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Text in UltraTextEditor truncated unnecessarily

This is probably a stupid question, but I'm just starting out with the Infragistics controls. I noticed that text in the UltraTextEditor control is not fully displayed even though there is adequate room for the missing character. The same text does display in a Windows text box of the same size (actually, slightly smaller). The UltraTextEditor seems to have more padding around the text, which I suppose is causing my problem, but I don't see any property to control it.

Changing the Appearance.TextTrimming property from Default to None solved the problem, but I don't see why the text was being trimmed if there is room for it.

  • 469350
    Offline posted


    It's hard to guess without seeing what you are seeing. Can you post a small sample project or even a screen shot?

    My guess is that this is the difference between GDI (which is what the MS TextBox uses) and GDI+, which is what the UltraTextEditor uses when it is not in edit mode. You can easily test this by setting the TextRenderingMode on the UltraTextEditor to GDI, or setting AlwaysInEditMode on the the UltraTextEditor to true.

  • 690
    Offline posted in reply to Mike Saltzman

    Here's a screen copy. All three controls (Windows text box, UltraTextEditor, UltraTextEditor with text trimming set to none) have a width of 72 and the same text (999,999,999). I also noticed that the text is displayed completely when the control gets the focus. The environment is Windows 7 32-bit with VS 2010. I could send you the code, but I got this just by dropping the 3 controls on a form and setting the width and text properties.

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