I have created a basic aspx with only webscheduleinfo and webdayview and when i view the page on a nokia lumia with windows phone, the double click is not raised.
Infragistics Version=14.2.20142.2146
Navigator: default (explorer)
Is there a problem with windows mobile?
Hello Tomas,
Thank you for the details provided. I just want to let you know I have created a private case with number CAS-150204-Q1N7F6. I have created a development issue (188070: “Double click is not raised under WindowsPhone 8.1, so it is not possible to enter new appointment”.) linked to this case, so you can view the status of all development issues connected to this case from the "Development Issues" tab, when viewing this case on the "My Support Requests" page of our website. You will automatically receive updates for the progress of it and when a fix is available.
OS: WINDOWS PHONE 8.1 (VERSION 8.10.12400.899)
DOUBLE CLICK: I refer to open the appointment or create a new appointment
On Android devices , the example works well (firefox, chrome and internet explorer)
Hello ImagineSW,Thank you for noticing this.Could you please add some more details, so I could further investigate this issue?
For example what are internet explorer or the windows version used? Optionally, what is the device you are using? What is more, by double click I believe you are referring to the following dblclick | ondblclick event which fires as MSPointerEvent in IE11. Since there has being changes made by Microsoft to the Pointer events , it is possible there could be an issue exposed. What is the behavior you are experiencing? Does zoomIn or zoomOut occur instead of the expected double click? If possible, sharing the test sample could also help.
I am looking forward feedback from you.