Bom dia! Tenho um ListView com vários checkbox criados através da base de dados. Queria para checkbox ao passar o rato por cima, me abrisse uma toolTip com várias informações daquele campo.
Já tentei fazer pelo evento MouseMove mas não deu certo!
Hi Ana,
First, please note that we only provide developer support in English. However, I used Google Translate and I think I understand your question:
"Good Morning! I have a ListView with several checkboxes created through the database. I wanted to checkbox when hovering over the mouse, I opened a toolTip with various information from that field. I already tried to do the MouseMove event but it did not work!"
You can assign a tooltip to any cell very easily:
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeRow(object sender, InitializeRowEventArgs e) { e.Row.Cells["Boolean 1"].ToolTipText = "This is a tooltip for row " + e.Row.Cells["Key"].Text; }