I'm maintaining a ASP.NET (.NET 3.5) website for one of my company's client. The website is using the Infragistics35.Web.v10.2.dll, and all the dlls. The version of the assemblies is 10.2.20102.2040.
Apparently the client is having issues with the webgrids mostly on different browsers, so he wants to know if he can update to the latest version of the components. Can you specfy me the correct version that we should update to and how to do it?
Best Regards
Hello Adrian,
About your questions, this is a whole new version of our product, with a lot of new functionalities and options. When you install it this will not remove the old 10.2 version of the product, you will have them both. When a new Service Release came up, you will be able to update your 14.1 version with it, this is the main meaning, to be up to date with the latest fixes and functionalities. About your last question, yes ASP.NET control will be enough.
If you have other questions or concerns, contact us again.
So, this is a whole new product, right? There isn't an upgrade or something?
I mean, we should follow the same process that for purchasing the product from zero?
The ASP.NET controls product would be enough in my case?
You could purchase the product via our WebSite. For details please visit:
Thanks for the quick response Ivaylo.
Can you tell me how to upgrade to NetAvantange 14.1?
Best regards
I suggest the application mentioned uses mostly UltraWebGrids. You could consider upgrading to NetAdvantage 14.1.
Since the v11.1 is considered the latest Classical Controls version and v11.2 is with the new Aikido architecture, most of the resources I will share regarding the differences are referring v11.2.
Keep in mind that the Aikido controls are built on a completely different framework and their behaviors and properties will be different compared to their Classical Controls counterparts. As a starting point when migrating from the old UltraWebGrid to the new WebDataGrid/WebHierarchicalDataGrid you can refer to this article: There you’ll find the so called WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid Cheat Sheet which outlines most of the functionalities of the new grids. Keep in mind that in the new grid all operations (sorting, filtering, paging and so on) are done via an Ajax callback to the server. Due to this make sure that on each postback you set the data source for the grid so that the grid will be able to apply the related database operation (sort, filter or page the data source).
Our online samples are a solid base for familiarizing with the new architecture and available functionality, interaction, visualization..etc. There is no step-by-step walkthrough how to upgrade from classical to Aikido controls.
You can see the list of retired controls in our documentation -
Further and more detailed explanation is given in this post –
You can see the Migration Guide here -
The official online documentation regarding NetAdvantage14.1 controls:
Our online samples illustrating both Grids could be found at:
The decision to change the classic controls architecture and continue with the Aikido (modern ones) was influenced by the browsers environment evolution. What is more, this decision was also in order to best fit our controls in the constantly changing environment and to provide more functionality and stability.
If you are interested in the supported-environments, product-lifecycle and service-releases please refer to:
Please contact me if you need further assistance regarding transition to the Aikido controls.
Regards, Ivaylo Ganchev, Developer Support Engineer, Infragistics