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AutoPostback Problem on the Grid

Good Morning All

For you to help me and understand my problem, i will have to explain everything in details.

I have a usercontrol with with a textbox, this texdtbox changes values so am trapping the values on textchange. so i have set it to "Autopostback="true"" in the usercontrol and whe this textbox changes its values i will to update the Ultrawebgrid in my hosting 2.0 page that is not part of the Usercotrol. So i decided to expose the properties of the textbox and and the Postbackevent like this

in my Usercontrol

public bool















txtbxActvs.AutoPostBack =



and in my host page the usercontrol will have a property that i can turn autopostback to true or false , so i set it to true. Now Am not sure if the grid needs to have the same autopostback, because a normal Micorsoft gridview will not need to have that, as long as the textbox has the property autopostback is set to true automatically the grid will be updated.

Let me explain why is happening.

When the text changes in the usercontrol textbox , i want it to run a function that binds the Ultrawebgrid based on what is selected , i stepped through the function and it binds the grid, but now the Results does not show. i have other controls that are not related to this functionality, when i click one of them it now shows the results that was supposed to show earlier on the Grid. 

here is the Defination of my Ultragridweb

<igtbl:UltraWebGrid ID="Gridstaff" Autopostback="true" style="Auto_Scroll" runat="server" Height="111px" OnInitializeLayout


OnSelectedCellsChange="Gridstaff_SelectedCellsChange" Width="337px" EnableAppStyling="True" StyleSetName








































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<AddNewRow View="NotSet" Visible

Another thing that is Important to mention is that i have this Ultrawebgrid into a UpdatePanel and here are the property and values of the Update Panel


asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">

Thank you