I downloaded Infragistics_20191_PlatformInstaller on my pc and installed it succesful and i did not find any nuget packages that i could use for my visual studio project. Before I had the version 2016 vol2 with nuget packages included.
Can you tell me where I can get the related nuget packages of the infragistic 2019 vol1?
Thank you.
Hello asty noukeu,
I am really glad that you were able to install the nugget packages.
Let me know if you need any additional help.
Hello Vasil,
It works now!
In the past the nugget packages were included in the WPF installer, so you just had to install the product to have them installed. Now they are in a separate installer. To install them using the Platform Installer, follow the steps below:
The nugget packages will be installed into C:\Users\Public\Documents\Infragistics\NuGet folder.
If you don't know how to use the nugget packages in your project, you can use the link below as a reference: