I have an Ultra Explorer Bar with the following configuration:
Control Style = ListbarView Style = VisualStudio2005Accepts Focus = DefaultGroup Style = ControlContainer
I have 6 groups that exist inside of this control conain combo/text boxes. If you have this control to save its settings, it does but it only saves part of the settings. The XML output doesn't include what group is "Selected" but only the groups is "Expanded" property. I have also programatically exported the layout and received the same results.
When the U.E.B. is configured as a "Listbar", the "Expanded" property for all groups is always "False" and you have to access the "Selected" group. Why doesn't the export put in what group is "Selected" also? One would think all the settings would be exported but this doesn't appear to be the case.
Is there a property I can enable to get the "Selected" group in the XML(or binary) export? I am also using v10.1, is there a later hotfix/release that addresses this?
Thanks for the follow up. I ended up doing something similar to this via a class I already had to store grid layouts in the database. It was a little more work but ended up satisfying the requirement.
Do you want me to submit a bug report or has it already been done?
Thanks again,
Off the top of my head I would say that is probably a bug. One way to work around it would be to assign a boolean value to each group's Tag (before you save) which would indicate that the group is selected, then read this value and select the appropriate group after the layout is loaded.