Hi there
I am noticing an obscure issue with the new version of the UltraWinDock 10.2.20102.1004 that did not occur in previous versions.
We are using an UltraDockManager in an MDI child form. The UItraDockManager is managing a number of docked panes including a DockableGroupPane/TabGroup on the form. The panes on the DockableGroupPane are quite complex in the number of controls they maintain. When focus moves to/from controls owned by panes within the DockableGroupPane to/from controls outside of the DockableGroupPane we are noticing that the controls are being moved around within the TabGroup i.e. drawing slowly. They end up in the correct position but you can see them moving and being redrawn. This movement occurs if I programmatically move focus i.e. calling Control.Focus() on some control or by user interaction with the form.
I provided an event handler for the Control.Move event for one of the System.Windows.Forms.Panel controls that was visibly drawing slowly and that handler is being hit on many occasions. It looks to me from the call stack that it is coming from a new method in current version of UltraWinDock. The protected override void VerifyChildElements(ControlUIElementBase , bool ) method in the WindowDockingAreaUIElement class in Infragistics.Win.UltraWinDock.
Now the thing is that this issue is only noticeable in this one implementation we have of the UltraWinDock i.e. in other mdi child forms we have no problem but they are also less complex.
I have also tried to replicate the problem in a test app with no luck and the app which does display the issue contains considerable proprietary code which prevents me from providing it to you.
I have tried using events on the controls to suspend/resume drawing but am having little luck in a practical solution sense.
I release that not giving you a sample with the problem makes it somewhat harder to diagnose but I am will to assist in any way.
Could you give me any tips on how to further diagnose further or workaround this problem?
It is hard for me to determine what might cause the issue without a sample or steps how to reproduce it. On this base I could suggest you to check what is the difference in the settings of the forms, which components may cause the slow down. Is it possible that the reason is in any changes made in your system configuration, e.g. resolution, video cards, IDE, OS and etc? If there is no way to provide me with sample illustrating the issue, please try to make a video (via CamStudio) and attach it zipped here.
I am looking forward to your response.
Let me know if you still experience the issue, and if so please provide me with more details.
- Stefaniya
Hi Stefaniya
I don't really have anywhere easily to upload it , it's about 2.2Mb
I think it would be best if we could send it via email or to uoload it to yourself.
I noticed that too. In a pane I have a usercontrol with a grid and a toolbar. Any time the grid gets the focus or when it got focus and I click somewhere else, the toolbar flickers and you see it is doubled. The grid gets pushed down so you find yourself clicking on another row. Sometimes five or six rows gets selected by one click. I'll try to make a sample.
I attached a sample project showing that. Support case CAS-49405-DT3C7T.
It happens when you move the focus between the pane and other control, but the pane has to be in a sliding group.
Hi geoffhop,
I have created this support ticket for you : CAS-48330-GCLVWJ. I will take care and for the other case created by Amiram Korach.
The same problem here as mentioned by Amiram and Geoffhop.
When focus is set or reset on a tabgroup the headerrow is redrawn.
It seems that quickly (but annoying visible) the row is removed and added, causing the contents of the tabgroup to move up and down.
This problem is only in the 10.2 release and not fixed in service release 10.2.20102.2026
Any news about this?
I also am experiencing the same problems as mentioned by Amiram and Geoffhop. The other related problem we are having is that the flicker behavior in the pane is really bad if you keep setting the Alpha Level (DockableControlPane.Settings.Appearance.AlphaLevel) of the Pane very quickly (every few ms). We are doing this to create a slow pusling flash effect for important alerts. We were able to do this in previous versions without any flicker effect. It just started happening when we upgraded to v10.2. It only happens when the pane is docked. It won't happen if it's docked to the top I believe.
Are you aware of this AlphaLevel issue?
Is there a way to track these support tickets that were created?