Is it possible to add a new record in GroupBy View of the UltraGrid (wingrid)? I've a situation where I'm recording some financial Trades in the grid. Each Trade has a Market Number. In one view, I want to show Trades grouped by Market. If the Market exists, I should be able to add a new Trade in that Market. If I have to enter a trade for a new Market, I should be able to do that as well.
It's good to know, thanks!
You saved me some time :-)
Hi Mariano,
This has not been implemented as far as I know.
Hi! I also would be needing that feature... is there a way of knowing if it's already implemented?
Mariano Abdala.
I don't think the grid supports this, although I am not certain why. You should submit this to Infragistics as a feature request:
Submit a feature request to Infragistics