I use a ribbon with "Office 2007 UI Compatibilty" set to false and in that ribbon I use a PopupGallery.
When I move the mouse over an item in the popup gallery it doesn't highlight that item. Hot tracking doesn't work.
How do I enable hot tracking or how can I do it myself?
I guess I need to implement a handler for GalleryToolActiveItemChange and draw it myself, but how?
Any ideas?
Hi Atanas,
Thanks for your reply. I checked your sample and it works. When I use my style in your example it doesn't work and I don't know why.
I set a color for the "HotTracked" state in the style but it doesn't show up.
I hope you can help me.
Thans a lot. Regards
Hello Michael,
I have tried to reproduce the issue you’ve got but it seems everything works fine for me. Please see attached zip. From the provided image I also assume that you’re using a style created by your own. I guess that some of the changes made on the style might cause the issue you’ve got. So, could you please send me the style (.isl file) or to modify my sample in order to reproduce the issue you’ve got, so I’ll be able to investigate this on my own.
I am waiting for your feedback.