My application is using a Infragistic Grid that QTP learns as an ActiveX object. I have already confirmed in the past that this grid happens to be from a earlier version of Infragistics, that is not supported by the Test Advantage addin. I have created workaround functions based on descriptive programming through which I am able to read values from the cells. However, I am facing the following issue. There are few columns in the grid which contain Text box, List box and button. I am able to successfully navigate to the desired cell and select it, but not able to enter text in the textbox. I can use the concept of Device Replay to send characters but in orer to do that, I need to first click inside the cell, which I am not able to achieve. I am posting the code thru which I am able to select the cell. Is there a way that I can actually click in the cell. Any help is highly appreciated.
Set objActiveX = WpfWindow("devname:=MyProduct").ActiveX("acx_name:=XYZ....")Set objGrid = objAct.ObjectSet objRow = objGrid.GetRow(0)intColCount=objGrid.Bands(0).Columns.CountFor intCounter = 0 To intColCount - 1 strColHeader = objGrid.Bands(0).Columns(intCounter).Header.Caption Set objCol = objGrid.Bands(0).Columns(intCounter) If objCol.Hidden = False and Trim(strColHeader) <> "" Then If strColHeader = "MyDesiredColumnName" Then Set objGrid.ActiveCell= objRow.Cells(intCounter)' The Above line would select that row but doesn't insert the cursor in the TextBox, that is present in that cell. How do I enter my text? Exit For End If End IfNext
You might have better responses if you posted this question to HP support.
This Forum if solely for Infragistics .Net Windows Forms controls and I don't think anyone has worked with ActiveX controls.