DataPresenterExporter seems to hang for upto 5 minutes on 32 bit machine but works fine on 64bit windows 7 machine.
this is the call which hangs:
dataExporter.Export(grid, filename, WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003);
The sheet does eventually get created after a long long time.
However it works fine when I create the worksheet and workbook separately.
var workBook = new Workbook(WorkbookFormat.Excel97To2003); Worksheet worksheet = workBook.Worksheets.Add("Results"); dataExporter.Export(grid, worksheet);
Any ideas?
Also, to add that this approach was working fine until I upgraded to Infragistics v14.2 from 11.
Hi Phil,
I had to get a VM setup that is running 32-bit windows as the only machines I have are 64-bit. I will test this on Monday when the VM is ready and get back to you with the results.
How many columns and how many records are there in the grid that you are exporting? Can you also provide the exact version number for the 14.2 DLLs that you are using? The number should look like this: 14.2.20142.****.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for investigating. There are 30 columns and the version number is 14.2.20142.1000.
Thanks for the info. Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce this on a 32-bit windows machine. Using 14.2.20142.1000 it took about 9 seconds to export 30 columns and 10,000 rows. I have attached the sample I used for testing. Can you try testing this on your 32-bit machine?
Haven't heard from you in a while. Do you still require assistance on this matter?