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Ultra Chart Issue in Legend Display


I have attached the screenshot which has 4 status in pie chart. There is a status named 'Under Invstigation' as shown in fig. But in legend it trims and shows 'Under Investi....' but I want to display it fully. I tried to fix the issue by increasing width and other methods but could not resolved. Please help me in this issue. Why it breaks for a long names still it has space at right? Is this a limitation for chart control?

  • 28496
    Offline posted

    I remember this being a problem at one point, but I'm unable to reproduce it in the current version.  can you tell me what version of the chart dll you're using?

    one way you can work around this problem is by padding the datapoint labels with spaces... in other words use the string "New                " instead of "New."

    the reason it happens is because the chart is using the average length of a string in your series to determine the column width.