Building Better UX Using Patterns

Ambrose Little / Monday, April 30, 2012

Over this last weekend, I and a couple of Infragistics colleagues spoke at TechBash 2012 in NE Pennsylvania. The talk is one that I've shared at a number of places over the years, but because it's not technology based, it doesn't really age much (apart from my hair).  

The content is all about UX--providing a brief intro, some of the key aspects/disciplines, why devs should care, what they can do to improve UX in their apps even if they don't hire UX folks, and the last chunk dives into select UX patterns.  :)

I hope by now all devs are investing in UX in one way or another, so if it's a new topic to you, please do dig in. Feel free to use my slides as a starting point, but there are tons of other good resources out on the Web, such as the MSDN Usability in Practice series I co-authored with Dr. Kreitzberg that focused on helping devs get into UX (a quick Web search will bring up many other awesome resources as well).  Our free UX patterns explorer, Quince, is another great tool.  And of course, Infragistics prioritizes good UX in our own work, so if you leverage our products or even our UX Services, we can help you get where you need to be in improving the UX of your apps.