I understand how to "Check" a StateButtonTools on the toolbar. Simply set MenuDisplayStyle to DisplayCheckedmark and optionally set your OptionSet and your on your way.
How do I do the same thing with a PopupControlContainer? The "Checked" property does nothing when set to true/false. Further, I see no way to show it as the "active/checked/pressed" toolbar button. And lastly I see know way to have it enlisted in an option set. I do understand it is not a State Button but one can dream!
Any words of wisdom to solve my problem would be appreciated.
Set the DropDownArrowStyle of the tool to SegmentedStateButton. This will split the button into a drop down portion and a state button portion and then the Checked property will be honored. I don't believe it is possible to make the tool part of an option set though.
That did the trick, thanks.