on "Enter".
I mean what if you only have one row in the grid? Plus the user doesn't want to change rows he just wants to force update. Enter is a logical choice.
How can I do this.
Hello Gary,
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you are still experiencing any issues with this scenario.
Please note that if Activation is enabled in the grid, the second press of return would activate the cell below the currently active one, therefore triggering an update. In order to update immeadiately after exiting edit mode, theExitEditModeandKeyDownclientside events may be handled as such:
var exitedEditMode = false; function WebDataGrid1_Grid_KeyDown(sender, eventArgs) { if ((eventArgs.get_browserEvent().keyCode === 13) && exitedEditMode) { exitedEditMode = false; sender.get_behaviors().get_editingCore().commit(); } exitedEditMode = false; } function WebDataGrid1_CellEditing_ExitedEditMode(sender, eventArgs) { exitedEditMode = true; }
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.