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Problem in Autopostback from Item_Click of WebDataMenu


I have a problem with ItemClick event of WebDataMenu. When I click on the item menu, the event is raised on server-side. That is correct. After clicking my menu item, if I click a button on the same page the click event of the button is not raised and the ItemClick is raised instead. From the moment I click my menu item, if I click my button after that, it will always fire the ItemClick event and not the ButtonClick event... Can anyone help me with this issue? Thanks. Here's my code:

I have this webDataMenu and this button on my aspx page:

 <ig:WebDataMenu runat="server" ID="ContextMenu" IsContextMenu="false" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1" BorderColor="#CCCCCC" >



<AutoPostBackFlags ItemClick="On" />






<ig:DataMenuItem Text="Exportar" Key="export" ImageUrl="../images/excel.png" />












igtxt:WebImageButton ID="WebImageButton1" runat="server" Text="exportar">







And then I have both events on server-side:

 Private Sub ContextMenu_ItemClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.DataMenuItemEventArgs) Handles ContextMenu.ItemClick

WebExcelExporter1.DataExportMode = DataExportMode.AllDataInDataSource


Dim excelFormat As  Infragistics.Excel.WorkbookFormat = Infragistics.Excel.WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003



Dim wBook As Infragistics.Excel.Workbook = New  Infragistics.Excel.Workbook(excelFormat)

WebExcelExporter1.Export(wBook, 0, 0, WebDataGrid1)



End Sub

Private Sub WeImageButton1_ItemClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.ButtonEventsEventArgs) Handles WeImageButton1.Click




End Sub


  • 3115
    Offline posted

    Hi soniaalves,

    Are you sure you are using last version of our controls? I did the following reproduce:

    <ig:WebDataMenu ID="WebDataMenu1" runat="server" OnItemClick="WebDataMenu1_ItemClick">


    <ig:DataMenuItem Text="menu1">


    <ig:DataMenuItem Text="menu2">




    <ig:WebScriptManager ID="WebScriptManager1" runat="server">


    <igtxt:WebImageButton ID="WebImageButton1" runat="server" OnClick="WebImageButton1_Click">


    <Image Url="./excel.png" />




    and in the code behind:

    protected void WebImageButton1_Click(object sender, Infragistics.WebUI.WebDataInput.ButtonEventArgs e)



    protected void WebDataMenu1_ItemClick(object sender, Infragistics.Web.UI.NavigationControls.DataMenuItemEventArgs e)




    And when I debug, it hits the breakpoints with right events,

    when I click Menu Item OnItemClick event is fired, when clicking Button, OnClick event is fired.

    Do you have something else in the OnItemClick event handler, I mean something that changes the properties of the WebImageButton?