does anybody know how to implement a tooltip for a mouseover?
In one of our columns the text is to long to show, so we show only the first letters. The user should see the whole text when hovering over the cell or row...
Thanks for every idea!
Hi Dave,
Is there any way to achieve the filter disable and enable on button click?
My question is that i want to show the filter row on a button click only and i want to remove the same on other button clicks. By default it have to display:none.
I tried to use document.getElementsByClassName(). But it didn't worked out. So i used document.getElementsById(). But when comes to mozilla and other browsers the width of the cells got shrinked. So it don't make sense. And i used the browser generated id to obtain the class which also is not the proper way. So how could i achieve this?
And that grabs the thing in the basket. Now it's working fine. Thanks.
I have one more question to you. Will clarify it after i worked on it.
I will give you some sample code that will get you started. I have a blank <div id="placeHolder"></div> on my page and I attach to the initialize event on the grid.
function checkChanged(e) { var colText = e.target.getAttribute('colText'); var grid = $find("WebDataGrid1"); var col = grid.get_columns().get_columnFromKey(colText); col.set_hidden(!e.target.checked); } function init(grid) { var place = document.getElementById("placeHolder"); var cols = grid.get_columns(); var colCount = cols.get_length(); for (var x = 0; x < colCount; ++x) { var col = cols.get_column(x); var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "checkbox"; input.checked = true; input.setAttribute("colText", col.get_headerText()); $addHandler(input, 'click', checkChanged); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.innerHTML = col.get_headerText(); place.appendChild(input); place.appendChild(span); place.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } }
Can you demonstarte a sample code?