I'm trying to license my Ignite UI product on a new VDI environment and I'm having difficulty. Do I simply run this command?
npm adduser --registry=packages.infragistics.com/.../ --scope=@infragistics --always-auth
I did this and got an error that I'll attach.
Hello Jeff,
Thank you for contacting. May I know what VDI environment is?
Your command is correct we do have a complete document to explain the setup from Jason at here.and I believe its not an error it’s a warning related to untrusted environment or something.
I google this error and find lots of post explaining to workaround this, may be refer to this post would help:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45088006/nodejs-error-self-signed-certificate-in-certificate-chain
Hi Divya, Thanks for the info, I believe I was able to install the modules okay, but now I have a build error when I run ng build. I followed the licensing instructions and added the "paths" in tsconfig.json, but seems like it's not finding the node_modules/@infragistics/igniteui-angular. I'm attaching an image the shows the tsconfig.json file and the error.
The Infragistics Ignite packages should be moved from the Infragistics folder up a level to the root of Node Modules. This process is normal because you are registering non-licensed packages. Our namespaces do not use the @Infragistics.
Thanks. That worked.