I just wanted to know how to show the current selected value on the scale, around the needle?I have no idea about how to do that.
Hi NicolasR,
Please take a look at this article and try to create an idea about the WebGauge.
After creating the base objects needed, you can initialize the properties of the "Needle Marker" as mentioned in step 11:
In C#:
mySolidFillBrushElement2.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red; myNeedle.BrushElement = mySolidFillBrushElement2; myNeedle.AllowDrag = true; myNeedle.EndExtent = 65; myNeedle.EndWidth = 1; myNeedle.MidExtent = 0; myNeedle.MidWidth = 3; myNeedle.Precision = 1; myNeedle.StartExtent = -20; myNeedle.StartWidth = 3; myNeedle.Value = 95; myNeedle.WidthMeasure = Measure.Percent;Hope that helps,Deni