Web Components Bubble Chart
The Ignite UI for Web Components Bubble Chart is a type of Scatter Chart that show markers with variable scaling to represent the relationship among items in several distinct series of data or to plot data items using x and y coordinates. These coordinates of the data point are determined by two numeric data columns. The Bubble Chart draws attention to uneven intervals or clusters of data. This chart is often used to plot scientific data, and can highlight the deviation of collected data from predicted results. The Bubble Chart has many of the characteristics of the Scatter Marker Chart but with the option to have various radius scale sizes.
Web Components Bubble Chart Example
You can create Ignite UI for Web Components Bubble Chart in IgcDataChartComponent
control using the IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
and two numeric axes, as shown in the example below.
export class CountryStatsAfricaItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryStatsAfricaItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public population: number;
public workedHours: number;
public gDP: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryStatsAfrica extends Array<CountryStatsAfricaItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryStatsAfricaItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `DZA`,
population: 39728000,
workedHours: 47.5,
gDP: 13725,
name: `Algeria`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `AGO`,
population: 27884000,
workedHours: 39.8,
gDP: 6228,
name: `Angola`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BEN`,
population: 10576000,
workedHours: 43.7,
gDP: 1987,
name: `Benin`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BWA`,
population: 2121000,
workedHours: 41.2,
gDP: 15357,
name: `Botswana`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BFA`,
population: 18111000,
workedHours: 39.3,
gDP: 1596,
name: `Burkina Faso`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BDI`,
population: 10160000,
workedHours: 36.4,
gDP: 748,
name: `Burundi`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CMR`,
population: 23298000,
workedHours: 42,
gDP: 3289,
name: `Cameroon`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CPV`,
population: 525000,
workedHours: 45,
gDP: 5915,
name: `Cape Verde`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CAF`,
population: 4493000,
workedHours: 38,
gDP: 622,
name: `Central African Republic`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TCD`,
population: 14111000,
workedHours: 40.4,
gDP: 2067,
name: `Chad`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COM`,
population: 777000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 1413,
name: `Comoros`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COG`,
population: 4856000,
workedHours: 38.1,
gDP: 5543,
name: `Congo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CIV`,
population: 23226000,
workedHours: 39.7,
gDP: 3242,
name: `Cote Ivoire`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COD`,
population: 76245000,
workedHours: 44,
gDP: 812,
name: `Democratic Republic of Congo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `EGY`,
population: 92443000,
workedHours: 39.7,
gDP: 10096,
name: `Egypt`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GNQ`,
population: 1169000,
workedHours: 38.8,
gDP: 27554,
name: `Equatorial Guinea`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SWZ`,
population: 1104000,
workedHours: 45.7,
gDP: 7759,
name: `Eswatini`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ETH`,
population: 101000000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 1533,
name: `Ethiopia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GAB`,
population: 1948000,
workedHours: 40.5,
gDP: 16837,
name: `Gabon`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GMB`,
population: 2086000,
workedHours: 40.3,
gDP: 1568,
name: `Gambia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GHA`,
population: 27849000,
workedHours: 47.6,
gDP: 3927,
name: `Ghana`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GIN`,
population: 11432000,
workedHours: 43.4,
gDP: 1758,
name: `Guinea`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GNB`,
population: 1737000,
workedHours: 35.1,
gDP: 1446,
name: `Guinea-Bissau`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `KEN`,
population: 47878000,
workedHours: 43.9,
gDP: 2836,
name: `Kenya`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LSO`,
population: 2059000,
workedHours: 47.6,
gDP: 2708,
name: `Lesotho`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LBR`,
population: 4472000,
workedHours: 40.3,
gDP: 785,
name: `Liberia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LBY`,
population: 6418000,
workedHours: 42.5,
gDP: 14847,
name: `Libya`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MDG`,
population: 24234000,
workedHours: 40.8,
gDP: 1377,
name: `Madagascar`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MWI`,
population: 16745000,
workedHours: 44.5,
gDP: 1089,
name: `Malawi`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MLI`,
population: 17439000,
workedHours: 40.6,
gDP: 1919,
name: `Mali`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MRT`,
population: 4046000,
workedHours: 45.9,
gDP: 3602,
name: `Mauritania`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MUS`,
population: 1259000,
workedHours: 44.4,
gDP: 18864,
name: `Mauritius`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MAR`,
population: 34664000,
workedHours: 39.6,
gDP: 7297,
name: `Morocco`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MOZ`,
population: 27042000,
workedHours: 46.7,
gDP: 1118,
name: `Mozambique`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NAM`,
population: 2315000,
workedHours: 43.1,
gDP: 9975,
name: `Namibia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NER`,
population: 20002000,
workedHours: 45,
gDP: 908,
name: `Niger`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NGA`,
population: 181000000,
workedHours: 32.76,
gDP: 5671,
name: `Nigeria`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `RWA`,
population: 11369000,
workedHours: 46.3,
gDP: 1731,
name: `Rwanda`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `STP`,
population: 199000,
workedHours: 38.2,
gDP: 2948,
name: `Sao Tome`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SEN`,
population: 14578000,
workedHours: 46.8,
gDP: 2294,
name: `Senegal`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SYC`,
population: 95000,
workedHours: 39.8,
gDP: 24857,
name: `Seychelles`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SLE`,
population: 7172000,
workedHours: 35.4,
gDP: 1314,
name: `Sierra Leone`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZAF`,
population: 55386000,
workedHours: 42.48,
gDP: 12378,
name: `South Africa`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SSD`,
population: 10716000,
workedHours: 39.3,
gDP: 1875,
name: `South Sudan`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SDN`,
population: 38903000,
workedHours: 36.3,
gDP: 4290,
name: `Sudan`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TZA`,
population: 51483000,
workedHours: 38,
gDP: 2491,
name: `Tanzania`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TGO`,
population: 7323000,
workedHours: 38.8,
gDP: 1351,
name: `Togo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TUN`,
population: 11180000,
workedHours: 35.2,
gDP: 10766,
name: `Tunisia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `UGA`,
population: 38225000,
workedHours: 38.6,
gDP: 1666,
name: `Uganda`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZMB`,
population: 15879000,
workedHours: 46.6,
gDP: 3627,
name: `Zambia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZWE`,
population: 13815000,
workedHours: 41.4,
gDP: 1912,
name: `Zimbabwe`
tsexport class CountryStatsEuropeItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryStatsEuropeItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public population: number;
public workedHours: number;
public gDP: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryStatsEurope extends Array<CountryStatsEuropeItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryStatsEuropeItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ALB`,
population: 2891000,
workedHours: 41,
gDP: 10970,
name: `Albania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `AUT`,
population: 8679000,
workedHours: 30.75,
gDP: 44305,
name: `Austria`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BLR`,
population: 9439000,
workedHours: 43.5,
gDP: 17230,
name: `Belarus`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BEL`,
population: 11288000,
workedHours: 29.7,
gDP: 41708,
name: `Belgium`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BIH`,
population: 3429000,
workedHours: 46.5,
gDP: 10932,
name: `Bosnia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BGR`,
population: 7200000,
workedHours: 31.62,
gDP: 17000,
name: `Bulgaria`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `HRV`,
population: 4233000,
workedHours: 35.15,
gDP: 20984,
name: `Croatia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CYP`,
population: 1161000,
workedHours: 34.42,
gDP: 30549,
name: `Cyprus`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CZE`,
population: 10601000,
workedHours: 33.77,
gDP: 30605,
name: `Czechia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `DNK`,
population: 5689000,
workedHours: 27.16,
gDP: 45459,
name: `Denmark`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `EST`,
population: 1315000,
workedHours: 35.61,
gDP: 27550,
name: `Estonia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `FIN`,
population: 5481000,
workedHours: 31.48,
gDP: 38942,
name: `Finland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `FRA`,
population: 64453000,
workedHours: 29.03,
gDP: 37766,
name: `France`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `DEU`,
population: 81787000,
workedHours: 26.31,
gDP: 43938,
name: `Germany`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `GRC`,
population: 10660000,
workedHours: 39.06,
gDP: 24170,
name: `Greece`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `HUN`,
population: 9778000,
workedHours: 36.99,
gDP: 25034,
name: `Hungary`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ISL`,
population: 330000,
workedHours: 29.02,
gDP: 43048,
name: `Iceland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `IRL`,
population: 4652000,
workedHours: 33.47,
gDP: 60818,
name: `Ireland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ITA`,
population: 60578000,
workedHours: 33.04,
gDP: 34302,
name: `Italy`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LVA`,
population: 1998000,
workedHours: 36.57,
gDP: 23019,
name: `Latvia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LTU`,
population: 2932000,
workedHours: 35.76,
gDP: 27046,
name: `Lithuania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LUX`,
population: 567000,
workedHours: 29.25,
gDP: 94089,
name: `Luxembourg`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MLT`,
population: 434000,
workedHours: 37.78,
gDP: 34087,
name: `Malta`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MDA`,
population: 4071000,
workedHours: 41,
gDP: 4747,
name: `Moldova`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MNE`,
population: 627000,
workedHours: 47.2,
gDP: 15290,
name: `Montenegro`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `NLD`,
population: 16938000,
workedHours: 27.38,
gDP: 46494,
name: `Netherlands`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MKD`,
population: 2079000,
workedHours: 36.6,
gDP: 12760,
name: `North Macedonia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `NOR`,
population: 5200000,
workedHours: 27.36,
gDP: 64008,
name: `Norway`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `POL`,
population: 38034000,
workedHours: 39.4,
gDP: 25300,
name: `Poland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `PRT`,
population: 10368000,
workedHours: 36.06,
gDP: 26608,
name: `Portugal`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ROU`,
population: 19925000,
workedHours: 34.34,
gDP: 20556,
name: `Romania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `RUS`,
population: 145000000,
workedHours: 38.04,
gDP: 24517,
name: `Russia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SMR`,
population: 33000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 56372,
name: `San Marino`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SRB`,
population: 8877000,
workedHours: 46.5,
gDP: 13278,
name: `Serbia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SVK`,
population: 5436000,
workedHours: 33.73,
gDP: 28309,
name: `Slovakia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SVN`,
population: 2071000,
workedHours: 32.46,
gDP: 29038,
name: `Slovenia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ESP`,
population: 46672000,
workedHours: 32.68,
gDP: 32291,
name: `Spain`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SWE`,
population: 9765000,
workedHours: 30.96,
gDP: 45679,
name: `Sweden`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CHE`,
population: 8297000,
workedHours: 30.57,
gDP: 57264,
name: `Switzerland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `UKR`,
population: 44922000,
workedHours: 38.6,
gDP: 7465,
name: `Ukraine`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `GBR`,
population: 65860000,
workedHours: 32.1,
gDP: 38839,
name: `United Kingdom`
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcNumberAbbreviatorModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartScatterModule, IgcDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcDataChartComponent, IgcNumericXAxisComponent, IgcNumericYAxisComponent, IgcBubbleSeriesComponent, IgcSizeScaleComponent, IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryStatsAfricaItem, CountryStatsAfrica } from './CountryStatsAfrica';
import { CountryStatsEuropeItem, CountryStatsEurope } from './CountryStatsEurope';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private xAxis: IgcNumericXAxisComponent
private yAxis: IgcNumericYAxisComponent
private bubbleSeries1: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale1: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale1(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale1 == null)
var sizeScale1 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale1.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale1.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale1.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale1 = sizeScale1;
return this._sizeScale1;
private bubbleSeries2: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale2: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale2(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale2 == null)
var sizeScale2 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale2.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale2.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale2.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale2 = sizeScale2;
return this._sizeScale2;
private dataToolTipLayer: IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var xAxis = this.xAxis = document.getElementById('xAxis') as IgcNumericXAxisComponent;
var yAxis = this.yAxis = document.getElementById('yAxis') as IgcNumericYAxisComponent;
var bubbleSeries1 = this.bubbleSeries1 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries1') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var bubbleSeries2 = this.bubbleSeries2 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries2') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var dataToolTipLayer = this.dataToolTipLayer = document.getElementById('dataToolTipLayer') as IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.legend = this.legend;
bubbleSeries1.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries1.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries1.dataSource = this.countryStatsAfrica;
bubbleSeries1.radiusScale = this.sizeScale1;
bubbleSeries2.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries2.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries2.dataSource = this.countryStatsEurope;
bubbleSeries2.radiusScale = this.sizeScale2;
private _countryStatsAfrica: CountryStatsAfrica = null;
public get countryStatsAfrica(): CountryStatsAfrica {
if (this._countryStatsAfrica == null)
this._countryStatsAfrica = new CountryStatsAfrica();
return this._countryStatsAfrica;
private _countryStatsEurope: CountryStatsEurope = null;
public get countryStatsEurope(): CountryStatsEurope {
if (this._countryStatsEurope == null)
this._countryStatsEurope = new CountryStatsEurope();
return this._countryStatsEurope;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="legend-title">
Total Population of Selected Countries
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
title="GDP per Capita"
title="African Countries"
radius-member-as-legend-label="Work Hours"
title="European Countries"
radius-member-as-legend-label="Work Hours"
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Web Components Bubble Chart with Single Series
You can bind your data to ItemsSource
property of IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
and map data columns using its xMemberPath
, yMemberPath
, radiusMemberPath
properties, as shown in the example below:
export class WorldStatsItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<WorldStatsItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public name: string;
public continent: string;
public population: number;
public gdpTotal: number;
public economy: string;
public region: string;
public status: string;
public longitude: number;
public latitude: number;
public gdpPerPerson: number;
public rank: number;
public unemployment: number;
public oilProduction: number;
public birthRate: number;
public medianAge: number;
public electricity: number;
public televisions: number;
public publicDebt: number;
public internet: number;
export class WorldStats extends Array<WorldStatsItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<WorldStatsItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CHN`,
name: `China`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1379302771,
gdpTotal: 21140000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 104.18,
latitude: 35.887,
gdpPerPerson: 15327,
rank: 1,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 3725000,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 3256000,
televisions: 400000000,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 253000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IND`,
name: `India`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1281935911,
gdpTotal: 8721000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 78.022,
latitude: 22.665,
gdpPerPerson: 6803,
rank: 2,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 810000,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 661600,
televisions: 63000000,
publicDebt: 58,
internet: 80000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `USA`,
name: `United States`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 326625791,
gdpTotal: 18560000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -101.8,
latitude: 39.818,
gdpPerPerson: 56823,
rank: 3,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 7460000,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 4062000,
televisions: 219000000,
publicDebt: 61,
internet: 223000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IDN`,
name: `Indonesia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 260580739,
gdpTotal: 3028000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 102.72,
latitude: -2.698,
gdpPerPerson: 11620,
rank: 4,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 837500,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 125900,
televisions: 13750000,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 13000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BRA`,
name: `Brazil`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 207353391,
gdpTotal: 3081000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -48.88,
latitude: -12.89,
gdpPerPerson: 14859,
rank: 5,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 1797000,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 28,
electricity: 396400,
televisions: 36500000,
publicDebt: 45,
internet: 50000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PAK`,
name: `Pakistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 204924861,
gdpTotal: 988200,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 67.624,
latitude: 28.421,
gdpPerPerson: 4822,
rank: 6,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 62000,
birthRate: 28,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 89820,
televisions: 3100000,
publicDebt: 51,
internet: 17500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NGA`,
name: `Nigeria`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 190632261,
gdpTotal: 1089000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 8.657,
latitude: 9.075,
gdpPerPerson: 5713,
rank: 7,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 2166000,
birthRate: 37,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 22530,
televisions: 6900000,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 10000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BGD`,
name: `Bangladesh`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 157826578,
gdpTotal: 628400,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 89.935,
latitude: 24.474,
gdpPerPerson: 3982,
rank: 8,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 6746,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 23,
electricity: 21350,
televisions: 770000,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `RUS`,
name: `Russia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 142257519,
gdpTotal: 3745000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 42.379,
latitude: 56.974,
gdpPerPerson: 26325,
rank: 9,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 9870000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 1000000,
televisions: 60500000,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 30000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JPN`,
name: `Japan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 126451398,
gdpTotal: 4932000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 138.48,
latitude: 36.519,
gdpPerPerson: 39003,
rank: 10,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 125000,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 1025000,
televisions: 86500000,
publicDebt: 170,
internet: 88110000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MEX`,
name: `Mexico`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 124574795,
gdpTotal: 2307000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -102.5,
latitude: 23.63,
gdpPerPerson: 18519,
rank: 11,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 3083000,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 222400,
televisions: 25600000,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 22812000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ETH`,
name: `Ethiopia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 105350020,
gdpTotal: 174700,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 40.489,
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gdpPerPerson: 1658,
rank: 12,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 60942,
televisions: 66893500,
publicDebt: 45,
internet: 291000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PHL`,
name: `Philippines`,
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population: 104256076,
gdpTotal: 801900,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 121.4,
latitude: 16.78,
gdpPerPerson: 7692,
rank: 13,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 26,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 53670,
televisions: 3700000,
publicDebt: 56,
internet: 5300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `EGY`,
name: `Egypt`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 97041072,
gdpTotal: 1105000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 30.787,
latitude: 26.825,
gdpPerPerson: 11387,
rank: 14,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 665000,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 102500,
televisions: 7700000,
publicDebt: 106,
internet: 8620000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VNM`,
name: `Vietnam`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 96160163,
gdpTotal: 594900,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 108.46,
latitude: 13.711,
gdpPerPerson: 6187,
rank: 15,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 324000,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 59010,
televisions: 3570000,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 17870000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COD`,
name: `Dem. Rep. Congo`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 83301151,
gdpTotal: 66010,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 21.738,
latitude: -4.071,
gdpPerPerson: 792,
rank: 16,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 48913,
televisions: 55942436,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 8903936
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IRN`,
name: `Iran`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 82021564,
gdpTotal: 1459000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 53.664,
latitude: 32.435,
gdpPerPerson: 17788,
rank: 17,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3956000,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 170400,
televisions: 4610000,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 23000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TUR`,
name: `Turkey`,
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gdpTotal: 1670000,
economy: `Emerging`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 35.243,
latitude: 38.962,
gdpPerPerson: 20657,
rank: 18,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 45460,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 154200,
televisions: 20900000,
publicDebt: 39,
internet: 13150000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DEU`,
name: `Germany`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 80594017,
gdpTotal: 3979000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 11.43,
latitude: 52.237,
gdpPerPerson: 49371,
rank: 19,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 141700,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 579400,
televisions: 51400000,
publicDebt: 65,
internet: 42500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `THA`,
name: `Thailand`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 68414135,
gdpTotal: 1161000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 100.65,
latitude: 15.345,
gdpPerPerson: 16970,
rank: 20,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 310000,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 124600,
televisions: 15190000,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 13416000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FRA`,
name: `France`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 67106161,
gdpTotal: 2699000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 2.267,
latitude: 46.645,
gdpPerPerson: 40220,
rank: 21,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 63711,
televisions: 43156970,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 7012454
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GBR`,
name: `United Kingdom`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 64769452,
gdpTotal: 2788000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -1.233,
latitude: 52.242,
gdpPerPerson: 43045,
rank: 22,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 1636000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 372600,
televisions: 30500000,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 40200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ITA`,
name: `Italy`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 62137802,
gdpTotal: 2221000,
economy: `Developed`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 15.701,
latitude: 40.885,
gdpPerPerson: 35743,
rank: 23,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 164800,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 278500,
televisions: 30300000,
publicDebt: 104,
internet: 32000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MMR`,
name: `Myanmar`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 55123814,
gdpTotal: 311100,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 96.028,
latitude: 21.509,
gdpPerPerson: 5644,
rank: 24,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 26955,
televisions: 39322205,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 30207772
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ZAF`,
name: `South Africa`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 54841552,
gdpTotal: 739100,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 22.489,
latitude: -32.4,
gdpPerPerson: 13477,
rank: 25,
unemployment: 24,
oilProduction: 200000,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 264000,
televisions: 6000000,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 5100000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TZA`,
name: `Tanzania`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 53950935,
gdpTotal: 150600,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 34.894,
latitude: -6.356,
gdpPerPerson: 2791,
rank: 26,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 10186,
televisions: 35987980,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 400000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KOR`,
name: `South Korea`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 51181299,
gdpTotal: 1929000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 128.29,
latitude: 36.399,
gdpPerPerson: 37690,
rank: 27,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 17050,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 403200,
televisions: 15900000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 35590000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ESP`,
name: `Spain`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 48958159,
gdpTotal: 1690000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -2.892,
latitude: 40.569,
gdpPerPerson: 34519,
rank: 28,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 29350,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 270300,
televisions: 16200000,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 19690000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COL`,
name: `Colombia`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 47698524,
gdpTotal: 688000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -72.95,
latitude: 4.099,
gdpPerPerson: 14424,
rank: 29,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 531300,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 50470,
televisions: 4590000,
publicDebt: 53,
internet: 12100000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KEN`,
name: `Kenya`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 47615739,
gdpTotal: 152700,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 37.929,
latitude: 0.4,
gdpPerPerson: 3207,
rank: 30,
unemployment: 40,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 38,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 5502,
televisions: 730000,
publicDebt: 49,
internet: 3000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ARG`,
name: `Argentina`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 44293293,
gdpTotal: 879400,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -64.84,
latitude: -33.07,
gdpPerPerson: 19854,
rank: 31,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 730000,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 101100,
televisions: 7950000,
publicDebt: 56,
internet: 9309000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `UKR`,
name: `Ukraine`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 44033874,
gdpTotal: 352600,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 30.86,
latitude: 49.723,
gdpPerPerson: 8007,
rank: 32,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 90400,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 192100,
televisions: 18050000,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 10000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DZA`,
name: `Algeria`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 40969443,
gdpTotal: 609400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 1.642,
latitude: 28.04,
gdpPerPerson: 14875,
rank: 33,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1358000,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 31910,
televisions: 3100000,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 3500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `UGA`,
name: `Uganda`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 39570125,
gdpTotal: 84930,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 32.27,
latitude: 1.375,
gdpPerPerson: 2146,
rank: 34,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 35388,
televisions: 27867123,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 2000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IRQ`,
name: `Iraq`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 39192111,
gdpTotal: 596700,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 43.66,
latitude: 33.218,
gdpPerPerson: 15225,
rank: 35,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 48545,
televisions: 13178804,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 9538092
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `POL`,
name: `Poland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 38476269,
gdpTotal: 1052000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.073,
latitude: 52.374,
gdpPerPerson: 27342,
rank: 36,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 146200,
televisions: 13050000,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 16000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SDN`,
name: `Sudan`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 37345935,
gdpTotal: 176300,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 30.217,
latitude: 15.434,
gdpPerPerson: 4721,
rank: 37,
unemployment: 19,
oilProduction: 484500,
birthRate: 34,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 3944,
televisions: 2380000,
publicDebt: 106,
internet: 1500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CAN`,
name: `Canada`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 35623680,
gdpTotal: 1674000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -108,
latitude: 55.855,
gdpPerPerson: 46991,
rank: 38,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 3310000,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 609600,
televisions: 21500000,
publicDebt: 64,
internet: 28000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AFG`,
name: `Afghanistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 34124811,
gdpTotal: 64080,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 66.041,
latitude: 33.977,
gdpPerPerson: 1878,
rank: 39,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 64532,
televisions: 15374294,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 18662148
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MAR`,
name: `Morocco`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 33986655,
gdpTotal: 282800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -5.707,
latitude: 32.104,
gdpPerPerson: 8321,
rank: 40,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 300,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 21370,
televisions: 3100000,
publicDebt: 67,
internet: 7300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MYS`,
name: `Malaysia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 31381992,
gdpTotal: 863000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 101.72,
latitude: 4.89,
gdpPerPerson: 27500,
rank: 41,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 757500,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 82360,
televisions: 10800000,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 15868000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VEN`,
name: `Venezuela`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 31304016,
gdpTotal: 468600,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -64.78,
latitude: 6.695,
gdpPerPerson: 14969,
rank: 42,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 2398000,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 99200,
televisions: 4100000,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 5720000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PER`,
name: `Peru`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 31036656,
gdpTotal: 410400,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -73.82,
latitude: -12.89,
gdpPerPerson: 13223,
rank: 43,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 119000,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 24970,
televisions: 3060000,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 7636000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `UZB`,
name: `Uzbekistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 29748859,
gdpTotal: 202300,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 63.288,
latitude: 42.338,
gdpPerPerson: 6800,
rank: 44,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 109400,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 49000,
televisions: 6400000,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 1200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NPL`,
name: `Nepal`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 29384297,
gdpTotal: 71520,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 82.328,
latitude: 28.843,
gdpPerPerson: 2434,
rank: 45,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 68842,
televisions: 21075997,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 7780693
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AGO`,
name: `Angola`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 29310273,
gdpTotal: 189000,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 18.097,
latitude: -12.37,
gdpPerPerson: 6448,
rank: 46,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 25890,
televisions: 21283158,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 100000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SAU`,
name: `Saudi Arabia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 28571770,
gdpTotal: 1731000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 45.129,
latitude: 24.248,
gdpPerPerson: 60584,
rank: 47,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 11000000,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 165600,
televisions: 5100000,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 6200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `YEM`,
name: `Yemen`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 28036829,
gdpTotal: 73450,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 48.53,
latitude: 15.658,
gdpPerPerson: 2620,
rank: 48,
unemployment: 35,
oilProduction: 339200,
birthRate: 42,
medianAge: 17,
electricity: 4456,
televisions: 470000,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 320000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GHA`,
name: `Ghana`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 27499924,
gdpTotal: 120800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -0.893,
latitude: 8.607,
gdpPerPerson: 4393,
rank: 49,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 700,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 20,
electricity: 7042,
televisions: 1900000,
publicDebt: 59,
internet: 650000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MOZ`,
name: `Mozambique`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 26573706,
gdpTotal: 35010,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 38.075,
latitude: -15.41,
gdpPerPerson: 1317,
rank: 50,
unemployment: 21,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 38,
medianAge: 17,
electricity: 13170,
televisions: 67600,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRK`,
name: `North Korea`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 25248140,
gdpTotal: 40000,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 127.01,
latitude: 40.333,
gdpPerPerson: 1584,
rank: 51,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 35619,
televisions: 16501842,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 2340760
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MDG`,
name: `Madagascar`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 25054161,
gdpTotal: 36860,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 46.87,
latitude: -18.82,
gdpPerPerson: 1471,
rank: 52,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 86068,
televisions: 9470858,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 1407981
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CMR`,
name: `Cameroon`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 24994885,
gdpTotal: 77240,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 12.451,
latitude: 4.365,
gdpPerPerson: 3090,
rank: 53,
unemployment: 30,
oilProduction: 85300,
birthRate: 35,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 4090,
televisions: 450000,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 370000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CIV`,
name: `Ivory Coast`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 24184810,
gdpTotal: 87120,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -5.555,
latitude: 7.538,
gdpPerPerson: 3602,
rank: 54,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 49302,
televisions: 9034402,
publicDebt: 75,
internet: 300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TWN`,
name: `Taiwan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 23508428,
gdpTotal: 1127000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 120.96,
latitude: 23.636,
gdpPerPerson: 47940,
rank: 55,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 600,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 235000,
televisions: 8800000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 14760000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AUS`,
name: `Australia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 23232413,
gdpTotal: 1189000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Australia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 135.87,
latitude: -25.63,
gdpPerPerson: 51178,
rank: 56,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 540000,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 236700,
televisions: 10150000,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 11240000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LKA`,
name: `Sri Lanka`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 22409381,
gdpTotal: 236700,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 80.792,
latitude: 7.881,
gdpPerPerson: 10563,
rank: 57,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 8411,
televisions: 1530000,
publicDebt: 86,
internet: 771700
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ROU`,
name: `Romania`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 21529967,
gdpTotal: 441000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 24.974,
latitude: 45.967,
gdpPerPerson: 20483,
rank: 58,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 115000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 60520,
televisions: 5250000,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 12000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BFA`,
name: `Burkina Faso`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 20107509,
gdpTotal: 32990,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -1.567,
latitude: 12.251,
gdpPerPerson: 1641,
rank: 59,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 82658,
televisions: 7478745,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 5896530
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NER`,
name: `Niger`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 19245344,
gdpTotal: 20150,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 10.845,
latitude: 17.92,
gdpPerPerson: 1047,
rank: 60,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 53,
electricity: 10652,
televisions: 8203307,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 157021
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MWI`,
name: `Malawi`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 19196246,
gdpTotal: 21200,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 34.282,
latitude: -13.26,
gdpPerPerson: 1104,
rank: 61,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 20676,
televisions: 4938675,
publicDebt: 51,
internet: 139500
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KAZ`,
name: `Kazakhstan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 18556698,
gdpTotal: 460700,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 66.966,
latitude: 47.999,
gdpPerPerson: 24827,
rank: 62,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 1355000,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 76340,
televisions: 3880000,
publicDebt: 8,
internet: 1901000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SYR`,
name: `Syria`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 18028549,
gdpTotal: 50280,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 39.062,
latitude: 34.807,
gdpPerPerson: 2789,
rank: 63,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 379000,
birthRate: 27,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 153200,
televisions: 1050000,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 3470000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MLI`,
name: `Mali`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 17885245,
gdpTotal: 38090,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -1.496,
latitude: 17.867,
gdpPerPerson: 2130,
rank: 64,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 72483,
televisions: 4783188,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 8619386
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CHL`,
name: `Chile`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 17789267,
gdpTotal: 436100,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -69.11,
latitude: -23.36,
gdpPerPerson: 24515,
rank: 65,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 15100,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 31,
electricity: 47600,
televisions: 3150000,
publicDebt: 4,
internet: 557000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NLD`,
name: `Netherlands`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 17084719,
gdpTotal: 870800,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 6.272,
latitude: 52.971,
gdpPerPerson: 50970,
rank: 66,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 76000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 94340,
televisions: 8100000,
publicDebt: 46,
internet: 15000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ECU`,
name: `Ecuador`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 16290913,
gdpTotal: 182400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -77.98,
latitude: -1.291,
gdpPerPerson: 11196,
rank: 67,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 511100,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 12940,
televisions: 2500000,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 1549000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KHM`,
name: `Cambodia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 16204486,
gdpTotal: 58940,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 104.96,
latitude: 12.558,
gdpPerPerson: 3637,
rank: 68,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 45509,
televisions: 2489832,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 11512560
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ZMB`,
name: `Zambia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 15972000,
gdpTotal: 65170,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 26.301,
latitude: -14.3,
gdpPerPerson: 4080,
rank: 69,
unemployment: 50,
oilProduction: 150,
birthRate: 41,
medianAge: 17,
electricity: 8850,
televisions: 277000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GTM`,
name: `Guatemala`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 15460732,
gdpTotal: 131800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -90.4,
latitude: 15.225,
gdpPerPerson: 8525,
rank: 70,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 13000,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 7281,
televisions: 1323000,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 1320000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SEN`,
name: `Senegal`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 14668522,
gdpTotal: 39720,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -14.76,
latitude: 15.47,
gdpPerPerson: 2708,
rank: 71,
unemployment: 48,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 37,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 2159,
televisions: 361000,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 820000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ZWE`,
name: `Zimbabwe`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 13805084,
gdpTotal: 28330,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.115,
latitude: -19.02,
gdpPerPerson: 2052,
rank: 72,
unemployment: 80,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 32,
medianAge: 18,
electricity: 9950,
televisions: 370000,
publicDebt: 218,
internet: 1351000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SSD`,
name: `South Sudan`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 13026129,
gdpTotal: 20880,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.708,
latitude: 7.857,
gdpPerPerson: 1603,
rank: 73,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 41476,
televisions: 7716253,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 4569804
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GIN`,
name: `Guinea`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 12413867,
gdpTotal: 16080,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -9.522,
latitude: 10.478,
gdpPerPerson: 1295,
rank: 74,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 49,
electricity: 15826,
televisions: 6262180,
publicDebt: 32,
internet: 6439493
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TCD`,
name: `Chad`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 12075985,
gdpTotal: 30590,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 18.716,
latitude: 15.46,
gdpPerPerson: 2533,
rank: 75,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 57747,
televisions: 8629897,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 6531943
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `RWA`,
name: `Rwanda`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11901484,
gdpTotal: 21970,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.867,
latitude: -1.936,
gdpPerPerson: 1846,
rank: 76,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 51710,
televisions: 1363647,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 2425128
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BEL`,
name: `Belgium`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 11491346,
gdpTotal: 508600,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 4.605,
latitude: 50.911,
gdpPerPerson: 44259,
rank: 77,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 9000,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 80840,
televisions: 4720000,
publicDebt: 85,
internet: 5220000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BDI`,
name: `Burundi`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11466756,
gdpTotal: 7892,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.913,
latitude: -3.384,
gdpPerPerson: 688,
rank: 78,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 43850,
televisions: 2920735,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 3908915
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TUN`,
name: `Tunisia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11403800,
gdpTotal: 130800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.516,
latitude: 33.785,
gdpPerPerson: 11470,
rank: 79,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 76900,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 12850,
televisions: 920000,
publicDebt: 55,
internet: 1722000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CUB`,
name: `Cuba`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 11147407,
gdpTotal: 132900,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -80.54,
latitude: 22.567,
gdpPerPerson: 11922,
rank: 80,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 58300,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 16450,
televisions: 2640000,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 1310000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BOL`,
name: `Bolivia`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 11138234,
gdpTotal: 78350,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -63.57,
latitude: -16.3,
gdpPerPerson: 7034,
rank: 81,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 46470,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 23,
electricity: 5293,
televisions: 900000,
publicDebt: 46,
internet: 1000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BEN`,
name: `Benin`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11038805,
gdpTotal: 24310,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 2.704,
latitude: 10.535,
gdpPerPerson: 2202,
rank: 82,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 13145,
televisions: 7167916,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 8520122
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRT`,
name: `Portugal`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 10839514,
gdpTotal: 297100,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -7.757,
latitude: 40.815,
gdpPerPerson: 27409,
rank: 83,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 9500,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 49040,
televisions: 3310000,
publicDebt: 64,
internet: 3549000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GRC`,
name: `Greece`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 10768477,
gdpTotal: 290500,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 21.871,
latitude: 39.558,
gdpPerPerson: 26977,
rank: 84,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5687,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 56130,
televisions: 2540000,
publicDebt: 90,
internet: 2540000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DOM`,
name: `Dominican Republic`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 10734247,
gdpTotal: 161900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -70.17,
latitude: 18.775,
gdpPerPerson: 15083,
rank: 85,
unemployment: 16,
oilProduction: 12,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 12220,
televisions: 770000,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 1677000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CZE`,
name: `Czechia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 10674723,
gdpTotal: 350900,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 15.461,
latitude: 49.807,
gdpPerPerson: 32872,
rank: 86,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 18030,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 77380,
televisions: 3405834,
publicDebt: 26,
internet: 4400000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HTI`,
name: `Haiti`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 10646714,
gdpTotal: 19340,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -72.23,
latitude: 19.342,
gdpPerPerson: 1817,
rank: 87,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 12871,
televisions: 4329511,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 4777792
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JOR`,
name: `Jordan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 10248069,
gdpTotal: 86190,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 38.125,
latitude: 32.309,
gdpPerPerson: 8410,
rank: 88,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 9074,
televisions: 500000,
publicDebt: 72,
internet: 1127000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AZE`,
name: `Azerbaijan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 9961396,
gdpTotal: 167900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 48.401,
latitude: 40.344,
gdpPerPerson: 16855,
rank: 89,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 934700,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 28,
electricity: 23800,
televisions: 170000,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 1036000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SWE`,
name: `Sweden`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 9960487,
gdpTotal: 498100,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 17.594,
latitude: 64.621,
gdpPerPerson: 50008,
rank: 90,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 2350,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 153200,
televisions: 4600000,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 7000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HUN`,
name: `Hungary`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 9850845,
gdpTotal: 267600,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 19.485,
latitude: 47.153,
gdpPerPerson: 27165,
rank: 91,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 42180,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 33690,
televisions: 4420000,
publicDebt: 67,
internet: 4200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BLR`,
name: `Belarus`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 9549747,
gdpTotal: 165400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 27.943,
latitude: 53.705,
gdpPerPerson: 17320,
rank: 92,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 84070,
televisions: 3348094,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 3754027
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HND`,
name: `Honduras`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 9038741,
gdpTotal: 43190,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -86.74,
latitude: 14.889,
gdpPerPerson: 4778,
rank: 93,
unemployment: 28,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 27,
medianAge: 20,
electricity: 5339,
televisions: 570000,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 344100
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AUT`,
name: `Austria`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 8754413,
gdpTotal: 416600,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 14.987,
latitude: 47.624,
gdpPerPerson: 47587,
rank: 94,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 23320,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 61020,
televisions: 10150000,
publicDebt: 59,
internet: 4277000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TJK`,
name: `Tajikistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 8468555,
gdpTotal: 25810,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 71.234,
latitude: 38.86,
gdpPerPerson: 3048,
rank: 95,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 56534,
televisions: 6542566,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 4521889
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ISR`,
name: `Israel`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 8299706,
gdpTotal: 297000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 34.977,
latitude: 30.748,
gdpPerPerson: 35784,
rank: 96,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 100,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 46850,
televisions: 1690000,
publicDebt: 81,
internet: 2000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CHE`,
name: `Switzerland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 8236303,
gdpTotal: 496300,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 7.865,
latitude: 46.729,
gdpPerPerson: 60258,
rank: 97,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 3202,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 56100,
televisions: 3310000,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 4610000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TGO`,
name: `Togo`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 7965055,
gdpTotal: 11610,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 1.146,
latitude: 6.799,
gdpPerPerson: 1458,
rank: 98,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 28181,
televisions: 2309082,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 789456
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SOM`,
name: `Somalia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 7531386,
gdpTotal: 4719,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 44.134,
latitude: 3.077,
gdpPerPerson: 627,
rank: 99,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 29272,
televisions: 1648650,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 3227211
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HKG`,
name: `Hong Kong`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 7191503,
gdpTotal: 427400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 114.08,
latitude: 22.38,
gdpPerPerson: 59431,
rank: 100,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 86792,
televisions: 4084025,
publicDebt: 35,
internet: 3907543
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LAO`,
name: `Laos`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 7126706,
gdpTotal: 40960,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 102.36,
latitude: 20.171,
gdpPerPerson: 5747,
rank: 101,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 7093,
televisions: 4503172,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 5426041
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SRB`,
name: `Serbia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 7111024,
gdpTotal: 101800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.908,
latitude: 44.206,
gdpPerPerson: 14316,
rank: 102,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 30150,
televisions: 1316607,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 4104775
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BGR`,
name: `Bulgaria`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 7101510,
gdpTotal: 143100,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 25.465,
latitude: 42.741,
gdpPerPerson: 20151,
rank: 103,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 3661,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 45700,
televisions: 3310000,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 1899000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRY`,
name: `Paraguay`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 6943739,
gdpTotal: 64670,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -58.44,
latitude: -23.42,
gdpPerPerson: 9313,
rank: 104,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 28,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 70000,
televisions: 990000,
publicDebt: 27,
internet: 280000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PNG`,
name: `Papua New Guinea`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 6909701,
gdpTotal: 28020,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 143.62,
latitude: -5.836,
gdpPerPerson: 4055,
rank: 105,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 47800,
birthRate: 28,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 3698,
televisions: 59841,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 110000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LBY`,
name: `Libya`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 6653210,
gdpTotal: 90890,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 17.23,
latitude: 26.339,
gdpPerPerson: 13661,
rank: 106,
unemployment: 30,
oilProduction: 1712000,
birthRate: 26,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 21150,
televisions: 730000,
publicDebt: 5,
internet: 260000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LBN`,
name: `Lebanon`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 6229794,
gdpTotal: 85160,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 36.042,
latitude: 34.168,
gdpPerPerson: 13670,
rank: 107,
unemployment: 20,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 9183,
televisions: 1180000,
publicDebt: 187,
internet: 950000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SLV`,
name: `El Salvador`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 6172011,
gdpTotal: 54790,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -88.91,
latitude: 13.798,
gdpPerPerson: 8877,
rank: 108,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 26,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 5316,
televisions: 600000,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 700000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SLE`,
name: `Sierra Leone`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 6163195,
gdpTotal: 10640,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -11.78,
latitude: 8.452,
gdpPerPerson: 1726,
rank: 109,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 37412,
televisions: 2727270,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 223239
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ARE`,
name: `United Arab Emirates`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 6072475,
gdpTotal: 667200,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 54.192,
latitude: 23.795,
gdpPerPerson: 109873,
rank: 110,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 2510000,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 57060,
televisions: 310000,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 2300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NIC`,
name: `Nicaragua`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 6025951,
gdpTotal: 33550,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -85.09,
latitude: 12.523,
gdpPerPerson: 5568,
rank: 111,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 2778,
televisions: 320000,
publicDebt: 63,
internet: 155000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ERI`,
name: `Eritrea`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 5918919,
gdpTotal: 9169,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 39.772,
latitude: 15.191,
gdpPerPerson: 1549,
rank: 112,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 54,
electricity: 67474,
televisions: 2078077,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 1067843
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SGP`,
name: `Singapore`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 5888926,
gdpTotal: 487900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 103.82,
latitude: 1.356,
gdpPerPerson: 82850,
rank: 113,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 9836,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 39440,
televisions: 1330000,
publicDebt: 96,
internet: 3105000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KGZ`,
name: `Kyrgyzstan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 5789122,
gdpTotal: 21010,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 74.738,
latitude: 41.224,
gdpPerPerson: 3629,
rank: 114,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 16640,
televisions: 2101152,
publicDebt: 15,
internet: 738896
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CAF`,
name: `Central African Republic`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 5625118,
gdpTotal: 3206,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.917,
latitude: 6.633,
gdpPerPerson: 570,
rank: 115,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 71424,
televisions: 635931,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 1933873
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DNK`,
name: `Denmark`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5605948,
gdpTotal: 264800,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.348,
latitude: 56.13,
gdpPerPerson: 47236,
rank: 116,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 342000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 43350,
televisions: 3121000,
publicDebt: 26,
internet: 3500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FIN`,
name: `Finland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5491218,
gdpTotal: 224137,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 25.988,
latitude: 61.841,
gdpPerPerson: 40817,
rank: 117,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 8951,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 73470,
televisions: 3200000,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 3600000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SVK`,
name: `Slovakia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5445829,
gdpTotal: 168800,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 18.877,
latitude: 48.702,
gdpPerPerson: 30996,
rank: 118,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 12840,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 29890,
televisions: 2620000,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 2350000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TKM`,
name: `Turkmenistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 5351277,
gdpTotal: 94720,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 59.562,
latitude: 38.975,
gdpPerPerson: 17700,
rank: 119,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 91281,
televisions: 2935468,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 3203210
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NOR`,
name: `Norway`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5320045,
gdpTotal: 364700,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.66,
latitude: 60.712,
gdpPerPerson: 68552,
rank: 120,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 2560000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 135800,
televisions: 2030000,
publicDebt: 83,
internet: 3800000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IRL`,
name: `Ireland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5011102,
gdpTotal: 322000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -8.209,
latitude: 53.42,
gdpPerPerson: 64257,
rank: 121,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 24130,
televisions: 1820000,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 1708000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COG`,
name: `Congo`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 4954674,
gdpTotal: 30270,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 16.264,
latitude: -0.07,
gdpPerPerson: 6109,
rank: 122,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 83556,
televisions: 1560800,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 2650237
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CRI`,
name: `Costa Rica`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 4930258,
gdpTotal: 79260,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -83.91,
latitude: 9.92,
gdpPerPerson: 16076,
rank: 123,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 8349,
televisions: 525000,
publicDebt: 47,
internet: 1500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GEO`,
name: `Georgia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 4926330,
gdpTotal: 37270,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 43.257,
latitude: 42.162,
gdpPerPerson: 7565,
rank: 124,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 44936,
televisions: 2728128,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 3844448
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LBR`,
name: `Liberia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 4689021,
gdpTotal: 3881,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -9.454,
latitude: 6.445,
gdpPerPerson: 828,
rank: 125,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 89626,
televisions: 3065112,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 1475304
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PSE`,
name: `Palestine`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 4543126,
gdpTotal: 21221,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Disputed`,
longitude: 35.347,
latitude: 32.031,
gdpPerPerson: 4671,
rank: 126,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 45973,
televisions: 2774033,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 1718915
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NZL`,
name: `New Zealand`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 4510327,
gdpTotal: 174800,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Australia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 169.42,
latitude: -44.86,
gdpPerPerson: 38756,
rank: 127,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 25880,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 42060,
televisions: 1926000,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 3360000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HRV`,
name: `Croatia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 4292095,
gdpTotal: 94240,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 16.847,
latitude: 45.674,
gdpPerPerson: 21957,
rank: 128,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 17100,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 11990,
televisions: 1220000,
publicDebt: 48,
internet: 1995000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BIH`,
name: `Bosnia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 3856181,
gdpTotal: 42530,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 17.66,
latitude: 43.918,
gdpPerPerson: 11029,
rank: 129,
unemployment: 46,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 12220,
televisions: 0,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 1055000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MRT`,
name: `Mauritania`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 3758571,
gdpTotal: 16710,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -8.89,
latitude: 20.387,
gdpPerPerson: 4446,
rank: 130,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 15176,
televisions: 2558125,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 2098221
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PAN`,
name: `Panama`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 3753142,
gdpTotal: 93120,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -81.17,
latitude: 8.457,
gdpPerPerson: 24811,
rank: 131,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 5661,
televisions: 510000,
publicDebt: 53,
internet: 525200
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SOL`,
name: `Somaliland`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 3500000,
gdpTotal: 12250,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Indeterminate`,
longitude: 45.798,
latitude: 9.748,
gdpPerPerson: 3500,
rank: 132,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 73247,
televisions: 2235408,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 1300238
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MDA`,
name: `Moldova`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 3474121,
gdpTotal: 18540,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 28.552,
latitude: 47.515,
gdpPerPerson: 5337,
rank: 133,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 3881,
televisions: 1260000,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 700000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `OMN`,
name: `Oman`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 3424386,
gdpTotal: 173100,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 57.563,
latitude: 22.014,
gdpPerPerson: 50549,
rank: 134,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 710800,
birthRate: 35,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 11890,
televisions: 1600000,
publicDebt: 4,
internet: 340000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `URY`,
name: `Uruguay`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 3360148,
gdpTotal: 73250,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -55.78,
latitude: -32.51,
gdpPerPerson: 21800,
rank: 135,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 27830,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 9200,
televisions: 782000,
publicDebt: 65,
internet: 968000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRI`,
name: `Puerto Rico`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 3351827,
gdpTotal: 131000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -66.61,
latitude: 18.235,
gdpPerPerson: 39083,
rank: 136,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 19677,
televisions: 1917997,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 608062
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MNG`,
name: `Mongolia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 3068243,
gdpTotal: 37000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 103.82,
latitude: 46.856,
gdpPerPerson: 12059,
rank: 137,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 3875,
televisions: 1726758,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 562546
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ALB`,
name: `Albania`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 3047987,
gdpTotal: 33900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 19.964,
latitude: 40.759,
gdpPerPerson: 11122,
rank: 138,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 7006,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 5385,
televisions: 700000,
publicDebt: 51,
internet: 471200
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ARM`,
name: `Armenia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 3045191,
gdpTotal: 26300,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 44.646,
latitude: 40.618,
gdpPerPerson: 8637,
rank: 139,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 71042,
televisions: 2390201,
publicDebt: 9,
internet: 488333
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JAM`,
name: `Jamaica`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 2990561,
gdpTotal: 25390,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -77.27,
latitude: 18.119,
gdpPerPerson: 8490,
rank: 140,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 23,
electricity: 6985,
televisions: 460000,
publicDebt: 127,
internet: 1500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KWT`,
name: `Kuwait`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 2875422,
gdpTotal: 301100,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 47.487,
latitude: 29.315,
gdpPerPerson: 104715,
rank: 141,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 2440000,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 41110,
televisions: 875000,
publicDebt: 10,
internet: 900000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LTU`,
name: `Lithuania`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 2823859,
gdpTotal: 85620,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 23.838,
latitude: 55.152,
gdpPerPerson: 30320,
rank: 142,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 13160,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 13480,
televisions: 1700000,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 1330000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NAM`,
name: `Namibia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 2484780,
gdpTotal: 25990,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 16.944,
latitude: -20.52,
gdpPerPerson: 10460,
rank: 143,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 1688,
televisions: 60000,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 101000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `QAT`,
name: `Qatar`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 2314307,
gdpTotal: 334500,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 51.182,
latitude: 25.359,
gdpPerPerson: 144536,
rank: 144,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 797500,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 31,
electricity: 13540,
televisions: 230000,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 351000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BWA`,
name: `Botswana`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 2214858,
gdpTotal: 35900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 24.671,
latitude: -22.32,
gdpPerPerson: 16209,
rank: 145,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 912,
televisions: 31000,
publicDebt: 5,
internet: 80000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MKD`,
name: `North Macedonia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 2103721,
gdpTotal: 29520,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 21.727,
latitude: 41.604,
gdpPerPerson: 14032,
rank: 146,
unemployment: 35,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 6051,
televisions: 510000,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 685000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GMB`,
name: `Gambia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 2051363,
gdpTotal: 3387,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -15.32,
latitude: 13.438,
gdpPerPerson: 1651,
rank: 147,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 9769,
televisions: 1486289,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 187890
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SVN`,
name: `Slovenia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 1972126,
gdpTotal: 68350,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 14.947,
latitude: 46.146,
gdpPerPerson: 34658,
rank: 148,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 14900,
televisions: 710000,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 1300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LSO`,
name: `Lesotho`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1958042,
gdpTotal: 6019,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 28.221,
latitude: -29.61,
gdpPerPerson: 3074,
rank: 149,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 20229,
televisions: 1457517,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 1375222
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LVA`,
name: `Latvia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 1944643,
gdpTotal: 50650,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 26.505,
latitude: 56.755,
gdpPerPerson: 26046,
rank: 150,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 4778,
televisions: 1220000,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 1770000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `RKS`,
name: `Kosovo`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 1895250,
gdpTotal: 18490,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.891,
latitude: 42.557,
gdpPerPerson: 9756,
rank: 151,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 14878,
televisions: 1287863,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 1422193
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GNB`,
name: `Guinea-Bissau`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1792338,
gdpTotal: 2851,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -14.59,
latitude: 11.942,
gdpPerPerson: 1591,
rank: 152,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 74684,
televisions: 1427462,
publicDebt: 8,
internet: 365000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GAB`,
name: `Gabon`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1772255,
gdpTotal: 35980,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 11.592,
latitude: -0.807,
gdpPerPerson: 20302,
rank: 153,
unemployment: 21,
oilProduction: 240000,
birthRate: 36,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 1520,
televisions: 63000,
publicDebt: 53,
internet: 145000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SWZ`,
name: `Eswatini`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1467152,
gdpTotal: 11060,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 31.45,
latitude: -26.52,
gdpPerPerson: 7538,
rank: 154,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 72804,
televisions: 229393,
publicDebt: 5,
internet: 427760
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BHR`,
name: `Bahrain`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1410942,
gdpTotal: 66370,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 50.535,
latitude: 26.027,
gdpPerPerson: 47039,
rank: 155,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 184300,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 8187,
televisions: 275000,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 250000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MUS`,
name: `Mauritius`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1356388,
gdpTotal: 25850,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 57.555,
latitude: -20.25,
gdpPerPerson: 19058,
rank: 156,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 2350,
televisions: 258000,
publicDebt: 63,
internet: 340000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TLS`,
name: `Timor-Leste`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1291358,
gdpTotal: 4975,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 125.66,
latitude: -8.826,
gdpPerPerson: 3853,
rank: 157,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 84061,
televisions: 416260,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 267437
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `EST`,
name: `Estonia`,
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gdpTotal: 38700,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 25.441,
latitude: 58.845,
gdpPerPerson: 30921,
rank: 158,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 6930,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 9599,
televisions: 605000,
publicDebt: 3,
internet: 780000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CYP`,
name: `Cyprus`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1221549,
gdpTotal: 29260,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 33.176,
latitude: 34.876,
gdpPerPerson: 23953,
rank: 159,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 4618,
televisions: 0,
publicDebt: 60,
internet: 380000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TTO`,
name: `Trinidad and Tobago`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 1218208,
gdpTotal: 43570,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.21,
latitude: 10.352,
gdpPerPerson: 35766,
rank: 160,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 58959,
televisions: 359389,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 152416
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FJI`,
name: `Fiji`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 920938,
gdpTotal: 8374,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 177.85,
latitude: -17.75,
gdpPerPerson: 9093,
rank: 161,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 88931,
televisions: 517580,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 539400
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DJI`,
name: `Djibouti`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 865267,
gdpTotal: 3345,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 42.587,
latitude: 11.825,
gdpPerPerson: 3866,
rank: 162,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 91593,
televisions: 209004,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 476114
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COM`,
name: `Comoros`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 808080,
gdpTotal: 1259,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 43.877,
latitude: -11.86,
gdpPerPerson: 1558,
rank: 163,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 6146,
televisions: 495921,
publicDebt: 10,
internet: 459977
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GNQ`,
name: `Equatorial Guinea`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 778358,
gdpTotal: 31770,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 10.521,
latitude: 1.763,
gdpPerPerson: 40817,
rank: 164,
unemployment: 30,
oilProduction: 385500,
birthRate: 37,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 28,
televisions: 4000,
publicDebt: 2,
internet: 8000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BTN`,
name: `Bhutan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 758288,
gdpTotal: 6432,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 90.411,
latitude: 27.506,
gdpPerPerson: 8482,
rank: 165,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 2000,
televisions: 11000,
publicDebt: 81,
internet: 40000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GUY`,
name: `Guyana`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 737718,
gdpTotal: 6093,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -58.96,
latitude: 5.607,
gdpPerPerson: 8259,
rank: 166,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 84988,
televisions: 149848,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 134377
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SLB`,
name: `Solomon Islands`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 647581,
gdpTotal: 1198,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 161.3,
latitude: -9.221,
gdpPerPerson: 1850,
rank: 167,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 3432,
televisions: 177555,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 478635
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MNE`,
name: `Montenegro`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 642550,
gdpTotal: 10610,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 19.191,
latitude: 42.814,
gdpPerPerson: 16512,
rank: 168,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 24709,
televisions: 126756,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 336628
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ESH`,
name: `Western Sahara`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 603253,
gdpTotal: 907,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -12.89,
latitude: 24.231,
gdpPerPerson: 1504,
rank: 169,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 11081,
televisions: 237857,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 306624
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MAC`,
name: `Macao`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 601969,
gdpTotal: 63220,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 113.51,
latitude: 22.221,
gdpPerPerson: 105022,
rank: 170,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 77896,
televisions: 163859,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 62728
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LUX`,
name: `Luxembourg`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 594130,
gdpTotal: 58740,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 6.109,
latitude: 49.806,
gdpPerPerson: 98867,
rank: 171,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 3156,
televisions: 285000,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 345000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SUR`,
name: `Suriname`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 591919,
gdpTotal: 8547,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -56.02,
latitude: 4.506,
gdpPerPerson: 14439,
rank: 172,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 82658,
televisions: 69068,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 367104
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CPV`,
name: `Cabo Verde`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 560899,
gdpTotal: 3583,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -25.16,
latitude: 17.102,
gdpPerPerson: 6388,
rank: 173,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 54,
electricity: 60647,
televisions: 101289,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 40105
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BRN`,
name: `Brunei`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 443593,
gdpTotal: 33730,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 114.69,
latitude: 4.523,
gdpPerPerson: 76038,
rank: 174,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 50701,
televisions: 235042,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 188751
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MLT`,
name: `Malta`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 416338,
gdpTotal: 16320,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 14.373,
latitude: 35.948,
gdpPerPerson: 39199,
rank: 175,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 77444,
televisions: 282390,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 317612
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MDV`,
name: `Maldives`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 392709,
gdpTotal: 5407,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 73.455,
latitude: 3.739,
gdpPerPerson: 13768,
rank: 176,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 26004,
televisions: 156412,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 45331
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BLZ`,
name: `Belize`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 360346,
gdpTotal: 3088,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -88.51,
latitude: 17.185,
gdpPerPerson: 8570,
rank: 177,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 57433,
televisions: 127478,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 223855
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ISL`,
name: `Iceland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 339747,
gdpTotal: 16150,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -19.01,
latitude: 64.966,
gdpPerPerson: 47535,
rank: 178,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 8533,
televisions: 98000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 202300
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BHS`,
name: `Bahamas`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 329988,
gdpTotal: 9066,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -78.01,
latitude: 24.761,
gdpPerPerson: 27474,
rank: 179,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 38395,
televisions: 203588,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 91807
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FRG`,
name: `French Guiana`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 296161,
gdpTotal: 1299000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -53.13,
latitude: 3.893,
gdpPerPerson: 4386,
rank: 180,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 73845,
televisions: 147489,
publicDebt: 35,
internet: 209593
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BRB`,
name: `Barbados`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 292336,
gdpTotal: 4804,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -59.53,
latitude: 13.19,
gdpPerPerson: 16433,
rank: 181,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 28728,
televisions: 173392,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 73593
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PYF`,
name: `Fr. Polynesia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 287881,
gdpTotal: 5490,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -143.9,
latitude: -14.82,
gdpPerPerson: 19070,
rank: 182,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 45,
electricity: 46206,
televisions: 43757,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 172560
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VUT`,
name: `Vanuatu`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 282814,
gdpTotal: 723,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 168.21,
latitude: -16.97,
gdpPerPerson: 2556,
rank: 183,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 50581,
televisions: 187584,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 223352
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NCL`,
name: `New Caledonia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 279070,
gdpTotal: 10770,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 165.26,
latitude: -21.09,
gdpPerPerson: 38592,
rank: 184,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 49,
electricity: 18361,
televisions: 79923,
publicDebt: 45,
internet: 149003
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NCP`,
name: `Northern Cyprus`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 265100,
gdpTotal: 3600,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 33.714,
latitude: 35.257,
gdpPerPerson: 13580,
rank: 185,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 84000,
televisions: 135551,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 167480
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `STP`,
name: `Sao Tome and Principe`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 201025,
gdpTotal: 694,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 6.598,
latitude: 0.248,
gdpPerPerson: 3452,
rank: 186,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 6691,
televisions: 65480,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 121162
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `WSM`,
name: `Samoa`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 200108,
gdpTotal: 1046,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -172.1,
latitude: -13.75,
gdpPerPerson: 5227,
rank: 187,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 50118,
televisions: 54930,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 84739
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GUM`,
name: `Guam`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 167358,
gdpTotal: 4882,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 144.79,
latitude: 13.44,
gdpPerPerson: 29171,
rank: 188,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 64229,
televisions: 43567,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 121131
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LCA`,
name: `Saint Lucia`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 164994,
gdpTotal: 2083,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -60.98,
latitude: 13.905,
gdpPerPerson: 12625,
rank: 189,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 75473,
televisions: 87743,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 64498
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CUW`,
name: `Curacao`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 149648,
gdpTotal: 3128,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -68.95,
latitude: 12.213,
gdpPerPerson: 20902,
rank: 190,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 74665,
televisions: 89830,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 55905
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ABW`,
name: `Aruba`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 115120,
gdpTotal: 2516,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -69.98,
latitude: 12.519,
gdpPerPerson: 21855,
rank: 191,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 2356,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 770,
televisions: 20000,
publicDebt: 46,
internet: 24000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GRD`,
name: `Grenada`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 111724,
gdpTotal: 1511,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.69,
latitude: 12.123,
gdpPerPerson: 13524,
rank: 192,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 4992,
televisions: 58674,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 33132
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KIR`,
name: `Kiribati`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 108145,
gdpTotal: 211,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -157.333,
latitude: 1.884,
gdpPerPerson: 1951,
rank: 193,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 37081,
televisions: 52395,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 36620
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VIR`,
name: `U.S. Virgin Island`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 107268,
gdpTotal: 3792,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -64.77,
latitude: 17.77,
gdpPerPerson: 35351,
rank: 194,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 13387,
televisions: 77187,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 40836
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TON`,
name: `Tonga`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 106479,
gdpTotal: 557,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -173.9,
latitude: -18.62,
gdpPerPerson: 5231,
rank: 195,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 88735,
televisions: 30257,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 71756
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FSM`,
name: `Micronesia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 104196,
gdpTotal: 314,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 150.52,
latitude: 7.435,
gdpPerPerson: 3014,
rank: 196,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 39068,
televisions: 45396,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 29169
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VCT`,
name: `St. Vin. and Gren.`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 102089,
gdpTotal: 1241,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.17,
latitude: 13.239,
gdpPerPerson: 12156,
rank: 197,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 39467,
televisions: 42804,
publicDebt: 9,
internet: 66754
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JEY`,
name: `Jersey`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 98840,
gdpTotal: 5080,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -2.123,
latitude: 49.218,
gdpPerPerson: 51396,
rank: 198,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 64261,
televisions: 52453,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 3026
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ATG`,
name: `Antigua and Barbuda`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 94731,
gdpTotal: 2171,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.79,
latitude: 17.096,
gdpPerPerson: 22918,
rank: 199,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 35849,
televisions: 75384,
publicDebt: 32,
internet: 6170
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SYC`,
name: `Seychelles`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 93920,
gdpTotal: 2608,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 55.463,
latitude: -4.672,
gdpPerPerson: 27768,
rank: 200,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 252,
televisions: 11000,
publicDebt: 92,
internet: 32000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IMN`,
name: `Isle of Man`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 88815,
gdpTotal: 7428,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -4.562,
latitude: 54.233,
gdpPerPerson: 83635,
rank: 201,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 15745,
televisions: 25734,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 2650
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AND`,
name: `Andorra`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 85702,
gdpTotal: 3327,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 1.578,
latitude: 42.539,
gdpPerPerson: 38821,
rank: 202,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 56209,
televisions: 42797,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 42006
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MHL`,
name: `Marshall Islands`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 74539,
gdpTotal: 180,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 169.3,
latitude: 8.484,
gdpPerPerson: 2415,
rank: 203,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 78832,
televisions: 15193,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 8536
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DMA`,
name: `Dominica`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 73897,
gdpTotal: 812,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.36,
latitude: 15.43,
gdpPerPerson: 10988,
rank: 204,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 49809,
televisions: 17676,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 2616
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BMU`,
name: `Bermuda`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 70864,
gdpTotal: 5198,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -64.76,
latitude: 32.323,
gdpPerPerson: 73352,
rank: 205,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 54728,
televisions: 16336,
publicDebt: 27,
internet: 41606
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GGY`,
name: `Guernsey`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 66502,
gdpTotal: 3465,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -2.579,
latitude: 49.468,
gdpPerPerson: 52104,
rank: 206,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 9806,
televisions: 24638,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 29222
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CYM`,
name: `Cayman Island`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 58441,
gdpTotal: 2507,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -81.25,
latitude: 19.343,
gdpPerPerson: 42898,
rank: 207,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 70206,
televisions: 28885,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 9332
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GRL`,
name: `Greenland`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 57713,
gdpTotal: 2173,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -42.12,
latitude: 69.547,
gdpPerPerson: 37652,
rank: 208,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 86090,
televisions: 43741,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 11423
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KNA`,
name: `St. Kitts and Nevis`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 52715,
gdpTotal: 1427,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -62.77,
latitude: 17.351,
gdpPerPerson: 27070,
rank: 209,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 65438,
televisions: 17719,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 8543
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TCA`,
name: `Turks and Caicos Is.`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 52570,
gdpTotal: 632,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -71.96,
latitude: 21.913,
gdpPerPerson: 12022,
rank: 210,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 51325,
televisions: 13109,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 24564
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MNP`,
name: `N. Mariana Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 52263,
gdpTotal: 682,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 145.49,
latitude: 16.459,
gdpPerPerson: 13049,
rank: 211,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 87386,
televisions: 13049,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 5484
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ASM`,
name: `American Samoa`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 51504,
gdpTotal: 711,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -170.6,
latitude: -14.3,
gdpPerPerson: 13805,
rank: 212,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 65918,
televisions: 18802,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 14691
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FRO`,
name: `Faeroe Island`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 50730,
gdpTotal: 2001,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -6.857,
latitude: 62.178,
gdpPerPerson: 39444,
rank: 213,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 55029,
televisions: 11762,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 2412
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SXM`,
name: `Sint Maarten`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 42083,
gdpTotal: 366,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -63.06,
latitude: 18.044,
gdpPerPerson: 8697,
rank: 214,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 17166,
televisions: 8474,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 14309
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LIE`,
name: `Liechtenstein`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 38244,
gdpTotal: 4978,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.545,
latitude: 47.164,
gdpPerPerson: 130164,
rank: 215,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 80781,
televisions: 23104,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 8159
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VGB`,
name: `British Virgin Island`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 35015,
gdpTotal: 500,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -64.6,
latitude: 18.44,
gdpPerPerson: 14280,
rank: 216,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 47732,
televisions: 17777,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 6238
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SMR`,
name: `San Marino`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 33537,
gdpTotal: 2023,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 12.456,
latitude: 43.942,
gdpPerPerson: 60321,
rank: 217,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 21943,
televisions: 22355,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 23505
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MAF`,
name: `St. Martin`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 32125,
gdpTotal: 562,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -63.06,
latitude: 18.092,
gdpPerPerson: 17494,
rank: 218,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 76791,
televisions: 17592,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 25032
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MCO`,
name: `Monaco`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 30645,
gdpTotal: 7672,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 7.408,
latitude: 43.751,
gdpPerPerson: 250351,
rank: 219,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 31,
electricity: 73517,
televisions: 10057,
publicDebt: 10,
internet: 18394
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ALA`,
name: `Aland Islands`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 27153,
gdpTotal: 1563,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: 20.065,
latitude: 60.209,
gdpPerPerson: 57563,
rank: 220,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 54,
electricity: 69394,
televisions: 14696,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 2736
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PLW`,
name: `Palau`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 21431,
gdpTotal: 276,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 134.63,
latitude: 7.532,
gdpPerPerson: 12879,
rank: 221,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 88599,
televisions: 3019,
publicDebt: 8,
internet: 17075
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AIA`,
name: `Anguilla`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 17087,
gdpTotal: 175,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -63.07,
latitude: 18.221,
gdpPerPerson: 10242,
rank: 222,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 49,
electricity: 68590,
televisions: 10632,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 8703
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `WLF`,
name: `Wallis Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 15714,
gdpTotal: 60,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -177.1,
latitude: -13.77,
gdpPerPerson: 3818,
rank: 223,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 0,
medianAge: 0,
electricity: 0,
televisions: 0,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 900
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NRU`,
name: `Nauru`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 9642,
gdpTotal: 151,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 166.93,
latitude: -0.52,
gdpPerPerson: 15661,
rank: 224,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 84092,
televisions: 1777,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 4585
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COK`,
name: `Cook Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 9290,
gdpTotal: 244,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -159.7,
latitude: -21.21,
gdpPerPerson: 26265,
rank: 225,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 45,
electricity: 41320,
televisions: 3712,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 3555
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SHN`,
name: `Saint Helena`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 7828,
gdpTotal: 31,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -10.03,
latitude: -11.94,
gdpPerPerson: 3960,
rank: 226,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 84435,
televisions: 3812,
publicDebt: 15,
internet: 5530
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BLM`,
name: `St. Barthalemy`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 7184,
gdpTotal: 255,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -62.83,
latitude: 17.899,
gdpPerPerson: 35496,
rank: 227,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 36112,
televisions: 4072,
publicDebt: 27,
internet: 5097
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KAS`,
name: `Siachen Glacier`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 6000,
gdpTotal: 15,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: 77.283,
latitude: 35.386,
gdpPerPerson: 2500,
rank: 228,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 62932,
televisions: 936,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 1303
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SPM`,
name: `St. Pierre and Miquelon`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 5533,
gdpTotal: 215,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -56.26,
latitude: 46.926,
gdpPerPerson: 38858,
rank: 229,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 61277,
televisions: 2067,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 2924
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MSR`,
name: `Montserrat`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 5292,
gdpTotal: 44,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -62.18,
latitude: 16.745,
gdpPerPerson: 8314,
rank: 230,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 19088,
televisions: 1964,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 4009
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IOT`,
name: `British Indian Territory`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 4000,
gdpTotal: 160,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 72.424,
latitude: -7.328,
gdpPerPerson: 40000,
rank: 232,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 91829,
televisions: 1510,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 1656
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FLK`,
name: `Falkland Island`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 2931,
gdpTotal: 282,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -59.46,
latitude: -51.78,
gdpPerPerson: 96213,
rank: 233,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 68007,
televisions: 1489,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 1335
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NFK`,
name: `Norfolk Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 2210,
gdpTotal: 33,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Australia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 167.94,
latitude: -29.05,
gdpPerPerson: 14932,
rank: 234,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 91943,
televisions: 583,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 1183
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NIU`,
name: `Niue`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 1626,
gdpTotal: 10,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -169.8,
latitude: -19.05,
gdpPerPerson: 6150,
rank: 235,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 16785,
televisions: 585,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 1247
tsimport { IgcNumberAbbreviatorModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartScatterModule, IgcDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule, IgcDataChartAnnotationModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcDataChartComponent, IgcNumericXAxisComponent, IgcNumericYAxisComponent, IgcBubbleSeriesComponent, IgcSizeScaleComponent, IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { WorldStatsItem, WorldStats } from './WorldStats';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private xAxis: IgcNumericXAxisComponent
private yAxis: IgcNumericYAxisComponent
private bubbleSeries1: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale1: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale1(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale1 == null)
var sizeScale1 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale1.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale1.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale1.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale1 = sizeScale1;
return this._sizeScale1;
private dataToolTipLayer: IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var xAxis = this.xAxis = document.getElementById('xAxis') as IgcNumericXAxisComponent;
var yAxis = this.yAxis = document.getElementById('yAxis') as IgcNumericYAxisComponent;
var bubbleSeries1 = this.bubbleSeries1 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries1') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var dataToolTipLayer = this.dataToolTipLayer = document.getElementById('dataToolTipLayer') as IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent;
this._bind = () => {
bubbleSeries1.radiusScale = this.sizeScale1;
bubbleSeries1.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries1.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries1.dataSource = this.worldStats;
private _worldStats: WorldStats = null;
public get worldStats(): WorldStats {
if (this._worldStats == null)
this._worldStats = new WorldStats();
return this._worldStats;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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chart-title="Population vs. Public Debt vs. GDP"
title="Public Debt per GDP (%)"
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Web Components Bubble Chart with Multiple Series
In Web Components Bubble Chart, binding multiple data sources works by setting each new data source to ItemsSource
property of a additional IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
, as shown in the example below:
export class CountryStatsAfricaItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryStatsAfricaItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public population: number;
public workedHours: number;
public gDP: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryStatsAfrica extends Array<CountryStatsAfricaItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryStatsAfricaItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `DZA`,
population: 39728000,
workedHours: 47.5,
gDP: 13725,
name: `Algeria`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `AGO`,
population: 27884000,
workedHours: 39.8,
gDP: 6228,
name: `Angola`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BEN`,
population: 10576000,
workedHours: 43.7,
gDP: 1987,
name: `Benin`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BWA`,
population: 2121000,
workedHours: 41.2,
gDP: 15357,
name: `Botswana`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BFA`,
population: 18111000,
workedHours: 39.3,
gDP: 1596,
name: `Burkina Faso`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `BDI`,
population: 10160000,
workedHours: 36.4,
gDP: 748,
name: `Burundi`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CMR`,
population: 23298000,
workedHours: 42,
gDP: 3289,
name: `Cameroon`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CPV`,
population: 525000,
workedHours: 45,
gDP: 5915,
name: `Cape Verde`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CAF`,
population: 4493000,
workedHours: 38,
gDP: 622,
name: `Central African Republic`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TCD`,
population: 14111000,
workedHours: 40.4,
gDP: 2067,
name: `Chad`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COM`,
population: 777000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 1413,
name: `Comoros`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COG`,
population: 4856000,
workedHours: 38.1,
gDP: 5543,
name: `Congo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `CIV`,
population: 23226000,
workedHours: 39.7,
gDP: 3242,
name: `Cote Ivoire`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `COD`,
population: 76245000,
workedHours: 44,
gDP: 812,
name: `Democratic Republic of Congo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `EGY`,
population: 92443000,
workedHours: 39.7,
gDP: 10096,
name: `Egypt`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GNQ`,
population: 1169000,
workedHours: 38.8,
gDP: 27554,
name: `Equatorial Guinea`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SWZ`,
population: 1104000,
workedHours: 45.7,
gDP: 7759,
name: `Eswatini`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ETH`,
population: 101000000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 1533,
name: `Ethiopia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GAB`,
population: 1948000,
workedHours: 40.5,
gDP: 16837,
name: `Gabon`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GMB`,
population: 2086000,
workedHours: 40.3,
gDP: 1568,
name: `Gambia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GHA`,
population: 27849000,
workedHours: 47.6,
gDP: 3927,
name: `Ghana`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GIN`,
population: 11432000,
workedHours: 43.4,
gDP: 1758,
name: `Guinea`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `GNB`,
population: 1737000,
workedHours: 35.1,
gDP: 1446,
name: `Guinea-Bissau`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `KEN`,
population: 47878000,
workedHours: 43.9,
gDP: 2836,
name: `Kenya`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LSO`,
population: 2059000,
workedHours: 47.6,
gDP: 2708,
name: `Lesotho`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LBR`,
population: 4472000,
workedHours: 40.3,
gDP: 785,
name: `Liberia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `LBY`,
population: 6418000,
workedHours: 42.5,
gDP: 14847,
name: `Libya`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MDG`,
population: 24234000,
workedHours: 40.8,
gDP: 1377,
name: `Madagascar`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MWI`,
population: 16745000,
workedHours: 44.5,
gDP: 1089,
name: `Malawi`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MLI`,
population: 17439000,
workedHours: 40.6,
gDP: 1919,
name: `Mali`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MRT`,
population: 4046000,
workedHours: 45.9,
gDP: 3602,
name: `Mauritania`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MUS`,
population: 1259000,
workedHours: 44.4,
gDP: 18864,
name: `Mauritius`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MAR`,
population: 34664000,
workedHours: 39.6,
gDP: 7297,
name: `Morocco`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `MOZ`,
population: 27042000,
workedHours: 46.7,
gDP: 1118,
name: `Mozambique`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NAM`,
population: 2315000,
workedHours: 43.1,
gDP: 9975,
name: `Namibia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NER`,
population: 20002000,
workedHours: 45,
gDP: 908,
name: `Niger`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `NGA`,
population: 181000000,
workedHours: 32.76,
gDP: 5671,
name: `Nigeria`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `RWA`,
population: 11369000,
workedHours: 46.3,
gDP: 1731,
name: `Rwanda`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `STP`,
population: 199000,
workedHours: 38.2,
gDP: 2948,
name: `Sao Tome`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SEN`,
population: 14578000,
workedHours: 46.8,
gDP: 2294,
name: `Senegal`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SYC`,
population: 95000,
workedHours: 39.8,
gDP: 24857,
name: `Seychelles`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SLE`,
population: 7172000,
workedHours: 35.4,
gDP: 1314,
name: `Sierra Leone`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZAF`,
population: 55386000,
workedHours: 42.48,
gDP: 12378,
name: `South Africa`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SSD`,
population: 10716000,
workedHours: 39.3,
gDP: 1875,
name: `South Sudan`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `SDN`,
population: 38903000,
workedHours: 36.3,
gDP: 4290,
name: `Sudan`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TZA`,
population: 51483000,
workedHours: 38,
gDP: 2491,
name: `Tanzania`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TGO`,
population: 7323000,
workedHours: 38.8,
gDP: 1351,
name: `Togo`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `TUN`,
population: 11180000,
workedHours: 35.2,
gDP: 10766,
name: `Tunisia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `UGA`,
population: 38225000,
workedHours: 38.6,
gDP: 1666,
name: `Uganda`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZMB`,
population: 15879000,
workedHours: 46.6,
gDP: 3627,
name: `Zambia`
new CountryStatsAfricaItem(
code: `ZWE`,
population: 13815000,
workedHours: 41.4,
gDP: 1912,
name: `Zimbabwe`
tsexport class CountryStatsEuropeItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<CountryStatsEuropeItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public population: number;
public workedHours: number;
public gDP: number;
public name: string;
export class CountryStatsEurope extends Array<CountryStatsEuropeItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<CountryStatsEuropeItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ALB`,
population: 2891000,
workedHours: 41,
gDP: 10970,
name: `Albania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `AUT`,
population: 8679000,
workedHours: 30.75,
gDP: 44305,
name: `Austria`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BLR`,
population: 9439000,
workedHours: 43.5,
gDP: 17230,
name: `Belarus`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BEL`,
population: 11288000,
workedHours: 29.7,
gDP: 41708,
name: `Belgium`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BIH`,
population: 3429000,
workedHours: 46.5,
gDP: 10932,
name: `Bosnia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `BGR`,
population: 7200000,
workedHours: 31.62,
gDP: 17000,
name: `Bulgaria`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `HRV`,
population: 4233000,
workedHours: 35.15,
gDP: 20984,
name: `Croatia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CYP`,
population: 1161000,
workedHours: 34.42,
gDP: 30549,
name: `Cyprus`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CZE`,
population: 10601000,
workedHours: 33.77,
gDP: 30605,
name: `Czechia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `DNK`,
population: 5689000,
workedHours: 27.16,
gDP: 45459,
name: `Denmark`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `EST`,
population: 1315000,
workedHours: 35.61,
gDP: 27550,
name: `Estonia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `FIN`,
population: 5481000,
workedHours: 31.48,
gDP: 38942,
name: `Finland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `FRA`,
population: 64453000,
workedHours: 29.03,
gDP: 37766,
name: `France`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `DEU`,
population: 81787000,
workedHours: 26.31,
gDP: 43938,
name: `Germany`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `GRC`,
population: 10660000,
workedHours: 39.06,
gDP: 24170,
name: `Greece`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `HUN`,
population: 9778000,
workedHours: 36.99,
gDP: 25034,
name: `Hungary`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ISL`,
population: 330000,
workedHours: 29.02,
gDP: 43048,
name: `Iceland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `IRL`,
population: 4652000,
workedHours: 33.47,
gDP: 60818,
name: `Ireland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ITA`,
population: 60578000,
workedHours: 33.04,
gDP: 34302,
name: `Italy`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LVA`,
population: 1998000,
workedHours: 36.57,
gDP: 23019,
name: `Latvia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LTU`,
population: 2932000,
workedHours: 35.76,
gDP: 27046,
name: `Lithuania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `LUX`,
population: 567000,
workedHours: 29.25,
gDP: 94089,
name: `Luxembourg`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MLT`,
population: 434000,
workedHours: 37.78,
gDP: 34087,
name: `Malta`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MDA`,
population: 4071000,
workedHours: 41,
gDP: 4747,
name: `Moldova`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MNE`,
population: 627000,
workedHours: 47.2,
gDP: 15290,
name: `Montenegro`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `NLD`,
population: 16938000,
workedHours: 27.38,
gDP: 46494,
name: `Netherlands`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `MKD`,
population: 2079000,
workedHours: 36.6,
gDP: 12760,
name: `North Macedonia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `NOR`,
population: 5200000,
workedHours: 27.36,
gDP: 64008,
name: `Norway`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `POL`,
population: 38034000,
workedHours: 39.4,
gDP: 25300,
name: `Poland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `PRT`,
population: 10368000,
workedHours: 36.06,
gDP: 26608,
name: `Portugal`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ROU`,
population: 19925000,
workedHours: 34.34,
gDP: 20556,
name: `Romania`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `RUS`,
population: 145000000,
workedHours: 38.04,
gDP: 24517,
name: `Russia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SMR`,
population: 33000,
workedHours: 40.1,
gDP: 56372,
name: `San Marino`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SRB`,
population: 8877000,
workedHours: 46.5,
gDP: 13278,
name: `Serbia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SVK`,
population: 5436000,
workedHours: 33.73,
gDP: 28309,
name: `Slovakia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SVN`,
population: 2071000,
workedHours: 32.46,
gDP: 29038,
name: `Slovenia`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `ESP`,
population: 46672000,
workedHours: 32.68,
gDP: 32291,
name: `Spain`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `SWE`,
population: 9765000,
workedHours: 30.96,
gDP: 45679,
name: `Sweden`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `CHE`,
population: 8297000,
workedHours: 30.57,
gDP: 57264,
name: `Switzerland`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `UKR`,
population: 44922000,
workedHours: 38.6,
gDP: 7465,
name: `Ukraine`
new CountryStatsEuropeItem(
code: `GBR`,
population: 65860000,
workedHours: 32.1,
gDP: 38839,
name: `United Kingdom`
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcNumberAbbreviatorModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartScatterModule, IgcDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcLegendComponent, IgcDataChartComponent, IgcNumericXAxisComponent, IgcNumericYAxisComponent, IgcBubbleSeriesComponent, IgcSizeScaleComponent, IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { CountryStatsAfricaItem, CountryStatsAfrica } from './CountryStatsAfrica';
import { CountryStatsEuropeItem, CountryStatsEurope } from './CountryStatsEurope';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private legend: IgcLegendComponent
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private xAxis: IgcNumericXAxisComponent
private yAxis: IgcNumericYAxisComponent
private bubbleSeries1: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale1: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale1(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale1 == null)
var sizeScale1 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale1.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale1.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale1.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale1 = sizeScale1;
return this._sizeScale1;
private bubbleSeries2: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale2: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale2(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale2 == null)
var sizeScale2 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale2.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale2.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale2.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale2 = sizeScale2;
return this._sizeScale2;
private dataToolTipLayer: IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var legend = this.legend = document.getElementById('legend') as IgcLegendComponent;
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var xAxis = this.xAxis = document.getElementById('xAxis') as IgcNumericXAxisComponent;
var yAxis = this.yAxis = document.getElementById('yAxis') as IgcNumericYAxisComponent;
var bubbleSeries1 = this.bubbleSeries1 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries1') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var bubbleSeries2 = this.bubbleSeries2 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries2') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var dataToolTipLayer = this.dataToolTipLayer = document.getElementById('dataToolTipLayer') as IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent;
this._bind = () => {
chart.legend = this.legend;
bubbleSeries1.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries1.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries1.dataSource = this.countryStatsAfrica;
bubbleSeries1.radiusScale = this.sizeScale1;
bubbleSeries2.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries2.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries2.dataSource = this.countryStatsEurope;
bubbleSeries2.radiusScale = this.sizeScale2;
private _countryStatsAfrica: CountryStatsAfrica = null;
public get countryStatsAfrica(): CountryStatsAfrica {
if (this._countryStatsAfrica == null)
this._countryStatsAfrica = new CountryStatsAfrica();
return this._countryStatsAfrica;
private _countryStatsEurope: CountryStatsEurope = null;
public get countryStatsEurope(): CountryStatsEurope {
if (this._countryStatsEurope == null)
this._countryStatsEurope = new CountryStatsEurope();
return this._countryStatsEurope;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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<div class="container sample">
<div class="legend-title">
Total Population of Selected Countries
<div class="legend">
<div class="container fill">
title="GDP per Capita"
title="African Countries"
radius-member-as-legend-label="Work Hours"
title="European Countries"
radius-member-as-legend-label="Work Hours"
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Web Components Bubble Chart Styling
In Web Components Bubble Chart, you can customize shape of bubble markers using markerType
property, their size with radiusScale
property, and their appearance using markerBrush
, markerOutline
, markerThickness
properties. In addition, you can also color bubble markers based on a data column using fillMemberPath
and fillScale
properties. In this example, usage of above properties is demonstrated.
export class WorldStatsItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<WorldStatsItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public code: string;
public name: string;
public continent: string;
public population: number;
public gdpTotal: number;
public economy: string;
public region: string;
public status: string;
public longitude: number;
public latitude: number;
public gdpPerPerson: number;
public rank: number;
public unemployment: number;
public oilProduction: number;
public birthRate: number;
public medianAge: number;
public electricity: number;
public televisions: number;
public publicDebt: number;
public internet: number;
export class WorldStats extends Array<WorldStatsItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<WorldStatsItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CHN`,
name: `China`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1379302771,
gdpTotal: 21140000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 104.18,
latitude: 35.887,
gdpPerPerson: 15327,
rank: 1,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 3725000,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 3256000,
televisions: 400000000,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 253000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IND`,
name: `India`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1281935911,
gdpTotal: 8721000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 78.022,
latitude: 22.665,
gdpPerPerson: 6803,
rank: 2,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 810000,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 661600,
televisions: 63000000,
publicDebt: 58,
internet: 80000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `USA`,
name: `United States`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 326625791,
gdpTotal: 18560000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -101.8,
latitude: 39.818,
gdpPerPerson: 56823,
rank: 3,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 7460000,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 4062000,
televisions: 219000000,
publicDebt: 61,
internet: 223000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IDN`,
name: `Indonesia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 260580739,
gdpTotal: 3028000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 102.72,
latitude: -2.698,
gdpPerPerson: 11620,
rank: 4,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 837500,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 125900,
televisions: 13750000,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 13000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BRA`,
name: `Brazil`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 207353391,
gdpTotal: 3081000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -48.88,
latitude: -12.89,
gdpPerPerson: 14859,
rank: 5,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 1797000,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 28,
electricity: 396400,
televisions: 36500000,
publicDebt: 45,
internet: 50000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PAK`,
name: `Pakistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 204924861,
gdpTotal: 988200,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 67.624,
latitude: 28.421,
gdpPerPerson: 4822,
rank: 6,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 62000,
birthRate: 28,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 89820,
televisions: 3100000,
publicDebt: 51,
internet: 17500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NGA`,
name: `Nigeria`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 190632261,
gdpTotal: 1089000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 8.657,
latitude: 9.075,
gdpPerPerson: 5713,
rank: 7,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 2166000,
birthRate: 37,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 22530,
televisions: 6900000,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 10000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BGD`,
name: `Bangladesh`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 157826578,
gdpTotal: 628400,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 89.935,
latitude: 24.474,
gdpPerPerson: 3982,
rank: 8,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 6746,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 23,
electricity: 21350,
televisions: 770000,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `RUS`,
name: `Russia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 142257519,
gdpTotal: 3745000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 42.379,
latitude: 56.974,
gdpPerPerson: 26325,
rank: 9,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 9870000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 1000000,
televisions: 60500000,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 30000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JPN`,
name: `Japan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 126451398,
gdpTotal: 4932000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 138.48,
latitude: 36.519,
gdpPerPerson: 39003,
rank: 10,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 125000,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 1025000,
televisions: 86500000,
publicDebt: 170,
internet: 88110000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MEX`,
name: `Mexico`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 124574795,
gdpTotal: 2307000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -102.5,
latitude: 23.63,
gdpPerPerson: 18519,
rank: 11,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 3083000,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 222400,
televisions: 25600000,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 22812000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ETH`,
name: `Ethiopia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 105350020,
gdpTotal: 174700,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 40.489,
latitude: 9.154,
gdpPerPerson: 1658,
rank: 12,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 60942,
televisions: 66893500,
publicDebt: 45,
internet: 291000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PHL`,
name: `Philippines`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 104256076,
gdpTotal: 801900,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 121.4,
latitude: 16.78,
gdpPerPerson: 7692,
rank: 13,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 26,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 53670,
televisions: 3700000,
publicDebt: 56,
internet: 5300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `EGY`,
name: `Egypt`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 97041072,
gdpTotal: 1105000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 30.787,
latitude: 26.825,
gdpPerPerson: 11387,
rank: 14,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 665000,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 102500,
televisions: 7700000,
publicDebt: 106,
internet: 8620000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VNM`,
name: `Vietnam`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 96160163,
gdpTotal: 594900,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 108.46,
latitude: 13.711,
gdpPerPerson: 6187,
rank: 15,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 324000,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 59010,
televisions: 3570000,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 17870000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COD`,
name: `Dem. Rep. Congo`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 83301151,
gdpTotal: 66010,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 21.738,
latitude: -4.071,
gdpPerPerson: 792,
rank: 16,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 48913,
televisions: 55942436,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 8903936
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IRN`,
name: `Iran`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 82021564,
gdpTotal: 1459000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 53.664,
latitude: 32.435,
gdpPerPerson: 17788,
rank: 17,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3956000,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 170400,
televisions: 4610000,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 23000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TUR`,
name: `Turkey`,
continent: `Asia`,
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gdpTotal: 1670000,
economy: `Emerging`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 35.243,
latitude: 38.962,
gdpPerPerson: 20657,
rank: 18,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 45460,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 154200,
televisions: 20900000,
publicDebt: 39,
internet: 13150000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DEU`,
name: `Germany`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 80594017,
gdpTotal: 3979000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 11.43,
latitude: 52.237,
gdpPerPerson: 49371,
rank: 19,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 141700,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 579400,
televisions: 51400000,
publicDebt: 65,
internet: 42500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `THA`,
name: `Thailand`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 68414135,
gdpTotal: 1161000,
economy: `Emerging`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 100.65,
latitude: 15.345,
gdpPerPerson: 16970,
rank: 20,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 310000,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 124600,
televisions: 15190000,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 13416000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FRA`,
name: `France`,
continent: `Europe`,
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gdpTotal: 2699000,
economy: `Developed`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 2.267,
latitude: 46.645,
gdpPerPerson: 40220,
rank: 21,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 63711,
televisions: 43156970,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 7012454
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GBR`,
name: `United Kingdom`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 64769452,
gdpTotal: 2788000,
economy: `Developed`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: -1.233,
latitude: 52.242,
gdpPerPerson: 43045,
rank: 22,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 1636000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 372600,
televisions: 30500000,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 40200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ITA`,
name: `Italy`,
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gdpTotal: 2221000,
economy: `Developed`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 15.701,
latitude: 40.885,
gdpPerPerson: 35743,
rank: 23,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 164800,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 278500,
televisions: 30300000,
publicDebt: 104,
internet: 32000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MMR`,
name: `Myanmar`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 55123814,
gdpTotal: 311100,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 96.028,
latitude: 21.509,
gdpPerPerson: 5644,
rank: 24,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 26955,
televisions: 39322205,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 30207772
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ZAF`,
name: `South Africa`,
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population: 54841552,
gdpTotal: 739100,
economy: `Emerging`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 22.489,
latitude: -32.4,
gdpPerPerson: 13477,
rank: 25,
unemployment: 24,
oilProduction: 200000,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 264000,
televisions: 6000000,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 5100000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TZA`,
name: `Tanzania`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 53950935,
gdpTotal: 150600,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 34.894,
latitude: -6.356,
gdpPerPerson: 2791,
rank: 26,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 10186,
televisions: 35987980,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 400000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KOR`,
name: `South Korea`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 51181299,
gdpTotal: 1929000,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 128.29,
latitude: 36.399,
gdpPerPerson: 37690,
rank: 27,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 17050,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 403200,
televisions: 15900000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 35590000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ESP`,
name: `Spain`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 48958159,
gdpTotal: 1690000,
economy: `Developed`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: -2.892,
latitude: 40.569,
gdpPerPerson: 34519,
rank: 28,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 29350,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 270300,
televisions: 16200000,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 19690000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COL`,
name: `Colombia`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 47698524,
gdpTotal: 688000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -72.95,
latitude: 4.099,
gdpPerPerson: 14424,
rank: 29,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 531300,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 50470,
televisions: 4590000,
publicDebt: 53,
internet: 12100000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KEN`,
name: `Kenya`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 47615739,
gdpTotal: 152700,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 37.929,
latitude: 0.4,
gdpPerPerson: 3207,
rank: 30,
unemployment: 40,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 38,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 5502,
televisions: 730000,
publicDebt: 49,
internet: 3000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ARG`,
name: `Argentina`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 44293293,
gdpTotal: 879400,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -64.84,
latitude: -33.07,
gdpPerPerson: 19854,
rank: 31,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 730000,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 101100,
televisions: 7950000,
publicDebt: 56,
internet: 9309000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `UKR`,
name: `Ukraine`,
continent: `Europe`,
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gdpTotal: 352600,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 30.86,
latitude: 49.723,
gdpPerPerson: 8007,
rank: 32,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 90400,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 192100,
televisions: 18050000,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 10000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DZA`,
name: `Algeria`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 40969443,
gdpTotal: 609400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 1.642,
latitude: 28.04,
gdpPerPerson: 14875,
rank: 33,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1358000,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 31910,
televisions: 3100000,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 3500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `UGA`,
name: `Uganda`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 39570125,
gdpTotal: 84930,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 32.27,
latitude: 1.375,
gdpPerPerson: 2146,
rank: 34,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 35388,
televisions: 27867123,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 2000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IRQ`,
name: `Iraq`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 39192111,
gdpTotal: 596700,
economy: `Developing`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 43.66,
latitude: 33.218,
gdpPerPerson: 15225,
rank: 35,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 48545,
televisions: 13178804,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 9538092
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `POL`,
name: `Poland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 38476269,
gdpTotal: 1052000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.073,
latitude: 52.374,
gdpPerPerson: 27342,
rank: 36,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 146200,
televisions: 13050000,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 16000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SDN`,
name: `Sudan`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 37345935,
gdpTotal: 176300,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 30.217,
latitude: 15.434,
gdpPerPerson: 4721,
rank: 37,
unemployment: 19,
oilProduction: 484500,
birthRate: 34,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 3944,
televisions: 2380000,
publicDebt: 106,
internet: 1500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CAN`,
name: `Canada`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 35623680,
gdpTotal: 1674000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -108,
latitude: 55.855,
gdpPerPerson: 46991,
rank: 38,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 3310000,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 609600,
televisions: 21500000,
publicDebt: 64,
internet: 28000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AFG`,
name: `Afghanistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 34124811,
gdpTotal: 64080,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 66.041,
latitude: 33.977,
gdpPerPerson: 1878,
rank: 39,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 64532,
televisions: 15374294,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 18662148
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MAR`,
name: `Morocco`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 33986655,
gdpTotal: 282800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -5.707,
latitude: 32.104,
gdpPerPerson: 8321,
rank: 40,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 300,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 21370,
televisions: 3100000,
publicDebt: 67,
internet: 7300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MYS`,
name: `Malaysia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 31381992,
gdpTotal: 863000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 101.72,
latitude: 4.89,
gdpPerPerson: 27500,
rank: 41,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 757500,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 82360,
televisions: 10800000,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 15868000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VEN`,
name: `Venezuela`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 31304016,
gdpTotal: 468600,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -64.78,
latitude: 6.695,
gdpPerPerson: 14969,
rank: 42,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 2398000,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 99200,
televisions: 4100000,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 5720000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PER`,
name: `Peru`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 31036656,
gdpTotal: 410400,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -73.82,
latitude: -12.89,
gdpPerPerson: 13223,
rank: 43,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 119000,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 24970,
televisions: 3060000,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 7636000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `UZB`,
name: `Uzbekistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 29748859,
gdpTotal: 202300,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 63.288,
latitude: 42.338,
gdpPerPerson: 6800,
rank: 44,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 109400,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 49000,
televisions: 6400000,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 1200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NPL`,
name: `Nepal`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 29384297,
gdpTotal: 71520,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 82.328,
latitude: 28.843,
gdpPerPerson: 2434,
rank: 45,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 68842,
televisions: 21075997,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 7780693
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AGO`,
name: `Angola`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 29310273,
gdpTotal: 189000,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 18.097,
latitude: -12.37,
gdpPerPerson: 6448,
rank: 46,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 25890,
televisions: 21283158,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 100000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SAU`,
name: `Saudi Arabia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 28571770,
gdpTotal: 1731000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 45.129,
latitude: 24.248,
gdpPerPerson: 60584,
rank: 47,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 11000000,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 165600,
televisions: 5100000,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 6200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `YEM`,
name: `Yemen`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 28036829,
gdpTotal: 73450,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 48.53,
latitude: 15.658,
gdpPerPerson: 2620,
rank: 48,
unemployment: 35,
oilProduction: 339200,
birthRate: 42,
medianAge: 17,
electricity: 4456,
televisions: 470000,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 320000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GHA`,
name: `Ghana`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 27499924,
gdpTotal: 120800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -0.893,
latitude: 8.607,
gdpPerPerson: 4393,
rank: 49,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 700,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 20,
electricity: 7042,
televisions: 1900000,
publicDebt: 59,
internet: 650000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MOZ`,
name: `Mozambique`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 26573706,
gdpTotal: 35010,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 38.075,
latitude: -15.41,
gdpPerPerson: 1317,
rank: 50,
unemployment: 21,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 38,
medianAge: 17,
electricity: 13170,
televisions: 67600,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRK`,
name: `North Korea`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 25248140,
gdpTotal: 40000,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 127.01,
latitude: 40.333,
gdpPerPerson: 1584,
rank: 51,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 35619,
televisions: 16501842,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 2340760
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MDG`,
name: `Madagascar`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 25054161,
gdpTotal: 36860,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 46.87,
latitude: -18.82,
gdpPerPerson: 1471,
rank: 52,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 86068,
televisions: 9470858,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 1407981
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CMR`,
name: `Cameroon`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 24994885,
gdpTotal: 77240,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 12.451,
latitude: 4.365,
gdpPerPerson: 3090,
rank: 53,
unemployment: 30,
oilProduction: 85300,
birthRate: 35,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 4090,
televisions: 450000,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 370000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CIV`,
name: `Ivory Coast`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 24184810,
gdpTotal: 87120,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -5.555,
latitude: 7.538,
gdpPerPerson: 3602,
rank: 54,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 49302,
televisions: 9034402,
publicDebt: 75,
internet: 300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TWN`,
name: `Taiwan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 23508428,
gdpTotal: 1127000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 120.96,
latitude: 23.636,
gdpPerPerson: 47940,
rank: 55,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 600,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 235000,
televisions: 8800000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 14760000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AUS`,
name: `Australia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 23232413,
gdpTotal: 1189000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Australia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 135.87,
latitude: -25.63,
gdpPerPerson: 51178,
rank: 56,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 540000,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 236700,
televisions: 10150000,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 11240000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LKA`,
name: `Sri Lanka`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 22409381,
gdpTotal: 236700,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 80.792,
latitude: 7.881,
gdpPerPerson: 10563,
rank: 57,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 8411,
televisions: 1530000,
publicDebt: 86,
internet: 771700
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ROU`,
name: `Romania`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 21529967,
gdpTotal: 441000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 24.974,
latitude: 45.967,
gdpPerPerson: 20483,
rank: 58,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 115000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 60520,
televisions: 5250000,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 12000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BFA`,
name: `Burkina Faso`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 20107509,
gdpTotal: 32990,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -1.567,
latitude: 12.251,
gdpPerPerson: 1641,
rank: 59,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 82658,
televisions: 7478745,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 5896530
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NER`,
name: `Niger`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 19245344,
gdpTotal: 20150,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 10.845,
latitude: 17.92,
gdpPerPerson: 1047,
rank: 60,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 53,
electricity: 10652,
televisions: 8203307,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 157021
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MWI`,
name: `Malawi`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 19196246,
gdpTotal: 21200,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 34.282,
latitude: -13.26,
gdpPerPerson: 1104,
rank: 61,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 20676,
televisions: 4938675,
publicDebt: 51,
internet: 139500
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KAZ`,
name: `Kazakhstan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 18556698,
gdpTotal: 460700,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 66.966,
latitude: 47.999,
gdpPerPerson: 24827,
rank: 62,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 1355000,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 76340,
televisions: 3880000,
publicDebt: 8,
internet: 1901000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SYR`,
name: `Syria`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 18028549,
gdpTotal: 50280,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 39.062,
latitude: 34.807,
gdpPerPerson: 2789,
rank: 63,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 379000,
birthRate: 27,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 153200,
televisions: 1050000,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 3470000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MLI`,
name: `Mali`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 17885245,
gdpTotal: 38090,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -1.496,
latitude: 17.867,
gdpPerPerson: 2130,
rank: 64,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 72483,
televisions: 4783188,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 8619386
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CHL`,
name: `Chile`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 17789267,
gdpTotal: 436100,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -69.11,
latitude: -23.36,
gdpPerPerson: 24515,
rank: 65,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 15100,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 31,
electricity: 47600,
televisions: 3150000,
publicDebt: 4,
internet: 557000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NLD`,
name: `Netherlands`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 17084719,
gdpTotal: 870800,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 6.272,
latitude: 52.971,
gdpPerPerson: 50970,
rank: 66,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 76000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 94340,
televisions: 8100000,
publicDebt: 46,
internet: 15000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ECU`,
name: `Ecuador`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 16290913,
gdpTotal: 182400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -77.98,
latitude: -1.291,
gdpPerPerson: 11196,
rank: 67,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 511100,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 12940,
televisions: 2500000,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 1549000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KHM`,
name: `Cambodia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 16204486,
gdpTotal: 58940,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 104.96,
latitude: 12.558,
gdpPerPerson: 3637,
rank: 68,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 45509,
televisions: 2489832,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 11512560
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ZMB`,
name: `Zambia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 15972000,
gdpTotal: 65170,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 26.301,
latitude: -14.3,
gdpPerPerson: 4080,
rank: 69,
unemployment: 50,
oilProduction: 150,
birthRate: 41,
medianAge: 17,
electricity: 8850,
televisions: 277000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GTM`,
name: `Guatemala`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 15460732,
gdpTotal: 131800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -90.4,
latitude: 15.225,
gdpPerPerson: 8525,
rank: 70,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 13000,
birthRate: 29,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 7281,
televisions: 1323000,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 1320000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SEN`,
name: `Senegal`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 14668522,
gdpTotal: 39720,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -14.76,
latitude: 15.47,
gdpPerPerson: 2708,
rank: 71,
unemployment: 48,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 37,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 2159,
televisions: 361000,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 820000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ZWE`,
name: `Zimbabwe`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 13805084,
gdpTotal: 28330,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.115,
latitude: -19.02,
gdpPerPerson: 2052,
rank: 72,
unemployment: 80,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 32,
medianAge: 18,
electricity: 9950,
televisions: 370000,
publicDebt: 218,
internet: 1351000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SSD`,
name: `South Sudan`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 13026129,
gdpTotal: 20880,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.708,
latitude: 7.857,
gdpPerPerson: 1603,
rank: 73,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 41476,
televisions: 7716253,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 4569804
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GIN`,
name: `Guinea`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 12413867,
gdpTotal: 16080,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -9.522,
latitude: 10.478,
gdpPerPerson: 1295,
rank: 74,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 49,
electricity: 15826,
televisions: 6262180,
publicDebt: 32,
internet: 6439493
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TCD`,
name: `Chad`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 12075985,
gdpTotal: 30590,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 18.716,
latitude: 15.46,
gdpPerPerson: 2533,
rank: 75,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 57747,
televisions: 8629897,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 6531943
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `RWA`,
name: `Rwanda`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11901484,
gdpTotal: 21970,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.867,
latitude: -1.936,
gdpPerPerson: 1846,
rank: 76,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 51710,
televisions: 1363647,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 2425128
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BEL`,
name: `Belgium`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 11491346,
gdpTotal: 508600,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 4.605,
latitude: 50.911,
gdpPerPerson: 44259,
rank: 77,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 9000,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 80840,
televisions: 4720000,
publicDebt: 85,
internet: 5220000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BDI`,
name: `Burundi`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11466756,
gdpTotal: 7892,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 29.913,
latitude: -3.384,
gdpPerPerson: 688,
rank: 78,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 43850,
televisions: 2920735,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 3908915
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TUN`,
name: `Tunisia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11403800,
gdpTotal: 130800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.516,
latitude: 33.785,
gdpPerPerson: 11470,
rank: 79,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 76900,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 12850,
televisions: 920000,
publicDebt: 55,
internet: 1722000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CUB`,
name: `Cuba`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 11147407,
gdpTotal: 132900,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -80.54,
latitude: 22.567,
gdpPerPerson: 11922,
rank: 80,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 58300,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 16450,
televisions: 2640000,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 1310000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BOL`,
name: `Bolivia`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 11138234,
gdpTotal: 78350,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -63.57,
latitude: -16.3,
gdpPerPerson: 7034,
rank: 81,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 46470,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 23,
electricity: 5293,
televisions: 900000,
publicDebt: 46,
internet: 1000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BEN`,
name: `Benin`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 11038805,
gdpTotal: 24310,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 2.704,
latitude: 10.535,
gdpPerPerson: 2202,
rank: 82,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 13145,
televisions: 7167916,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 8520122
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRT`,
name: `Portugal`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 10839514,
gdpTotal: 297100,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -7.757,
latitude: 40.815,
gdpPerPerson: 27409,
rank: 83,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 9500,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 49040,
televisions: 3310000,
publicDebt: 64,
internet: 3549000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GRC`,
name: `Greece`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 10768477,
gdpTotal: 290500,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 21.871,
latitude: 39.558,
gdpPerPerson: 26977,
rank: 84,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5687,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 56130,
televisions: 2540000,
publicDebt: 90,
internet: 2540000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DOM`,
name: `Dominican Republic`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 10734247,
gdpTotal: 161900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -70.17,
latitude: 18.775,
gdpPerPerson: 15083,
rank: 85,
unemployment: 16,
oilProduction: 12,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 25,
electricity: 12220,
televisions: 770000,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 1677000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CZE`,
name: `Czechia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 10674723,
gdpTotal: 350900,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 15.461,
latitude: 49.807,
gdpPerPerson: 32872,
rank: 86,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 18030,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 77380,
televisions: 3405834,
publicDebt: 26,
internet: 4400000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HTI`,
name: `Haiti`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 10646714,
gdpTotal: 19340,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -72.23,
latitude: 19.342,
gdpPerPerson: 1817,
rank: 87,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 12871,
televisions: 4329511,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 4777792
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JOR`,
name: `Jordan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 10248069,
gdpTotal: 86190,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 38.125,
latitude: 32.309,
gdpPerPerson: 8410,
rank: 88,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 9074,
televisions: 500000,
publicDebt: 72,
internet: 1127000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AZE`,
name: `Azerbaijan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 9961396,
gdpTotal: 167900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 48.401,
latitude: 40.344,
gdpPerPerson: 16855,
rank: 89,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 934700,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 28,
electricity: 23800,
televisions: 170000,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 1036000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SWE`,
name: `Sweden`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 9960487,
gdpTotal: 498100,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 17.594,
latitude: 64.621,
gdpPerPerson: 50008,
rank: 90,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 2350,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 153200,
televisions: 4600000,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 7000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HUN`,
name: `Hungary`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 9850845,
gdpTotal: 267600,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 19.485,
latitude: 47.153,
gdpPerPerson: 27165,
rank: 91,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 42180,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 33690,
televisions: 4420000,
publicDebt: 67,
internet: 4200000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BLR`,
name: `Belarus`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 9549747,
gdpTotal: 165400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 27.943,
latitude: 53.705,
gdpPerPerson: 17320,
rank: 92,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 84070,
televisions: 3348094,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 3754027
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HND`,
name: `Honduras`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 9038741,
gdpTotal: 43190,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -86.74,
latitude: 14.889,
gdpPerPerson: 4778,
rank: 93,
unemployment: 28,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 27,
medianAge: 20,
electricity: 5339,
televisions: 570000,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 344100
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AUT`,
name: `Austria`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 8754413,
gdpTotal: 416600,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 14.987,
latitude: 47.624,
gdpPerPerson: 47587,
rank: 94,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 23320,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 61020,
televisions: 10150000,
publicDebt: 59,
internet: 4277000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TJK`,
name: `Tajikistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 8468555,
gdpTotal: 25810,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 71.234,
latitude: 38.86,
gdpPerPerson: 3048,
rank: 95,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 56534,
televisions: 6542566,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 4521889
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ISR`,
name: `Israel`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 8299706,
gdpTotal: 297000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 34.977,
latitude: 30.748,
gdpPerPerson: 35784,
rank: 96,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 100,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 46850,
televisions: 1690000,
publicDebt: 81,
internet: 2000000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CHE`,
name: `Switzerland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 8236303,
gdpTotal: 496300,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 7.865,
latitude: 46.729,
gdpPerPerson: 60258,
rank: 97,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 3202,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 56100,
televisions: 3310000,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 4610000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TGO`,
name: `Togo`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 7965055,
gdpTotal: 11610,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 1.146,
latitude: 6.799,
gdpPerPerson: 1458,
rank: 98,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 28181,
televisions: 2309082,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 789456
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SOM`,
name: `Somalia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 7531386,
gdpTotal: 4719,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 44.134,
latitude: 3.077,
gdpPerPerson: 627,
rank: 99,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 29272,
televisions: 1648650,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 3227211
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HKG`,
name: `Hong Kong`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 7191503,
gdpTotal: 427400,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 114.08,
latitude: 22.38,
gdpPerPerson: 59431,
rank: 100,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 86792,
televisions: 4084025,
publicDebt: 35,
internet: 3907543
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LAO`,
name: `Laos`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 7126706,
gdpTotal: 40960,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 102.36,
latitude: 20.171,
gdpPerPerson: 5747,
rank: 101,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 7093,
televisions: 4503172,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 5426041
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SRB`,
name: `Serbia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 7111024,
gdpTotal: 101800,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.908,
latitude: 44.206,
gdpPerPerson: 14316,
rank: 102,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 30150,
televisions: 1316607,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 4104775
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BGR`,
name: `Bulgaria`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 7101510,
gdpTotal: 143100,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 25.465,
latitude: 42.741,
gdpPerPerson: 20151,
rank: 103,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 3661,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 45700,
televisions: 3310000,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 1899000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRY`,
name: `Paraguay`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 6943739,
gdpTotal: 64670,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -58.44,
latitude: -23.42,
gdpPerPerson: 9313,
rank: 104,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 28,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 70000,
televisions: 990000,
publicDebt: 27,
internet: 280000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PNG`,
name: `Papua New Guinea`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 6909701,
gdpTotal: 28020,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 143.62,
latitude: -5.836,
gdpPerPerson: 4055,
rank: 105,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 47800,
birthRate: 28,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 3698,
televisions: 59841,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 110000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LBY`,
name: `Libya`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 6653210,
gdpTotal: 90890,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 17.23,
latitude: 26.339,
gdpPerPerson: 13661,
rank: 106,
unemployment: 30,
oilProduction: 1712000,
birthRate: 26,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 21150,
televisions: 730000,
publicDebt: 5,
internet: 260000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LBN`,
name: `Lebanon`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 6229794,
gdpTotal: 85160,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 36.042,
latitude: 34.168,
gdpPerPerson: 13670,
rank: 107,
unemployment: 20,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 9183,
televisions: 1180000,
publicDebt: 187,
internet: 950000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SLV`,
name: `El Salvador`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 6172011,
gdpTotal: 54790,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -88.91,
latitude: 13.798,
gdpPerPerson: 8877,
rank: 108,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 26,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 5316,
televisions: 600000,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 700000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SLE`,
name: `Sierra Leone`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 6163195,
gdpTotal: 10640,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -11.78,
latitude: 8.452,
gdpPerPerson: 1726,
rank: 109,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 37412,
televisions: 2727270,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 223239
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ARE`,
name: `United Arab Emirates`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 6072475,
gdpTotal: 667200,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 54.192,
latitude: 23.795,
gdpPerPerson: 109873,
rank: 110,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 2510000,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 57060,
televisions: 310000,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 2300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NIC`,
name: `Nicaragua`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 6025951,
gdpTotal: 33550,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -85.09,
latitude: 12.523,
gdpPerPerson: 5568,
rank: 111,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 22,
electricity: 2778,
televisions: 320000,
publicDebt: 63,
internet: 155000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ERI`,
name: `Eritrea`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 5918919,
gdpTotal: 9169,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 39.772,
latitude: 15.191,
gdpPerPerson: 1549,
rank: 112,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 54,
electricity: 67474,
televisions: 2078077,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 1067843
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SGP`,
name: `Singapore`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 5888926,
gdpTotal: 487900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 103.82,
latitude: 1.356,
gdpPerPerson: 82850,
rank: 113,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 9836,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 39440,
televisions: 1330000,
publicDebt: 96,
internet: 3105000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KGZ`,
name: `Kyrgyzstan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 5789122,
gdpTotal: 21010,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 74.738,
latitude: 41.224,
gdpPerPerson: 3629,
rank: 114,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 16640,
televisions: 2101152,
publicDebt: 15,
internet: 738896
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CAF`,
name: `Central African Republic`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 5625118,
gdpTotal: 3206,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.917,
latitude: 6.633,
gdpPerPerson: 570,
rank: 115,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 71424,
televisions: 635931,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 1933873
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DNK`,
name: `Denmark`,
continent: `Europe`,
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gdpTotal: 264800,
economy: `Developed`,
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status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.348,
latitude: 56.13,
gdpPerPerson: 47236,
rank: 116,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 342000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 43350,
televisions: 3121000,
publicDebt: 26,
internet: 3500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FIN`,
name: `Finland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5491218,
gdpTotal: 224137,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 25.988,
latitude: 61.841,
gdpPerPerson: 40817,
rank: 117,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 8951,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 73470,
televisions: 3200000,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 3600000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SVK`,
name: `Slovakia`,
continent: `Europe`,
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gdpTotal: 168800,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 18.877,
latitude: 48.702,
gdpPerPerson: 30996,
rank: 118,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 12840,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 29890,
televisions: 2620000,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 2350000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TKM`,
name: `Turkmenistan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 5351277,
gdpTotal: 94720,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 59.562,
latitude: 38.975,
gdpPerPerson: 17700,
rank: 119,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 91281,
televisions: 2935468,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 3203210
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NOR`,
name: `Norway`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5320045,
gdpTotal: 364700,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.66,
latitude: 60.712,
gdpPerPerson: 68552,
rank: 120,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 2560000,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 135800,
televisions: 2030000,
publicDebt: 83,
internet: 3800000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IRL`,
name: `Ireland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 5011102,
gdpTotal: 322000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -8.209,
latitude: 53.42,
gdpPerPerson: 64257,
rank: 121,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 24130,
televisions: 1820000,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 1708000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COG`,
name: `Congo`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 4954674,
gdpTotal: 30270,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 16.264,
latitude: -0.07,
gdpPerPerson: 6109,
rank: 122,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 83556,
televisions: 1560800,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 2650237
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CRI`,
name: `Costa Rica`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 4930258,
gdpTotal: 79260,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -83.91,
latitude: 9.92,
gdpPerPerson: 16076,
rank: 123,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 8349,
televisions: 525000,
publicDebt: 47,
internet: 1500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GEO`,
name: `Georgia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 4926330,
gdpTotal: 37270,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 43.257,
latitude: 42.162,
gdpPerPerson: 7565,
rank: 124,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 44936,
televisions: 2728128,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 3844448
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LBR`,
name: `Liberia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 4689021,
gdpTotal: 3881,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -9.454,
latitude: 6.445,
gdpPerPerson: 828,
rank: 125,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 89626,
televisions: 3065112,
publicDebt: 38,
internet: 1475304
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PSE`,
name: `Palestine`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 4543126,
gdpTotal: 21221,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Disputed`,
longitude: 35.347,
latitude: 32.031,
gdpPerPerson: 4671,
rank: 126,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 45973,
televisions: 2774033,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 1718915
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NZL`,
name: `New Zealand`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 4510327,
gdpTotal: 174800,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Australia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 169.42,
latitude: -44.86,
gdpPerPerson: 38756,
rank: 127,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 25880,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 42060,
televisions: 1926000,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 3360000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `HRV`,
name: `Croatia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 4292095,
gdpTotal: 94240,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 16.847,
latitude: 45.674,
gdpPerPerson: 21957,
rank: 128,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 17100,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 11990,
televisions: 1220000,
publicDebt: 48,
internet: 1995000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BIH`,
name: `Bosnia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 3856181,
gdpTotal: 42530,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 17.66,
latitude: 43.918,
gdpPerPerson: 11029,
rank: 129,
unemployment: 46,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 12220,
televisions: 0,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 1055000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MRT`,
name: `Mauritania`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 3758571,
gdpTotal: 16710,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -8.89,
latitude: 20.387,
gdpPerPerson: 4446,
rank: 130,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 15176,
televisions: 2558125,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 2098221
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PAN`,
name: `Panama`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 3753142,
gdpTotal: 93120,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -81.17,
latitude: 8.457,
gdpPerPerson: 24811,
rank: 131,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 27,
electricity: 5661,
televisions: 510000,
publicDebt: 53,
internet: 525200
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SOL`,
name: `Somaliland`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 3500000,
gdpTotal: 12250,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Indeterminate`,
longitude: 45.798,
latitude: 9.748,
gdpPerPerson: 3500,
rank: 132,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 73247,
televisions: 2235408,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 1300238
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MDA`,
name: `Moldova`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 3474121,
gdpTotal: 18540,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 28.552,
latitude: 47.515,
gdpPerPerson: 5337,
rank: 133,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 3881,
televisions: 1260000,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 700000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `OMN`,
name: `Oman`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 3424386,
gdpTotal: 173100,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 57.563,
latitude: 22.014,
gdpPerPerson: 50549,
rank: 134,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 710800,
birthRate: 35,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 11890,
televisions: 1600000,
publicDebt: 4,
internet: 340000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `URY`,
name: `Uruguay`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 3360148,
gdpTotal: 73250,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -55.78,
latitude: -32.51,
gdpPerPerson: 21800,
rank: 135,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 27830,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 9200,
televisions: 782000,
publicDebt: 65,
internet: 968000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PRI`,
name: `Puerto Rico`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 3351827,
gdpTotal: 131000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -66.61,
latitude: 18.235,
gdpPerPerson: 39083,
rank: 136,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 19677,
televisions: 1917997,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 608062
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MNG`,
name: `Mongolia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 3068243,
gdpTotal: 37000,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 103.82,
latitude: 46.856,
gdpPerPerson: 12059,
rank: 137,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 3875,
televisions: 1726758,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 562546
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ALB`,
name: `Albania`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 3047987,
gdpTotal: 33900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 19.964,
latitude: 40.759,
gdpPerPerson: 11122,
rank: 138,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 7006,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 5385,
televisions: 700000,
publicDebt: 51,
internet: 471200
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ARM`,
name: `Armenia`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 3045191,
gdpTotal: 26300,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 44.646,
latitude: 40.618,
gdpPerPerson: 8637,
rank: 139,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 71042,
televisions: 2390201,
publicDebt: 9,
internet: 488333
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JAM`,
name: `Jamaica`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 2990561,
gdpTotal: 25390,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -77.27,
latitude: 18.119,
gdpPerPerson: 8490,
rank: 140,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 23,
electricity: 6985,
televisions: 460000,
publicDebt: 127,
internet: 1500000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KWT`,
name: `Kuwait`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 2875422,
gdpTotal: 301100,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 47.487,
latitude: 29.315,
gdpPerPerson: 104715,
rank: 141,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 2440000,
birthRate: 22,
medianAge: 26,
electricity: 41110,
televisions: 875000,
publicDebt: 10,
internet: 900000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LTU`,
name: `Lithuania`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 2823859,
gdpTotal: 85620,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 23.838,
latitude: 55.152,
gdpPerPerson: 30320,
rank: 142,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 13160,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 13480,
televisions: 1700000,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 1330000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NAM`,
name: `Namibia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 2484780,
gdpTotal: 25990,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 16.944,
latitude: -20.52,
gdpPerPerson: 10460,
rank: 143,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 1688,
televisions: 60000,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 101000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `QAT`,
name: `Qatar`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 2314307,
gdpTotal: 334500,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 51.182,
latitude: 25.359,
gdpPerPerson: 144536,
rank: 144,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 797500,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 31,
electricity: 13540,
televisions: 230000,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 351000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BWA`,
name: `Botswana`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 2214858,
gdpTotal: 35900,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 24.671,
latitude: -22.32,
gdpPerPerson: 16209,
rank: 145,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 21,
electricity: 912,
televisions: 31000,
publicDebt: 5,
internet: 80000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MKD`,
name: `North Macedonia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 2103721,
gdpTotal: 29520,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 21.727,
latitude: 41.604,
gdpPerPerson: 14032,
rank: 146,
unemployment: 35,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 6051,
televisions: 510000,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 685000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GMB`,
name: `Gambia`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 2051363,
gdpTotal: 3387,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -15.32,
latitude: 13.438,
gdpPerPerson: 1651,
rank: 147,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 9769,
televisions: 1486289,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 187890
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SVN`,
name: `Slovenia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 1972126,
gdpTotal: 68350,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 14.947,
latitude: 46.146,
gdpPerPerson: 34658,
rank: 148,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 14900,
televisions: 710000,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 1300000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LSO`,
name: `Lesotho`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1958042,
gdpTotal: 6019,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 28.221,
latitude: -29.61,
gdpPerPerson: 3074,
rank: 149,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 20229,
televisions: 1457517,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 1375222
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LVA`,
name: `Latvia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 1944643,
gdpTotal: 50650,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 26.505,
latitude: 56.755,
gdpPerPerson: 26046,
rank: 150,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 4778,
televisions: 1220000,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 1770000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `RKS`,
name: `Kosovo`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 1895250,
gdpTotal: 18490,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 20.891,
latitude: 42.557,
gdpPerPerson: 9756,
rank: 151,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 8,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 14878,
televisions: 1287863,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 1422193
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GNB`,
name: `Guinea-Bissau`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1792338,
gdpTotal: 2851,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -14.59,
latitude: 11.942,
gdpPerPerson: 1591,
rank: 152,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 74684,
televisions: 1427462,
publicDebt: 8,
internet: 365000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GAB`,
name: `Gabon`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1772255,
gdpTotal: 35980,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 11.592,
latitude: -0.807,
gdpPerPerson: 20302,
rank: 153,
unemployment: 21,
oilProduction: 240000,
birthRate: 36,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 1520,
televisions: 63000,
publicDebt: 53,
internet: 145000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SWZ`,
name: `Eswatini`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1467152,
gdpTotal: 11060,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 31.45,
latitude: -26.52,
gdpPerPerson: 7538,
rank: 154,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 72804,
televisions: 229393,
publicDebt: 5,
internet: 427760
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BHR`,
name: `Bahrain`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1410942,
gdpTotal: 66370,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 50.535,
latitude: 26.027,
gdpPerPerson: 47039,
rank: 155,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 184300,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 8187,
televisions: 275000,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 250000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MUS`,
name: `Mauritius`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 1356388,
gdpTotal: 25850,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 57.555,
latitude: -20.25,
gdpPerPerson: 19058,
rank: 156,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 2350,
televisions: 258000,
publicDebt: 63,
internet: 340000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TLS`,
name: `Timor-Leste`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1291358,
gdpTotal: 4975,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 125.66,
latitude: -8.826,
gdpPerPerson: 3853,
rank: 157,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 84061,
televisions: 416260,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 267437
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `EST`,
name: `Estonia`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 1251581,
gdpTotal: 38700,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 25.441,
latitude: 58.845,
gdpPerPerson: 30921,
rank: 158,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 6930,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 9599,
televisions: 605000,
publicDebt: 3,
internet: 780000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CYP`,
name: `Cyprus`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 1221549,
gdpTotal: 29260,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 33.176,
latitude: 34.876,
gdpPerPerson: 23953,
rank: 159,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 4618,
televisions: 0,
publicDebt: 60,
internet: 380000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TTO`,
name: `Trinidad and Tobago`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 1218208,
gdpTotal: 43570,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.21,
latitude: 10.352,
gdpPerPerson: 35766,
rank: 160,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 58959,
televisions: 359389,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 152416
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FJI`,
name: `Fiji`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 920938,
gdpTotal: 8374,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 177.85,
latitude: -17.75,
gdpPerPerson: 9093,
rank: 161,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 41,
electricity: 88931,
televisions: 517580,
publicDebt: 17,
internet: 539400
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DJI`,
name: `Djibouti`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 865267,
gdpTotal: 3345,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 42.587,
latitude: 11.825,
gdpPerPerson: 3866,
rank: 162,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 91593,
televisions: 209004,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 476114
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COM`,
name: `Comoros`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 808080,
gdpTotal: 1259,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 43.877,
latitude: -11.86,
gdpPerPerson: 1558,
rank: 163,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 6146,
televisions: 495921,
publicDebt: 10,
internet: 459977
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GNQ`,
name: `Equatorial Guinea`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 778358,
gdpTotal: 31770,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 10.521,
latitude: 1.763,
gdpPerPerson: 40817,
rank: 164,
unemployment: 30,
oilProduction: 385500,
birthRate: 37,
medianAge: 19,
electricity: 28,
televisions: 4000,
publicDebt: 2,
internet: 8000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BTN`,
name: `Bhutan`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 758288,
gdpTotal: 6432,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 90.411,
latitude: 27.506,
gdpPerPerson: 8482,
rank: 165,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 24,
electricity: 2000,
televisions: 11000,
publicDebt: 81,
internet: 40000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GUY`,
name: `Guyana`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 737718,
gdpTotal: 6093,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -58.96,
latitude: 5.607,
gdpPerPerson: 8259,
rank: 166,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 37,
electricity: 84988,
televisions: 149848,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 134377
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SLB`,
name: `Solomon Islands`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 647581,
gdpTotal: 1198,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 161.3,
latitude: -9.221,
gdpPerPerson: 1850,
rank: 167,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 3432,
televisions: 177555,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 478635
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MNE`,
name: `Montenegro`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 642550,
gdpTotal: 10610,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 19.191,
latitude: 42.814,
gdpPerPerson: 16512,
rank: 168,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 24709,
televisions: 126756,
publicDebt: 29,
internet: 336628
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ESH`,
name: `Western Sahara`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 603253,
gdpTotal: 907,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Northern Africa`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -12.89,
latitude: 24.231,
gdpPerPerson: 1504,
rank: 169,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 11081,
televisions: 237857,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 306624
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MAC`,
name: `Macao`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 601969,
gdpTotal: 63220,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 113.51,
latitude: 22.221,
gdpPerPerson: 105022,
rank: 170,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 77896,
televisions: 163859,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 62728
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LUX`,
name: `Luxembourg`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 594130,
gdpTotal: 58740,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 6.109,
latitude: 49.806,
gdpPerPerson: 98867,
rank: 171,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 3156,
televisions: 285000,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 345000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SUR`,
name: `Suriname`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 591919,
gdpTotal: 8547,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -56.02,
latitude: 4.506,
gdpPerPerson: 14439,
rank: 172,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 44,
electricity: 82658,
televisions: 69068,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 367104
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CPV`,
name: `Cabo Verde`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 560899,
gdpTotal: 3583,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -25.16,
latitude: 17.102,
gdpPerPerson: 6388,
rank: 173,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 54,
electricity: 60647,
televisions: 101289,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 40105
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BRN`,
name: `Brunei`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 443593,
gdpTotal: 33730,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 114.69,
latitude: 4.523,
gdpPerPerson: 76038,
rank: 174,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 50701,
televisions: 235042,
publicDebt: 16,
internet: 188751
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MLT`,
name: `Malta`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 416338,
gdpTotal: 16320,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 14.373,
latitude: 35.948,
gdpPerPerson: 39199,
rank: 175,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 77444,
televisions: 282390,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 317612
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MDV`,
name: `Maldives`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 392709,
gdpTotal: 5407,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 73.455,
latitude: 3.739,
gdpPerPerson: 13768,
rank: 176,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 26004,
televisions: 156412,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 45331
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BLZ`,
name: `Belize`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 360346,
gdpTotal: 3088,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -88.51,
latitude: 17.185,
gdpPerPerson: 8570,
rank: 177,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 57433,
televisions: 127478,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 223855
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ISL`,
name: `Iceland`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 339747,
gdpTotal: 16150,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -19.01,
latitude: 64.966,
gdpPerPerson: 47535,
rank: 178,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 8533,
televisions: 98000,
publicDebt: 28,
internet: 202300
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BHS`,
name: `Bahamas`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 329988,
gdpTotal: 9066,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -78.01,
latitude: 24.761,
gdpPerPerson: 27474,
rank: 179,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 38395,
televisions: 203588,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 91807
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FRG`,
name: `French Guiana`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 296161,
gdpTotal: 1299000,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -53.13,
latitude: 3.893,
gdpPerPerson: 4386,
rank: 180,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 73845,
televisions: 147489,
publicDebt: 35,
internet: 209593
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BRB`,
name: `Barbados`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 292336,
gdpTotal: 4804,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -59.53,
latitude: 13.19,
gdpPerPerson: 16433,
rank: 181,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 28728,
televisions: 173392,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 73593
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PYF`,
name: `Fr. Polynesia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 287881,
gdpTotal: 5490,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -143.9,
latitude: -14.82,
gdpPerPerson: 19070,
rank: 182,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 45,
electricity: 46206,
televisions: 43757,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 172560
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VUT`,
name: `Vanuatu`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 282814,
gdpTotal: 723,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 168.21,
latitude: -16.97,
gdpPerPerson: 2556,
rank: 183,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 50581,
televisions: 187584,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 223352
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NCL`,
name: `New Caledonia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 279070,
gdpTotal: 10770,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Melanesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 165.26,
latitude: -21.09,
gdpPerPerson: 38592,
rank: 184,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 49,
electricity: 18361,
televisions: 79923,
publicDebt: 45,
internet: 149003
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NCP`,
name: `Northern Cyprus`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 265100,
gdpTotal: 3600,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Middle East`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 33.714,
latitude: 35.257,
gdpPerPerson: 13580,
rank: 185,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 84000,
televisions: 135551,
publicDebt: 30,
internet: 167480
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `STP`,
name: `Sao Tome and Principe`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 201025,
gdpTotal: 694,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Middle Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 6.598,
latitude: 0.248,
gdpPerPerson: 3452,
rank: 186,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 6691,
televisions: 65480,
publicDebt: 12,
internet: 121162
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `WSM`,
name: `Samoa`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 200108,
gdpTotal: 1046,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -172.1,
latitude: -13.75,
gdpPerPerson: 5227,
rank: 187,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 50118,
televisions: 54930,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 84739
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GUM`,
name: `Guam`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 167358,
gdpTotal: 4882,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 144.79,
latitude: 13.44,
gdpPerPerson: 29171,
rank: 188,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 24,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 64229,
televisions: 43567,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 121131
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LCA`,
name: `Saint Lucia`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 164994,
gdpTotal: 2083,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -60.98,
latitude: 13.905,
gdpPerPerson: 12625,
rank: 189,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 75473,
televisions: 87743,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 64498
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CUW`,
name: `Curacao`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 149648,
gdpTotal: 3128,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -68.95,
latitude: 12.213,
gdpPerPerson: 20902,
rank: 190,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 74665,
televisions: 89830,
publicDebt: 36,
internet: 55905
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ABW`,
name: `Aruba`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 115120,
gdpTotal: 2516,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -69.98,
latitude: 12.519,
gdpPerPerson: 21855,
rank: 191,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 2356,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 770,
televisions: 20000,
publicDebt: 46,
internet: 24000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GRD`,
name: `Grenada`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 111724,
gdpTotal: 1511,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.69,
latitude: 12.123,
gdpPerPerson: 13524,
rank: 192,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 4992,
televisions: 58674,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 33132
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KIR`,
name: `Kiribati`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 108145,
gdpTotal: 211,
economy: `Least developed`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -157.333,
latitude: 1.884,
gdpPerPerson: 1951,
rank: 193,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 52,
electricity: 37081,
televisions: 52395,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 36620
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VIR`,
name: `U.S. Virgin Island`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 107268,
gdpTotal: 3792,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -64.77,
latitude: 17.77,
gdpPerPerson: 35351,
rank: 194,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 13387,
televisions: 77187,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 40836
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TON`,
name: `Tonga`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 106479,
gdpTotal: 557,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -173.9,
latitude: -18.62,
gdpPerPerson: 5231,
rank: 195,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 88735,
televisions: 30257,
publicDebt: 25,
internet: 71756
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FSM`,
name: `Micronesia`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 104196,
gdpTotal: 314,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 150.52,
latitude: 7.435,
gdpPerPerson: 3014,
rank: 196,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 38,
electricity: 39068,
televisions: 45396,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 29169
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VCT`,
name: `St. Vin. and Gren.`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 102089,
gdpTotal: 1241,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.17,
latitude: 13.239,
gdpPerPerson: 12156,
rank: 197,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 39467,
televisions: 42804,
publicDebt: 9,
internet: 66754
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `JEY`,
name: `Jersey`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 98840,
gdpTotal: 5080,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -2.123,
latitude: 49.218,
gdpPerPerson: 51396,
rank: 198,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 30,
electricity: 64261,
televisions: 52453,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 3026
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ATG`,
name: `Antigua and Barbuda`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 94731,
gdpTotal: 2171,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.79,
latitude: 17.096,
gdpPerPerson: 22918,
rank: 199,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 5,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 35849,
televisions: 75384,
publicDebt: 32,
internet: 6170
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SYC`,
name: `Seychelles`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 93920,
gdpTotal: 2608,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Eastern Africa`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 55.463,
latitude: -4.672,
gdpPerPerson: 27768,
rank: 200,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 16,
medianAge: 29,
electricity: 252,
televisions: 11000,
publicDebt: 92,
internet: 32000
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IMN`,
name: `Isle of Man`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 88815,
gdpTotal: 7428,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -4.562,
latitude: 54.233,
gdpPerPerson: 83635,
rank: 201,
unemployment: 4,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 14,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 15745,
televisions: 25734,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 2650
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AND`,
name: `Andorra`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 85702,
gdpTotal: 3327,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 1.578,
latitude: 42.539,
gdpPerPerson: 38821,
rank: 202,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 20,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 56209,
televisions: 42797,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 42006
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MHL`,
name: `Marshall Islands`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 74539,
gdpTotal: 180,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 169.3,
latitude: 8.484,
gdpPerPerson: 2415,
rank: 203,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 78832,
televisions: 15193,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 8536
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `DMA`,
name: `Dominica`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 73897,
gdpTotal: 812,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -61.36,
latitude: 15.43,
gdpPerPerson: 10988,
rank: 204,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 49809,
televisions: 17676,
publicDebt: 37,
internet: 2616
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BMU`,
name: `Bermuda`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 70864,
gdpTotal: 5198,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -64.76,
latitude: 32.323,
gdpPerPerson: 73352,
rank: 205,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 21,
medianAge: 43,
electricity: 54728,
televisions: 16336,
publicDebt: 27,
internet: 41606
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GGY`,
name: `Guernsey`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 66502,
gdpTotal: 3465,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -2.579,
latitude: 49.468,
gdpPerPerson: 52104,
rank: 206,
unemployment: 2,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 25,
medianAge: 33,
electricity: 9806,
televisions: 24638,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 29222
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `CYM`,
name: `Cayman Island`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 58441,
gdpTotal: 2507,
economy: `Emerging`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -81.25,
latitude: 19.343,
gdpPerPerson: 42898,
rank: 207,
unemployment: 12,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 35,
electricity: 70206,
televisions: 28885,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 9332
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `GRL`,
name: `Greenland`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 57713,
gdpTotal: 2173,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -42.12,
latitude: 69.547,
gdpPerPerson: 37652,
rank: 208,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 86090,
televisions: 43741,
publicDebt: 42,
internet: 11423
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KNA`,
name: `St. Kitts and Nevis`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 52715,
gdpTotal: 1427,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: -62.77,
latitude: 17.351,
gdpPerPerson: 27070,
rank: 209,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 40,
electricity: 65438,
televisions: 17719,
publicDebt: 11,
internet: 8543
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `TCA`,
name: `Turks and Caicos Is.`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 52570,
gdpTotal: 632,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -71.96,
latitude: 21.913,
gdpPerPerson: 12022,
rank: 210,
unemployment: 6,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 51325,
televisions: 13109,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 24564
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MNP`,
name: `N. Mariana Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 52263,
gdpTotal: 682,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 145.49,
latitude: 16.459,
gdpPerPerson: 13049,
rank: 211,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 87386,
televisions: 13049,
publicDebt: 20,
internet: 5484
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ASM`,
name: `American Samoa`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 51504,
gdpTotal: 711,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -170.6,
latitude: -14.3,
gdpPerPerson: 13805,
rank: 212,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 65918,
televisions: 18802,
publicDebt: 23,
internet: 14691
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FRO`,
name: `Faeroe Island`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 50730,
gdpTotal: 2001,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -6.857,
latitude: 62.178,
gdpPerPerson: 39444,
rank: 213,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 11,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 55029,
televisions: 11762,
publicDebt: 13,
internet: 2412
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SXM`,
name: `Sint Maarten`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 42083,
gdpTotal: 366,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -63.06,
latitude: 18.044,
gdpPerPerson: 8697,
rank: 214,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 19,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 17166,
televisions: 8474,
publicDebt: 33,
internet: 14309
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `LIE`,
name: `Liechtenstein`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 38244,
gdpTotal: 4978,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 9.545,
latitude: 47.164,
gdpPerPerson: 130164,
rank: 215,
unemployment: 11,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 80781,
televisions: 23104,
publicDebt: 21,
internet: 8159
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `VGB`,
name: `British Virgin Island`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 35015,
gdpTotal: 500,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -64.6,
latitude: 18.44,
gdpPerPerson: 14280,
rank: 216,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 2,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 47732,
televisions: 17777,
publicDebt: 7,
internet: 6238
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SMR`,
name: `San Marino`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 33537,
gdpTotal: 2023,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 12.456,
latitude: 43.942,
gdpPerPerson: 60321,
rank: 217,
unemployment: 10,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 21943,
televisions: 22355,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 23505
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MAF`,
name: `St. Martin`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 32125,
gdpTotal: 562,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -63.06,
latitude: 18.092,
gdpPerPerson: 17494,
rank: 218,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 34,
electricity: 76791,
televisions: 17592,
publicDebt: 43,
internet: 25032
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MCO`,
name: `Monaco`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 30645,
gdpTotal: 7672,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Western Europe`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 7.408,
latitude: 43.751,
gdpPerPerson: 250351,
rank: 219,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 18,
medianAge: 31,
electricity: 73517,
televisions: 10057,
publicDebt: 10,
internet: 18394
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `ALA`,
name: `Aland Islands`,
continent: `Europe`,
population: 27153,
gdpTotal: 1563,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern Europe`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: 20.065,
latitude: 60.209,
gdpPerPerson: 57563,
rank: 220,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 54,
electricity: 69394,
televisions: 14696,
publicDebt: 19,
internet: 2736
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `PLW`,
name: `Palau`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 21431,
gdpTotal: 276,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 134.63,
latitude: 7.532,
gdpPerPerson: 12879,
rank: 221,
unemployment: 8,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 7,
medianAge: 39,
electricity: 88599,
televisions: 3019,
publicDebt: 8,
internet: 17075
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `AIA`,
name: `Anguilla`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 17087,
gdpTotal: 175,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -63.07,
latitude: 18.221,
gdpPerPerson: 10242,
rank: 222,
unemployment: 9,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 10,
medianAge: 49,
electricity: 68590,
televisions: 10632,
publicDebt: 40,
internet: 8703
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `WLF`,
name: `Wallis Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 15714,
gdpTotal: 60,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -177.1,
latitude: -13.77,
gdpPerPerson: 3818,
rank: 223,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 0,
medianAge: 0,
electricity: 0,
televisions: 0,
publicDebt: 6,
internet: 900
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NRU`,
name: `Nauru`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 9642,
gdpTotal: 151,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Micronesia`,
status: `Country`,
longitude: 166.93,
latitude: -0.52,
gdpPerPerson: 15661,
rank: 224,
unemployment: 5,
oilProduction: 3,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 32,
electricity: 84092,
televisions: 1777,
publicDebt: 34,
internet: 4585
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `COK`,
name: `Cook Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 9290,
gdpTotal: 244,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -159.7,
latitude: -21.21,
gdpPerPerson: 26265,
rank: 225,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 45,
electricity: 41320,
televisions: 3712,
publicDebt: 24,
internet: 3555
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SHN`,
name: `Saint Helena`,
continent: `Africa`,
population: 7828,
gdpTotal: 31,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Western Africa`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -10.03,
latitude: -11.94,
gdpPerPerson: 3960,
rank: 226,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 48,
electricity: 84435,
televisions: 3812,
publicDebt: 15,
internet: 5530
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `BLM`,
name: `St. Barthalemy`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 7184,
gdpTotal: 255,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -62.83,
latitude: 17.899,
gdpPerPerson: 35496,
rank: 227,
unemployment: 14,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 23,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 36112,
televisions: 4072,
publicDebt: 27,
internet: 5097
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `KAS`,
name: `Siachen Glacier`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 6000,
gdpTotal: 15,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: 77.283,
latitude: 35.386,
gdpPerPerson: 2500,
rank: 228,
unemployment: 7,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 55,
electricity: 62932,
televisions: 936,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 1303
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `SPM`,
name: `St. Pierre and Miquelon`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 5533,
gdpTotal: 215,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Northern America`,
status: `Territory`,
longitude: -56.26,
latitude: 46.926,
gdpPerPerson: 38858,
rank: 229,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 13,
medianAge: 42,
electricity: 61277,
televisions: 2067,
publicDebt: 18,
internet: 2924
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `MSR`,
name: `Montserrat`,
continent: `North America`,
population: 5292,
gdpTotal: 44,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Central America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -62.18,
latitude: 16.745,
gdpPerPerson: 8314,
rank: 230,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 1,
birthRate: 12,
medianAge: 50,
electricity: 19088,
televisions: 1964,
publicDebt: 44,
internet: 4009
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `IOT`,
name: `British Indian Territory`,
continent: `Asia`,
population: 4000,
gdpTotal: 160,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `Southern Asia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 72.424,
latitude: -7.328,
gdpPerPerson: 40000,
rank: 232,
unemployment: 13,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 6,
medianAge: 47,
electricity: 91829,
televisions: 1510,
publicDebt: 14,
internet: 1656
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `FLK`,
name: `Falkland Island`,
continent: `South America`,
population: 2931,
gdpTotal: 282,
economy: `Developed`,
region: `South America`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -59.46,
latitude: -51.78,
gdpPerPerson: 96213,
rank: 233,
unemployment: 3,
oilProduction: 5,
birthRate: 9,
medianAge: 36,
electricity: 68007,
televisions: 1489,
publicDebt: 22,
internet: 1335
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NFK`,
name: `Norfolk Island`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 2210,
gdpTotal: 33,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Australia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: 167.94,
latitude: -29.05,
gdpPerPerson: 14932,
rank: 234,
unemployment: 1,
oilProduction: 0,
birthRate: 15,
medianAge: 46,
electricity: 91943,
televisions: 583,
publicDebt: 41,
internet: 1183
new WorldStatsItem(
code: `NIU`,
name: `Niue`,
continent: `Oceania`,
population: 1626,
gdpTotal: 10,
economy: `Developing`,
region: `Polynesia`,
status: `Dependency`,
longitude: -169.8,
latitude: -19.05,
gdpPerPerson: 6150,
rank: 235,
unemployment: 15,
oilProduction: 4,
birthRate: 17,
medianAge: 51,
electricity: 16785,
televisions: 585,
publicDebt: 31,
internet: 1247
tsimport { IgcLegendModule, IgcNumberAbbreviatorModule, IgcDataChartCoreModule, IgcDataChartScatterModule, IgcDataChartScatterCoreModule, IgcDataChartInteractivityModule, IgcDataChartAnnotationModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcDataChartComponent, IgcNumericXAxisComponent, IgcNumericYAxisComponent, IgcBubbleSeriesComponent, IgcSizeScaleComponent, IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { WorldStatsItem, WorldStats } from './WorldStats';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private chart: IgcDataChartComponent
private xAxis: IgcNumericXAxisComponent
private yAxis: IgcNumericYAxisComponent
private bubbleSeries1: IgcBubbleSeriesComponent
private _sizeScale1: IgcSizeScaleComponent | null = null;
public get sizeScale1(): IgcSizeScaleComponent {
if (this._sizeScale1 == null)
var sizeScale1 = new IgcSizeScaleComponent();
sizeScale1.isLogarithmic = false;
sizeScale1.minimumValue = 10;
sizeScale1.maximumValue = 80;
this._sizeScale1 = sizeScale1;
return this._sizeScale1;
private dataToolTipLayer: IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var chart = this.chart = document.getElementById('chart') as IgcDataChartComponent;
var xAxis = this.xAxis = document.getElementById('xAxis') as IgcNumericXAxisComponent;
var yAxis = this.yAxis = document.getElementById('yAxis') as IgcNumericYAxisComponent;
var bubbleSeries1 = this.bubbleSeries1 = document.getElementById('bubbleSeries1') as IgcBubbleSeriesComponent;
var dataToolTipLayer = this.dataToolTipLayer = document.getElementById('dataToolTipLayer') as IgcDataToolTipLayerComponent;
this._bind = () => {
bubbleSeries1.xAxis = this.xAxis;
bubbleSeries1.yAxis = this.yAxis;
bubbleSeries1.dataSource = this.worldStats;
bubbleSeries1.radiusScale = this.sizeScale1;
private _worldStats: WorldStats = null;
public get worldStats(): WorldStats {
if (this._worldStats == null)
this._worldStats = new WorldStats();
return this._worldStats;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
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chart-title="Population vs. Public Debt vs. GDP"
title="Public Debt per GDP (%)"
marker-brush="rgba(67, 162, 250, 1)"
included-columns="X, Y, Radius"
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Additional Resources
API References
The following table lists API members mentioned in the above sections: