I used Infragistics v.11.2 and .net framework 3.5 and VB.net.
I'll ask some question about Infragistics control.
Please check in a document attached to the file.
Hello Min,
Please take a look on the answers of your questions:
MIN you jin said: I want to make space gap between the docking panel and the Ribbon tool. How can I do?
MIN you jin said: I want to make the space gap between Ribbon tab and Form title bar like screen below. How can I do? And, Can I assign randomly the height of Ribbon tab?
MIN you jin said: When I did Docking two panels of A and B, a gray line comes out between A and B
MIN you jin said: When I assign Ribbon tool on Form and fill entire screen by using Docking panel. Can I make space gap between Ribbon toll and Docking panel? - Possible without putting arbitrarily Control?
Option 1: If you have a DockAreaPane then you could set PaddingTop property
Option 2: If you have not a DockAreaPane, then you could use Anchor property of your control instead of Dock = Fill property.
Option 3: You could include a Panel with Dock = Top. The height of that panel will determinate the space between your Ribbon and content below
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi~ I have some questions.
1. When the pane is unpinned one possible approach to increase the space is through CreationFilter.
What is the CreationFilter? Please give me a sample code.
2. Can I assign randomly the height of Ribbon tab?
That is also use CreationFilter. How can I do?
3. I will give a sample is provided soon.
4. OK. Thanks for your answer.
Please run the project.
And please click the "Result" button tool.
I want make the line between SplitterBar.
Thanks for attached sample.
About your issue with the splitters, my suggestion is to Background Image. I made simple image that I used into your sample.
About your question 1 and 2, - I made small modifications in your sample and I implemented CreationFilter for these two issue. Please take a look on attached sample for more details and if you have any questions, feel free to write me
Here is the sample
Thank you.
I using visual studio 2008 version.
so Can you provide a sample of vs2008?
If you need any additional assistance don’t hesitate to ask.
To be able to run the sample with VS 2008, you should run WindowsApplication3.vbproj instead of WindowsApplication3.sln. You could find WindowsApplication3.vbproj file in next subfolder (WindowsApplication3)