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Use a single RibbonGroup only


I want to use your RibbonGroup without using your XamRibbon because I like the default style of the RibbonGroup in combination of ButtonTools.

Every ButtonTool is shown in the single RibbonGroup but the SizeMode is not transported correctly.

I added: 


to my ButtonTool but this has no effect in the RibbonGroup. It is shown small at all. If I surround the RibbonGroup with

XamRibbon and RibbonTabItem it is shown correctly but I only want the RibbonGroup in my Xaml. Am I able to achieve this

somehow or it is necessary to have the surrounding Ribbon?



  • 16495
    Offline posted

    Hello Hendrik,


    Thank you for your post.


    I have been looking into the custom  functionality that you are trying to achieve. By default the RibbonGroup is designed to be used with XamRibbon control.  What I can suggest, if you would like to use the RibbonGroup separately, is to set the HorizontalAligment and VerticalAligment properties of  RibbonGroup. This way you can render the group in  normal size. I created a simple project in order to show you how you can implement this custom approach. You can use this project as a guideline for implementing the functionality that you are looking for.


    If you would like to find the default style for RibbonGroup you can take a look at the following destination on your computer:


    C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\2015.2\WPF\DefaultStyles\Ribbon\RibbonGeneric.xaml


    Please let me know if you require any further assistance regarding this matter.

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