Hi, I created a datasource like follow:
dataSource: new $.ig.JSONPDataSource({ dataSource: $widget.options.dataSource.remoteUrl, type: "remoteUrl", responseDataKey: "Results", callback: function (success, error) { if (!success) { alert(error); } }, urlParamsEncoded: function (owner, params) { $.fc.igHelper.igSetOdataDateFilter(owner, params); } })
but the callback method does not get fired if an error occurs.
Hello Christoff,
In JSONPDataSource we don't handle the error callback from the $.ajax API.
I've logged a bug in our internal bug tracking system with an id 154308. We will create a case for you and link it to the bug, so that you can track its progress in your account in the 'Support Activity' page. You'll be notified by e-mail when the bug is fixed and available for download.
Best regards, Martin Pavlov Infragistics, Inc.
Hello Christoff, I have created case number CAS-124796-P5N5M0 - to assist you further with your inquiry. I will use this case to provide you with updates for Development ID 154308, which has already been created for this forum post.