
Infragistics.DataAdapters Namespace

ClassFinancialDataAdapter Represents financial data adapter that has built-in data generator for generating stock prices
ClassStockChangedEventArgs Represents event arguments for FDC3 MessageRecived
ClassStockDataGenerator Represents a class that generates sample stock data based on specified settings
ClassStockDataLookup Represents a class for looking up stock prices using symbols of stocks

Note stock prices for some popular stocks are realistic/old and other are randomly generated

ClassStockDetails Represents stock details with MarketPrice, MarketCap, MarketPrice, AnnualHigh, AnnualLow ///
ClassStockInfo Represents financial data position with TradeDate, Shares, CostPerShare, CostTotal, CurrentValue, CurrentGain, CurrentPrice
ClassStockPopulateEventArgs Represents event arguments for
ClassStockPosition Represents stock position with TradeDate, Shares, CostPerShare, CostTotal, CurrentValue, CurrentGain, CurrentPrice
ClassStockPriceHistory Represents a history of stock prices
ClassStockPricePoint Represents data item with Open, High, Low, Close prices and trading volume of a stock ticker
DelegatePopulateStockPositionEventHandler Delegate for event
DelegatePopulateStockPricesEventHandler Delegate for event
DelegateStockChangedEventHandler Delegate for FDC3 MessageRecived event
See Also