Hello, I have a problem to set the datasource of the calendar. I have a viewcontroller, in viewDidLoad I add calendar with addSubview. In my viewcontroller I have an array of events (property) I want to implement the method -(NSArray*)calendarView:(IGCalendarView *)calView appointmentsForStart:(NSDate*)start end:(NSDate*)end ofType:(IGCalendarAppointmentRequestType)requestType in my view controller then assign a datasource so calendar.appointmentDataSources = @[self]; appointments are not displayed. So I created an ivar (NSArray) and I put self (my viewcontroller) in
source = @[self];
calendar.appointmentDataSources = @[self];
appointments are displayed, but the viewcontroller is never unloaded from memory, the dealloc method is not called
How can I successfully implement the datasource? thanks
The memory leak is b/c you're storing a reference to self, on yourself.
You have 2 options.
1. Create an object that implements the datasource protocol for you, instead of implementing it on yourslf
2. When you ViewController is going to disappear, you can remove the reference to yourself:
[super viewDidDisappear:animated];
source = nil;
I settled with the number 1