When I try to bind my datasource to a WinTree control, I get a result for Standard and Grid View Styles, but just a big blank for OutlookExpress. The OE style is what I want, since my data is homogenous and recursive.
Below is my code. Also, when I try to hide the redundant root-level nodes, there are no node cells in my tree when I get to the InitializeDataNode event, so it generates an error. This is true regardless of the ViewStyle I'm using. Even without the InitializeDataNode code, my tree view is blank in OE.
dsViewNodes As New DataSet
dsViewNodes = _dataDepartmentMaster.GetViewNodes
.ViewStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree.
Hello Amberfontes,
I try to reproduce your scenario in a small sample. Please take a look at the attached file and please let me know if you think that I misunderstood your scenario or if you have any questions.
Thanks Georgi!
Your example solved the problem. Apparently the OE wintree doesn't like this command, which I got from this Infragistics article: http://devcenter.infragistics.com/Support/KnowledgeBaseArticle.aspx?ArticleID=10084
UltraTree1.SetDataBinding(employees, "table")
When I changed that to just setting the DataSource property to the dataset's table 0 it worked:
utDepartment.DataSource = dsViewNodes.Tables(0)
Thanks for the feedback. If you have a any questions, do not hesitate to write us.