I need to add several items to an XamDoughnutChart to indicate items that are 'at risk' and there can be several categories of such items.
Therefore I want to have all the segments in the chart red.
When I do this currently there is a thin while line that separates the different slices that is very hard to see.
How can I ?
1. Change the border between the sections so that when they are all the same colour they can be easily identified.
2. Highlight the whole Chart when it is selected?
Any one able to help with this?
Hello Harry,
I have been investigating into this issue with my teammates, and I have some information for you on this matter. I will address the issues that you have asked in the order that they were asked.
1. The "border" that you are seeing between slices is essentially the Background color of the XamDoughnutChart coming through if no outline has been set on your "slices." You have mentioned that you are coloring all of your segments the same color, and if this is the case, I imagine you are using the RingSeries.Brushes collection to do this and assigning only a single item to the corresponding BrushCollection - Brushes.Red. The RingSeries also has an Outlines collection that takes a BrushCollection as well, and if you assign a single brush that you wish to show between the slices, this thin separator will show up as that color instead. Note, this will outline the entirety of each of the slices with that color as well.
2. I am unsure how you are determining that your entire chart is selected in this case, but I would recommend utilizing the Brushes collection of the RingSeries elements in your XamDoughnutChart for this. If you replace the existing RingSeries.Brushes collection with a new BrushCollection object containing only your "highlight" brush, you can highlight the chart in that color.
I have attached a sample project to demonstrate the above. I hope this helps.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Sincerely,AndrewAssociate Developer