Web Components Geographic Polyline Map
In Web Components map component, you can use the IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
to display geo-spatial data using polylines in a geographic context. This type of geographic series is often used to render roads or connections between geographic locations such as cities or airports.
Web Components Geographic Polyline Map Example
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The IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
works a lot like the IgcGeographicShapeSeriesComponent
except that geo-spatial data is rendered with polylines instead of polygons.
Data Requirements
Similarly to other types of geographic series in the control, the IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
has the ItemsSource
property which can be bound to an array of objects. In addition, each data item in this object must have one data column that stores single/multiple shapes using an array of arrays of objects with x and y values representing geographic locations. This data column is then mapped to the shapeMemberPath
property. The IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
uses points of this mapped data column to plot polygons in the control.
Code Snippet
The following code shows how to bind the IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent
to locations of cities loaded from a shape file using the IgcShapeDataSource
<igc-geographic-map id="geoMap" width="100%" height="100%">
import { IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-maps';
import { IgcDataChartInteractivityModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-charts';
import { IgcShapeDataSource } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
connectedCallback() {
this.geoMap = document.getElementById("geoMap") as IgcGeographicMapComponent;
// loading a shapefile with geographic shapes
const sds = new IgcShapeDataSource();
sds.importCompleted = this.onDataLoaded;
sds.shapefileSource = "../shapes/AmericanRoads.shp";
sds.databaseSource = "../shapes/AmericanRoads.dbf";
onDataLoaded(sds: IgcShapeDataSource, e: any) {
const shapeRecords = sds.getPointData();
console.log("loaded AmericanRoads.shp " + shapeRecords.length);
const roadsUSA: any[] = [];
const roadsMEX: any[] = [];
const roadsCAN: any[] = [];
// filtering records of loaded shapefile
for (const record of shapeRecords) {
// reading field values loaded from DBF file
const type = record.fieldValues.RoadType;
const road = {
country: record.fieldValues.Country,
length: record.fieldValues.RoadLength / 10,
points: record.points,
type: type === 1 ? "Highway" : "Road",
// grouping road items by country names
if (type === 1 || type === 2) {
if (road.country === "USA") {
} else if (road.country === "MEX") {
} else if (road.country === "CAN") {
// creating polyline series for roads of each country
this.addSeriesWith(roadsCAN, "rgba(252, 32, 32, 0.9)");
this.addSeriesWith(roadsUSA, "rgba(3, 121, 231, 0.9)");
this.addSeriesWith(roadsMEX, "rgba(14, 194, 14, 0.9)");
public addSeriesWith(shapeData: any[], shapeBrush: string) {
const lineSeries = new IgcGeographicPolylineSeriesComponent();
lineSeries.dataSource = shapeData;
lineSeries.shapeMemberPath = "points";
lineSeries.shapeFilterResolution = 2.0;
lineSeries.shapeStrokeThickness = 2;
lineSeries.shapeStroke = shapeBrush;