Hi,We have a problem with the XamDataChart. Using bindings we want to show or hide (VerticalZoombarVisibility="Visible"/"Collapsed") a vertical zoom bar. As long as the vertical zoom bar is "collapsed", the vertical zooming is disabled as well (VerticalZoomable="false"). The vertical zoom enable/disable and visibility is controlled using a property that is located in our view model class. Horizontal zoom is enabled all the time.Additionally, I want that the vertical zoom is set to 100% every time the vertical zooming becomes disabled. (WindowRect = (WindowRect.x, 0, WindowRect.Width,1))The solution is working well, except when I use the horizontal zooming feature while the vertical zooming is disabled (no vertical zoom bar visible; vertical zooming disabled).To see the problem, do following (perhaps more than once):1. enable vertical zooming. The vertical zoom bar appears. The vertical zoom is set to 100% and the length of the vertical zoom bar slider fills the complete length of the vertical zoom bar.2. disable the vertical zooming. The vertical zoom bar disappears. 3. Make horizontal zoom. 4. reenable vertical zooming againNow the vertical zoom is at 100% in the plot area but the vertical zoom bar slider fills only a small area at the top of the vertical zoom bar. It should be filling the whole 100% area.Is there a solution to have a correct vertical zoom bar slider in case of zooming while the vertical zoom bar is hidden??We are using WPF 2012.2 version.Kind regards,Alex
Hello Alexander,
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I created a sample project for you whit the functionality you want. Basically when I set the vertical zoom bar to be visible again I reset its Range Property. This way it fills all the vertical space. Please let me know if this helps you or you have further questions on this matter.
Looking forward for your reply.
Thank you very much for your help! After setting the Range property the vertical zoom works very well.
Last question: Is the current zooming behaviour ok or is this a bug in the Infragistics component?
Kind regards,
Hello Alex,
We have shipped out a new service release where your issue is resolved. I'd be glad to find out if you had tested it out and if it had met your requirements.
You can download the Service Releases by logging to our web site and going to Account \Keys & Downloads.