I have set cardview property to true and split the grid into two rowscrollregions
1.how can I disable the scrollbars in topmost scroll region or atleast the vertical scrollbar?2. I want to scroll the vertical scroll bar of second scrollregion such that a particular column appears at the top of that rowscrollregion.how can I achieve that?
Generally you can hide the CardView scrollbar using the following command:
e.Layout.Bands[0].CardSettings.CardScrollbars = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.CardScrollbars.None;
Both views are not really fit to work together, however the above call will hide the first scrollregion bar only.
Another option to do it would be to apply a creation filter and skip the scrollbar element you don't want to be applied.
Regarding scrolling the second region, you can try calling ScrollCardIntoView method of the rows collection. Given that the specific row is unique, it will work, however if you are identifying it by index or another method which can be identified in another scroll region, it will trigger for all regions it finds a match.
There is currently no workaround on this, so it will be a feature request if this method doesn't fit your scenario.
Should you have any further questions, please let me know.
Tihomir TonevAssociate Software DeveloperInfragistics
Thanks tihomir for your reply. As you suggested i was able to enable or disable scrollbars using creation filter.I could't find a fix for scrolling in sceond row scroll region.scrollrowintoview scrolls the corresponding card
Assuming i have 8 columns in grid and when i enable cardview those will be displayed as labels.i then split grid into rowscrollregions . Now in the secondrowscrollregion i want to scroll the vertical scroll bar such that 3rd label appears as first label.