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HorizontalLineOffset Property

Returns/sets the zero-based horizontal pixel offset of the DocumentViewLines displayed in the EditorDocumentView
Public Property HorizontalLineOffset As Double
public double HorizontalLineOffset {get; set;}
The value exposed by this property will always be a positive value. If an attempt is made to set it to a negative value, the property will be set to zero instead. The maximum value is based on the length of the longest line encountered in the display as well as the width of the text area.

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also