Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am new to ignite controls and I'm trying to disable cell editing of cell A in the Moment a specific value is set in cell B in the same row.
After disabling cell A, I want to ensure that TAB Navigation simply ignores the cell when stepping through the row and continues to the next editable cell.
I tried using editCellEnded Event for cell B:
positionTable_editCellEnded = function (evt, ui) {
switch (ui.columnKey) {
case "productNumber":
var cell = $("#positionTable").igGrid("cellById", ui.rowId, "description");
var editor = $("#positionTable").igGridUpdating("editorForCell", $(cell));
editor.igEditor("option", "readOnly", true);
Does anyone know, how to do this?
Thanks a lot!!
Hello Benjamin,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
You can achieve this by handling the event editCellStarting and then you would check the id of the cell you are in. If it matches the id you may want to prevent from editing you would then check the value in the other cell. If the value is set to prevent the editing you would then cancel the event.
Go to the following link then click the events tab:
Please let me know if you have any further questions concerning this matter.
The make the Story above complete:
This Event handler implementation resulted in "cannot call methods on igEditor prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'option'"