I know this should be simple - but I just cannot fathom it.
I drop a webdrop down onto a page (replacing an exists asp.ddl) configure it to use an ods. It compiles but when I run the app if gives the following error:
"Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Object Infragistics already exists and is not a namespace."
Background to app:
I have checked the Bin/webconfig and the page tag references - but they all look ok.
I even tried a new page webdrop + ods +scriptmanager and it crashes on master page but OK on a normal page
Any help/pointers would be appreciated!
This bug is already fixed internally, and will be available in May's hotfix. In the meantime you can workaround the issue by replacing the id="Infragistics" with id="igClientScript" (manually in the ASPX page).
The scenario that reproduces the issue is when ASP.NET AJAX controls are mixed with ASP.NET controls, i.e. for example if you have both the WebDropDown and the UltraWebGrid on the same page.
Hope this helps,
We are also experiencing this same bug and have:
dotnet 3.5, vs 2008 sp1, N/A 8.3 for CLR 2.0, using IE8.
I installed the April 28, 2009 hotfix (20083.2068) and I'm still getting the same bug. We're are trying to go live in a week with this intranet website that uses a lot of your N/A web controls. Please let me know if there is a solution to this or what we should do. Thanks!
Thanks very much for your feedback. We are aware of this issue, and we are currently working on it - I suppose the fix should be present in the first hotfix for 2009.1
Thanks again for the valuable input,
Looks like I found it!!
The client script id was generated as "Infragistics" in 9.1 not "igClientScript" as it used too in 8.2 or 8.3......!!!
Hence it is interpreted as a namespace .... crash!
I hope people find this useful!