I have a self referencing dataset that is used to create a tree structure. The dataset has 2 tables 1 for projects (self referencing) and the other for tasks. The task table has a foreign key to the projects table.I have bound this to the UltraWinTree and it does correctly show the tree structure. However, it currently adds in a node that represents the band as follows:--My Root level project -c03_GetAllProjects_c03_GetAllProjects --> (table 1) -My sub-project -c03_GetAllProjects_c03_GetAllProjects -c03_GetAllProjects_c03_GetAlllnkProjectTask_Min -Task1 -c03_GetAllProjects_c03_GetAlllnkProjectTask_Min --> (table 2) -Task1 -Task2 -Task3 The issue with this is that I don't want a node to be displayed for each band this is unnecessary. I want it to look more like the following:--My Root level project -My sub-project -Task1 -Task1 -Task2 -Task3 How can I do this? If this is not possible how do I change the text of these additional nodes?
There's no way to do this. The Band node has to be there to separate the child nodes from the two different child bands. Otherwise, nodes from two different tables would end up in the same Nodes collection.
Thanks for the response. However, I do believe that this is an issue. You should be able to hide these unnecessary nodes levels. As is, this does not allow full control over the tree structure.I will submit a feature request for this. As I have to put up with these nodes, where do I set the node text?