I'm struggling to customize the look of my app. I thought everything about WPF was suppose to make this easier. And for the most part, it is easy, if we just stick to microsoft controls. But customize a infragistics control??? Aaaarggghhh.
I even followed your tutorials for creating custom theme. No luck there either.
I was able to completely customize a microsoft text editor with border, corner radius, and even added some triggers attached to a property to change the background color of the control automatcally.
Now I'm trying to do the same with a DateTime editor and it's a struggle. If I use the same technique as above, I end up with a DateTimeEditor that displays my value but that I can't edit.
I can't create a style for my own custom datetimeeditor that inherits from your datetimeedtor or even just directly to your datetimeeditor.
I try to create a style that is "BasedOn" one of you styles but then at runtime it throws an exception because it can't find what it's based on. So then I just copy and paste even more out of your EditorsGeneric.xaml file but it's an endless cascade of needing more and more files to get things to resolve.
Am I missing something here?
What's the most basic example of me applying a custom border and cornerradius to your DateTimeEditor and also attaching my own control template triggers?
Is there a wpf themes forum ?
Hello pattyweb
I have been looking into your issue and suppose you want to create your own template for the DateTimeEditor class. If you want to add or alter anything in the DateTimeEditor you can create a style using the original template which we provide along with our product just for such purposes. You can find it in the DefaultStyles folder which is installed by default here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Infragistics\NetAdvantage 2010.3\WPF\DefaultStyles and in it you can use: \Editors\EditorsGeneric.xaml file to copy what you need.
Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.