I am using ultraExplorerBar and the control style is OutlookNavigationPane. When I click the group, the header of the explorerBar automatically changed to the group text I selected.
I'd like to know if it's possible to set the header to other text I want?
Hello Alan,
The header of UltraExplorerBar always shows the caption of the selected group. There is no property or method allowing you to change this header. However, you can change it by the help of IUIElementDrawFilter interface. What you need to do is implement this interface for your UltraExplorerBar. In your implementation you will need to find the UIElement which draws the text in the group header and set it to any value you may need.
Attached is a small sample project showing how to achieve this.
Please check my sample and let me know if this is what you looking for or if I am missing something.