I am using xamTree control in my silverlight4 applicatiion I want to bind data to xamtree control.
It only binds nodes upto 600 and after that children nodes are not displaying.
Is it the limitation of xamTree control or need to look into the code.
Urgent reply appreciated.
Hello Sanjay,
Excuse for the late reply, I have been looking into your enquiry and usually there is no such limitation for the XamTree’s data items and I haven’t encountered such an issue before. At this point I can assume this might have something to do with the data source you are using, however I would need to look into your sample in order to try and spot what is the actual cause.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Sorry for late reply,
I am using MVVM pattrern with PRISM architecture.
I have a node below that I have to display say 10K child nodes I cant just click on expand and wait till time out to come. To avoid this I am adding "More.." node after say displaying 10 child nodes and when user clicks/expands on "more.." node next 10 childrens are displaying. now the question is I can do this only upto 6 times I have tried to change the number of records from 10 to 5 but same case with that.
looking forward more hearing from you.