+ [Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.UltraListViewItemUIElement] {Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.UltraListViewItemUIElement} Infragistics.Win.UltraWinListView.UltraListViewItemUIElementI have an UltraListView list control. The UltraListView has a vertical scroll bar. The UltraListViewItems that have to be scrolled to have no UltraListViewItemUIElements. I need to give some those items an UltraListViewItemUIElements. Is there easy way an UltraListViewItem and UltraListViewItemUIElements even though it is not being viewed.
When I do a drag operation with selected items in a UltraListView list control only the selected item that can be viewed in the control are being dragged. This becuase the code only uses the selected items which have a UltraListViewItemUIElements created for them. Is there a simple way I can also created UltraListViewItemUIElements for those selected items whose UIElement property is null so those items will also to be displayed in the drag operation or can I be sent the source code to the UltraListViewItemUIElement.Draw method. This would be the method that overrides the UIElemem's virtual Draw method
On the line of codevar img = item.Appearance.Image as Bitmap
Show you be first creating a new Bitmap like in the previous demo and then some how to some type of copying of item.Appearance.Image in the new Bitmap.
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(section.Width, section.Height);
When using you the drag demo code I can not drag in debug mode because the Loader was dectected keep apperning tell me I attempted to run unmanaged code inside a DLL or image initialization function which can caude the application to hang.
All I have to do is really just drag a bitmap with text int it around. The oringal demo was great and worked find for item view item that had UIElement. Could you just add to the original code and make a second bitmap with the text of the list view items that do not have a UIElement, and combine the two bitmaps into one bitmap.
I tried doing this but the second bitmap sometime would show some tims.
Another Exception in your demo at line
return System.IO.Path.Combine(styleLibraryPath, islFileName);
styleLibraryPath is null
islFileName is ID.Isl
I am also get an error on trying to manage excution inside OS Loader Lock exception inside the at the following line of code
var img = item.Appearance.Image as Bitmap
Bitmap GetImageFromItem(UltraListViewItem item) { var img = item.Appearance.Image as Bitmap;
I noticed you references where version v11.2. I only have v11.1. I had to replace your v11.2 reference with 11.1 reference. Is that why the demo you sent me crasged?