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Igx-grid: pin columns at the left AND right simultaneously

How to pin columns at both sides: left AND right at the same time?

Currently, according to the docs 

we have only one option to choose: left OR right.

Is it possible to combine right now or could you develop this feature?

Recently we started the migrating process from Angular material table to Infragistics grid.

And we want to save the ability of Angular material table by using "position:sticky" for left and right columns simultaneously.

  • 1560
    Offline posted


    After looking further into your requirement, I determined that Column Pinning feature doesn't provide you with the opportunity to apply a column pinning to both opposite sides at a time, i.e. no left and right column pinning can occur at a time, as well as no top and bottom row pinning are allowed simultaneously. This is also stated in the feature`s specification available in our GitHub repository here.

    Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.


    Teodosia Hristodorova

    Associate Software Developer