When formatting a column to currency I use the standard format "C". This displays negative values in red ($25.55). How can I get the same formatting when I format other numeric values? I am currently using #,##0.000;(#,##0.000) but I cannot get the designer to make negative values red.
The link below shows an example of how to set the color to red programatically. Is that the only way to do this or can I use a different format to make negative values red. I know Excel uses #,##0.000;[Red](#,##0.000) to make negative values red.
Hello Michael,
Maybe the best approach to solve this task is described in the mentioned link. Also I made small sample for you using this apporach. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks for your quick response. The sample you provided worked. I doubt that we will use it because the overhead in maintaining 1000 grids would be too great. Especially considering we allow the grid's font color to be changed to anything but red. If we could have simply used a format to make the value red like "C" does for currency we would have pursued it. Thanks.