Hi, since I use MVVM I would like to databind the VisibleDates property from my ViewModel class.Apparently there is no such possibility.Being accustomed to use the CalendarInfo I would have expected a similar functionality: one single place to select a single date, a continous daterange, or a List<DateRange>. Then the various controls (XamDayView, XamMonthCalendar) would reflect automatically those changes in the VisibleDates and SelectedDates respectively.Is there a way to obtain such functionality?Best Regards
I am just checking if you need any further clarification on the matter.
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Sincerely,Petar MonovDeveloper Support EngineerInfragistics Bulgariawww.infragistics.com/support
I found a workaround:
although I'd prefer to drive everything from a ViewModel I had to spread the logic in the code behind
<igEditors:XamMonthCalendar x:Name="monthCalendar" SelectedDatesChanged="monthCalendar_SelectedDatesChanged"
<ig:XamDayView attach:XamDayViewHelper.VisibleDates="{Binding Path=VisibleDates}"
avm = new AgendaViewModel(); DataContext = avm;
private void monthCalendar_SelectedDatesChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.Editors.Events.SelectedDatesChangedEventArgs e) { List<DateTime> tmpDates = new List<DateTime>(); XamMonthCalendar monthCalendar = sender as XamMonthCalendar; if (monthCalendar != null) { switch (avm.AgendaSituation) { case AgendaSituation.SingleOperator: monthCalendar.SelectionType = SelectionType.Extended; break; case AgendaSituation.MultipleOperator: case AgendaSituation.DentalChair: default: monthCalendar.SelectionType = SelectionType.Single; break; } foreach (var item in monthCalendar.SelectedDates) { tmpDates.Add(item); } } avm.VisibleDates = tmpDates;
where VisibleDates is public static class XamDayViewHelper
{ public static readonly DependencyProperty VisibleDatesProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("VisibleDates", typeof(IList<DateTime>), typeof(XamDayViewHelper), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(null, new PropertyChangedCallback(VisibleDatesChanged))); private static void VisibleDatesChanged(DependencyObject sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { XamDayView dv = sender as XamDayView; if (dv != null) { dv.VisibleDates.Clear(); foreach (var day in e.NewValue as IList<DateTime>) { dv.VisibleDates.Add(day); } } } public static IList<DateTime> GetVisibleDates(DependencyObject obj) { return (IList<DateTime>)obj.GetValue(VisibleDatesProperty); } public static void SetVisibleDates(DependencyObject obj, IList<DateTime> value) { obj.SetValue(VisibleDatesProperty, value); } }I don't understand why you have a SelectedDatesChanged event and do not a SelectedDates bindable property that I could read from or write to using a ViewModel.It works for my needs.Best Regards Roberto Dalmonte
Hi Roberto,
I am really glad you was able to work this out and thank you for sharing your approach. This is sure to help other user who are facing this.
Best regards Petar.