Web Components Pivot Grid Overview
Ignite UI for Web Components Pivot Grids are used for summing up and representing voluminous multidimensional data in a cross-tabular format. The data summery can be easily and quickly sorted, grouped, or filtered. Such data can include sums, averages, and other statistics. End-users are enabled to modify the pivot table layout through drag-and-drop operations, according to their needs.
What is Web Components Pivot Grid?
The Web Components IgcPivotGrid presents data in a pivot table and helps performing complex analysis on the supplied data set. This sophisticated Pivot Grid control is used for organizing, summarizing, and filtering large volumes of data which is later displayed in a cross-table format. Key features of an Web Components Pivot Grid are row dimensions, column dimensions, aggregations, and filters.
The IgcPivotGridComponent
gives the ability to users to configure and display their data in a multi-dimensional pivot table structure.
The rows and columns represent distinct data groups, and the data cell values represent aggregations. This allows complex data analysis based on a simple flat data set. The IgcPivotGridComponent
is a feature-rich pivot table that provides easy configuration of the different dimensions and values as well as additional data operations on them like filtering and sorting.
Web Components Pivot Grid Example
The following is an Web Components Pivot Grid example in combination with the Web Components Pivot Data Selector Component. This way you can have more flexible runtime configuration options.
export class PivotSalesDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<PivotSalesDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public Country: string;
public Product: string;
public UnitsSold: number;
public ManufacturingPrice: number;
public SalePrice: number;
public GrossSales: number;
public Discounts: number;
public Sales: number;
public COGS: number;
public Profit: number;
public Date: string;
public MonthName: string;
public Year: number;
export class PivotSalesData extends Array<PivotSalesDataItem> {
public constructor() {
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 501,
ManufacturingPrice: 15,
SalePrice: 23,
GrossSales: 26440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 26440,
COGS: 16185,
Profit: 11255,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 27440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 27440,
COGS: 16185,
Profit: 11255,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2762,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 55240,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 55240,
COGS: 13210,
Profit: 42030,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1464,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 21960,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 21960,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 180,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 719,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10785,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10785,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 1905,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3576,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 53640,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 53640,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 28940,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4422,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1547700,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1547700,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 1154320,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54735,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 54735,
COGS: 9210,
Profit: 45525,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4172,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50064,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50064,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 42510,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3841,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 76820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 76820,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 57830,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3726,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 44712,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 44712,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 40077,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2625,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 39375,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 14675,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1958,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 244750,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 244750,
COGS: 319860,
Profit: 75110,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3271,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 981300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 981300,
COGS: 239500,
Profit: 741800,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2091,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14637,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14637,
COGS: 10730,
Profit: 3907,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2825,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 42375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 42375,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 36225,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2513,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50260,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50260,
COGS: 2920,
Profit: 47340,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 883,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 13245,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 13245,
COGS: 9740,
Profit: 3505,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2087,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 25044,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 25044,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 17490,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2563,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 897050,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 897050,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 635490,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2846,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 34152,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34152,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 33051,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 997,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6979,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6979,
COGS: 4415,
Profit: 2564,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2290,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 34350,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34350,
COGS: 24720,
Profit: 9630,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2133,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14931,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14931,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 9216,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3617,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72340,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 72340,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 54170,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 443100,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 49720,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 894,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6258,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6258,
COGS: 7465,
Profit: 1207,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2725,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 340625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 340625,
COGS: 216480,
Profit: 124145,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3061,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36732,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 36732,
COGS: 6483,
Profit: 30249,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3958,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1385300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1385300,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 1123740,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3920,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 47040,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 47040,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 42405,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3381,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 422625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 422625,
COGS: 338520,
Profit: 84105,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4307,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1292100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1292100,
COGS: 500250,
Profit: 791850,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 878,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10536,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10536,
COGS: 8514,
Profit: 2022,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 496,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 7440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7440,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 14340,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3367,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50505,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50505,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 41625,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2055,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 616500,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 616500,
COGS: 537750,
Profit: 78750,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4041,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 80820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 80820,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 62650,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3237,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1132950,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1132950,
COGS: 715000,
Profit: 417950,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 630,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 7560,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7560,
COGS: 5859,
Profit: 1701,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4210,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 526250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 526250,
COGS: 506340,
Profit: 19910,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 22540,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 22540,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 3550,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3438,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24066,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24066,
COGS: 8430,
Profit: 15636,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2015,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 24180,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24180,
COGS: 6423,
Profit: 17757,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2534,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17738,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 17738,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 12023,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1384,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20760,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 20760,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 14610,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3561,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24927,
Discounts: 276.15,
Sales: 24650.85,
COGS: 19725,
Profit: 4925.85,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1823,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27345,
Discounts: 344.4,
Sales: 27000.6,
COGS: 22960,
Profit: 4040.6,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2795,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19565,
Discounts: 72.1,
Sales: 19492.9,
COGS: 5150,
Profit: 14342.9,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 457,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3199,
Discounts: 44.73,
Sales: 3154.27,
COGS: 3195,
Profit: 40.73,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3785,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26495,
Discounts: 92.82,
Sales: 26402.18,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 19772.18,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 748,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8976,
Discounts: 222.96,
Sales: 8753.04,
COGS: 5574,
Profit: 3179.04,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1021,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 357350,
Discounts: 4235,
Sales: 353115,
COGS: 314600,
Profit: 38515,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2076,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14532,
Discounts: 177.03,
Sales: 14354.97,
COGS: 12645,
Profit: 1709.97,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4316,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51792,
Discounts: 173.4,
Sales: 51618.6,
COGS: 4335,
Profit: 47283.6,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4174,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50088,
Discounts: 320.52,
Sales: 49767.48,
COGS: 8013,
Profit: 41754.48,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3736,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1307600,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 1302710.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 939490.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1914,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 662357.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 102057.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2742,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41130,
Discounts: 332.1,
Sales: 40797.9,
COGS: 22140,
Profit: 18657.9,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1499,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 449700,
Discounts: 6903,
Sales: 442797,
COGS: 575250,
Profit: 132453,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 75440,
Discounts: 275.1,
Sales: 75164.9,
COGS: 13755,
Profit: 61409.9,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1112,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7784,
Discounts: 128.1,
Sales: 7655.9,
COGS: 9150,
Profit: 1494.1,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2368,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 35520,
Discounts: 227.1,
Sales: 35292.9,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 20152.9,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11102,
Discounts: 314.48,
Sales: 10787.52,
COGS: 22462.5,
Profit: 11674.98,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3386,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 423250,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 422341.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 335101.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 852,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 106500,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 105516.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 11076.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2783,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 347875,
Discounts: 2278.75,
Sales: 345596.25,
COGS: 218760,
Profit: 126836.25,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2684,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 40260,
Discounts: 112.05,
Sales: 40147.95,
COGS: 7470,
Profit: 32677.95,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1224900,
Discounts: 8715,
Sales: 1216185,
COGS: 726250,
Profit: 489935,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2816,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 985600,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 978057.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 417757.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4294,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 85880,
Discounts: 772.8,
Sales: 85107.2,
COGS: 38640,
Profit: 46467.2,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2856,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19992,
Discounts: 25.34,
Sales: 19966.66,
COGS: 1810,
Profit: 18156.66,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1407,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 175875,
Discounts: 1153.75,
Sales: 174721.25,
COGS: 110760,
Profit: 63961.25,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1265,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8855,
Discounts: 18.41,
Sales: 8836.59,
COGS: 1315,
Profit: 7521.59,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3892,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1362200,
Discounts: 3302.25,
Sales: 1358897.75,
COGS: 245310,
Profit: 1113587.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3068,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 383500,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 382591.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 295351.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 272625,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 271641.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 177201.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1356,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 406800,
Discounts: 2958,
Sales: 403842,
COGS: 246500,
Profit: 177201.25,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 634900,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 630010.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 266790.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1495,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 186875,
Discounts: 2180,
Sales: 184695,
COGS: 209280,
Profit: 24585,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1463,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 182875,
Discounts: 1856.25,
Sales: 181018.75,
COGS: 89100,
Profit: 91918.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 2580,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 2269.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 1615.8,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 566,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 198100,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 178136,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 563384,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3255,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39060,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 38785.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 35359.92,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 15440,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 14813.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 846.4,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1135,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13620,
Discounts: 165.6,
Sales: 13454.4,
COGS: 2070,
Profit: 11384.4,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 17895,
Discounts: 708.9,
Sales: 17186.1,
COGS: 23630,
Profit: 6443.9,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 759000,
Discounts: 5508,
Sales: 753492,
COGS: 229500,
Profit: 523992,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3451,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1035300,
Discounts: 10368,
Sales: 1024932,
COGS: 432000,
Profit: 592932,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3059,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36708,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 36433.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 33007.92,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3957,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 494625,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 492970,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 413530,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3444,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41328,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 41017.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 37132.2,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3154,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 946200,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 934704,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 455704,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4108,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1437800,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 1417836,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 676316,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3760,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470000,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 463177.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 135697.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2334,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28008,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 27754.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 24589.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 580,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 6960,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 6699.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 3447.84,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2610,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 52200,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 51573.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 35913.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 510650,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 490511,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 257509,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3774,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45288,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 45034.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 41869.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2572,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30864,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 30603.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 27351.84,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 320,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 40000,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 38345,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 41095,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3275,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1146250,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 1126111,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 378091,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3582,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 447750,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 440927.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 113447.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4056,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1216800,
Discounts: 1554,
Sales: 1215246,
COGS: 64750,
Profit: 1150496,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2144,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 643200,
Discounts: 6606,
Sales: 636594,
COGS: 275250,
Profit: 361344,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3502,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 437750,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 432060,
COGS: 273120,
Profit: 158940,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 679,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 13580,
Discounts: 494.4,
Sales: 13085.6,
COGS: 12360,
Profit: 725.6,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2351,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 47020,
Discounts: 376.4,
Sales: 46643.6,
COGS: 9410,
Profit: 37233.6,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2043,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 612900,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 601404,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 122404,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3565,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 445625,
Discounts: 15913.13,
Sales: 429711.88,
COGS: 509220,
Profit: 79508.13,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28020,
Discounts: 1548,
Sales: 26472,
COGS: 25800,
Profit: 672,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2077,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 623100,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 616899,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 444649,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3643,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43716,
Discounts: 700.92,
Sales: 43015.08,
COGS: 5841,
Profit: 37174.08,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2960,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20720,
Discounts: 411.18,
Sales: 20308.82,
COGS: 9790,
Profit: 10518.82,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1201,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 14412,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 13727.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 8024.64,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2321,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16247,
Discounts: 114.24,
Sales: 16132.76,
COGS: 2720,
Profit: 13412.76,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3972,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 496500,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 491673.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 337233.75,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3878,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 484750,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 478352.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 273632.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2278,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 683400,
Discounts: 21910.5,
Sales: 661489.5,
COGS: 608625,
Profit: 52864.5,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1075,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 134375,
Discounts: 6652.5,
Sales: 127722.5,
COGS: 212880,
Profit: 85157.5,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4050,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 48600,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 47915.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 42212.64,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3035,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 910500,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 904299,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 732049,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3636,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 454500,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 448612.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 260212.5,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1379,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 16548,
Discounts: 493.02,
Sales: 16054.98,
COGS: 4108.5,
Profit: 11946.48,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4492,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 561500,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 553966.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 312886.25,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1744,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 218000,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 213173.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 58733.75,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2341,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 292625,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 286227.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 81507.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3835,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 479375,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 471841.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 230761.25,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1161,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 348300,
Discounts: 25596,
Sales: 322704,
COGS: 711000,
Profit: 388296,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 876,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10512,
Discounts: 689.76,
Sales: 9822.24,
COGS: 5748,
Profit: 4074.24,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1705,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 213125,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 207237.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 18837.5,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1805,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 541500,
Discounts: 16866,
Sales: 524634,
COGS: 468500,
Profit: 56134,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 136150,
Discounts: 17241,
Sales: 118909,
COGS: 426920,
Profit: 308011,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29180,
Discounts: 498.6,
Sales: 28681.4,
COGS: 8310,
Profit: 20371.4,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4236,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 84720,
Discounts: 2310.3,
Sales: 82409.7,
COGS: 38505,
Profit: 43904.7,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3627,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43524,
Discounts: 892.44,
Sales: 42631.56,
COGS: 7437,
Profit: 35194.56,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1756,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26340,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 25121.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 4811.4,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 307,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 4605,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 3386.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 16923.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1222,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 366600,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 342348,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 162902,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 489,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 171150,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 167314,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 96074,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4133,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61995,
Discounts: 1180.2,
Sales: 60814.8,
COGS: 19670,
Profit: 41144.8,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2743,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 822900,
Discounts: 22308,
Sales: 800592,
COGS: 464750,
Profit: 335842,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4460,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1338000,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 1313748,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 808498,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1232,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 154000,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 148310,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 11750,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 18102,
Discounts: 1190.28,
Sales: 16911.72,
COGS: 21255,
Profit: 4343.28,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1332,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 166500,
Discounts: 3975,
Sales: 162525,
COGS: 95400,
Profit: 67125,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4487,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1346100,
Discounts: 16974,
Sales: 1329126,
COGS: 353625,
Profit: 975501,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1158600,
Discounts: 35016,
Sales: 1123584,
COGS: 729500,
Profit: 394084,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1765,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 617750,
Discounts: 48300,
Sales: 569450,
COGS: 897000,
Profit: 327550,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3533,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 441625,
Discounts: 14940,
Sales: 426685,
COGS: 358560,
Profit: 68125,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2016,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 30240,
Discounts: 130.8,
Sales: 30109.2,
COGS: 2180,
Profit: 27929.2,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58760,
Discounts: 1659.2,
Sales: 57100.8,
COGS: 20740,
Profit: 36360.8,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3352,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67040,
Discounts: 844.8,
Sales: 66195.2,
COGS: 10560,
Profit: 55635.2,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2430,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 850500,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 846664,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 775424,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 535,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 66875,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 61185,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 75375,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1523,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18276,
Discounts: 703.2,
Sales: 17572.8,
COGS: 4395,
Profit: 13177.8,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1782,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 623700,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 593222,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 27202,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 347,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4164,
Discounts: 415.68,
Sales: 3748.32,
COGS: 2598,
Profit: 1150.32,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3509,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1228150,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 1197672,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 631652,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2943,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1030050,
Discounts: 26110,
Sales: 1003940,
COGS: 484900,
Profit: 519040,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4037,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 504625,
Discounts: 5370,
Sales: 499255,
COGS: 128880,
Profit: 370375,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4146,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1451100,
Discounts: 26698,
Sales: 1424402,
COGS: 495820,
Profit: 928582,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 725,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 5075,
Discounts: 480.2,
Sales: 4594.8,
COGS: 6860,
Profit: 2265.2,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2325,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16275,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 15333.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 1888.85,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 675,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8100,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 6641.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 651.6,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2990,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35880,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 34421.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 27128.4,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1072,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7504,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 6562.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 6882.15,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1048,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7336,
Discounts: 589.05,
Sales: 6746.95,
COGS: 8415,
Profit: 1668.05,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 469,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 5628,
Discounts: 673.8,
Sales: 4954.2,
COGS: 3369,
Profit: 1585.2,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4240,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50880,
Discounts: 1119,
Sales: 49761,
COGS: 5595,
Profit: 44166,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1976,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 23712,
Discounts: 669.6,
Sales: 23042.4,
COGS: 3348,
Profit: 19694.4,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1984,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39680,
Discounts: 1563,
Sales: 38117,
COGS: 15630,
Profit: 22487,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 144000,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 129135,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 118615,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1205,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 18075,
Discounts: 2093.25,
Sales: 15981.75,
COGS: 27910,
Profit: 11928.25,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17360,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 17160.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 14310.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2926,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20482,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 19611.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 7176.55,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3210,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1123500,
Discounts: 24228.75,
Sales: 1099271.25,
COGS: 359970,
Profit: 739301.25,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3221,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 402625,
Discounts: 22668.75,
Sales: 379956.25,
COGS: 435240,
Profit: 55283.75,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13524,
Discounts: 1405.2,
Sales: 12118.8,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 5092.8,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1610,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 32200,
Discounts: 1303,
Sales: 30897,
COGS: 13030,
Profit: 17867,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4100,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 512500,
Discounts: 18700,
Sales: 493800,
COGS: 359040,
Profit: 134760,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1012,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 126500,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 111593.75,
COGS: 286200,
Profit: 174606.25,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3337,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1001100,
Discounts: 24105,
Sales: 976995,
COGS: 401750,
Profit: 575245,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3955,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27685,
Discounts: 814.45,
Sales: 26870.55,
COGS: 11635,
Profit: 15235.55,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4347,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1304100,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 1289235,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 1041485,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1548,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 541800,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 531265,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 374745,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 32295,
Discounts: 1965,
Sales: 30330,
COGS: 26200,
Profit: 4130,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4126,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 515750,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 510368.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 407048.75,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3376,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67520,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 64857,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 38227,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2244,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 33660,
Discounts: 416.25,
Sales: 33243.75,
COGS: 5550,
Profit: 27693.75,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1360,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20400,
Discounts: 2145.75,
Sales: 18254.25,
COGS: 28610,
Profit: 10355.75,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 279,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 34875,
Discounts: 5043.75,
Sales: 29831.25,
COGS: 96840,
Profit: 67008.75,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2521,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 882350,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 871815,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 715295,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2433,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 48660,
Discounts: 2832,
Sales: 45828,
COGS: 28320,
Profit: 17508,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1738,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34760,
Discounts: 1579,
Sales: 33181,
COGS: 15790,
Profit: 17391,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1106,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 138250,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 132868.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 29548.75,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 213,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 63900,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 45150,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 267350,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2929,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58580,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 55917,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 29287,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16723,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 16523.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 13673.5,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21602,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 20731.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 8296.55,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 260750,
Discounts: 23625,
Sales: 237125,
COGS: 351000,
Profit: 113875,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: 9660,
Sales: 433440,
COGS: 143520,
Profit: 289920,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4287,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1286100,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 1267350,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 954850,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 47895,
Discounts: 3420.9,
Sales: 44474.1,
COGS: 38010,
Profit: 6464.1,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1967,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39340,
Discounts: 1341,
Sales: 37999,
COGS: 11175,
Profit: 26824,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 631,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 9465,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 6905.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 21534.6,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3469,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41628,
Discounts: 404.64,
Sales: 41223.36,
COGS: 1686,
Profit: 39537.36,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 48225,
Discounts: 1827,
Sales: 46398,
COGS: 20300,
Profit: 26098,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1959,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 685650,
Discounts: 20580,
Sales: 665070,
COGS: 254800,
Profit: 410270,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 763350,
Discounts: 30660,
Sales: 732690,
COGS: 379600,
Profit: 353090,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2205,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 26460,
Discounts: 1960.56,
Sales: 24499.44,
COGS: 8169,
Profit: 16330.44,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1890,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 661500,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 630084,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 241124,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2417,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 302125,
Discounts: 7140,
Sales: 294985,
COGS: 114240,
Profit: 180745,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1158,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144750,
Discounts: 20662.5,
Sales: 124087.5,
COGS: 330600,
Profit: 206512.5,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 803,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 12045,
Discounts: 1377,
Sales: 10668,
COGS: 15300,
Profit: 4632,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3705,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1296750,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 1265334,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 876374,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 589,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 4123,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 3493.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 3996.16,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3999,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59985,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 57425.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 28985.4,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4256,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29792,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 29162.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 21672.84,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2160,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 270000,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 255093.75,
COGS: 238500,
Profit: 16593.75,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 163100,
Discounts: 35259,
Sales: 127841,
COGS: 436540,
Profit: 308699,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1478,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 22170,
Discounts: 1978.2,
Sales: 20191.8,
COGS: 21980,
Profit: 1788.2,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3798,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 56970,
Discounts: 1568.7,
Sales: 55401.3,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 37971.3,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 447,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6705,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 5667.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 5862.7,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 14900,
Discounts: 1201.2,
Sales: 13698.8,
COGS: 10010,
Profit: 3688.8,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1732,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12124,
Discounts: 559.86,
Sales: 11564.14,
COGS: 6665,
Profit: 4899.14,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1759,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26385,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 25347.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 13817.3,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 338,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4056,
Discounts: 610.68,
Sales: 3445.32,
COGS: 2181,
Profit: 1264.32,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3911,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46932,
Discounts: 1582.56,
Sales: 45349.44,
COGS: 5652,
Profit: 39697.44,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53676,
Discounts: 1965.6,
Sales: 51710.4,
COGS: 7020,
Profit: 44690.4,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 383,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4596,
Discounts: 1967.28,
Sales: 2628.72,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 4397.28,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1062,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 15930,
Discounts: 1325.1,
Sales: 14604.9,
COGS: 12620,
Profit: 1984.9,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28581,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 28024.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 22349.85,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3974,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27818,
Discounts: 268.03,
Sales: 27549.97,
COGS: 2735,
Profit: 24814.97,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3723,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26061,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 25285.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 17375.82,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2435,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29220,
Discounts: 1460.34,
Sales: 27759.66,
COGS: 5215.5,
Profit: 22544.16,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1763,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12341,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 11565.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 3655.82,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31311,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 30754.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 25079.85,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1246,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 436100,
Discounts: 43144.5,
Sales: 392955.5,
COGS: 457860,
Profit: 64904.5,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1615,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 484500,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 475092,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 363092,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 749,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 224700,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 178899,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 366351,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1318,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 26360,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 23593.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 3833.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2882,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 864600,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 818799,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 273549,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2484,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 745200,
Discounts: 35742,
Sales: 709458,
COGS: 425500,
Profit: 283958,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3169,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 950700,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 941292,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 829292,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 510000,
Discounts: 30738.75,
Sales: 479261.25,
COGS: 421560,
Profit: 57701.25,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3943,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59145,
Discounts: 2206.05,
Sales: 56938.95,
COGS: 21010,
Profit: 35928.95,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 253,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 5060,
Discounts: 2149,
Sales: 2911,
COGS: 15350,
Profit: 12439,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 799,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 239700,
Discounts: 34839,
Sales: 204861,
COGS: 414750,
Profit: 209889,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3942,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 78840,
Discounts: 852.6,
Sales: 77987.4,
COGS: 6090,
Profit: 71897.4,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2498,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 312250,
Discounts: 18261.25,
Sales: 293988.75,
COGS: 250440,
Profit: 43548.75,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2517,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50340,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 47573.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 27813.6,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1145,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 343500,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 314688,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 28312,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45768,
Discounts: 2725.38,
Sales: 43042.62,
COGS: 9733.5,
Profit: 33309.12,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1188,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 356400,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 336261,
COGS: 239750,
Profit: 96511,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2233,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 57687,
Sales: 612213,
COGS: 686750,
Profit: 74537,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 421,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 52625,
Discounts: 14393.75,
Sales: 38231.25,
COGS: 197400,
Profit: 159168.75,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 269,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 94150,
Discounts: 70462,
Sales: 23688,
COGS: 747760,
Profit: 724072,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 952,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19040,
Discounts: 1565.2,
Sales: 17474.8,
COGS: 11180,
Profit: 6294.8,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 889200,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 860388,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 517388,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1505,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10535,
Discounts: 273.28,
Sales: 10261.72,
COGS: 2440,
Profit: 7821.72,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1678,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33560,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31508.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18688.8,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4249,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29743,
Discounts: 143.92,
Sales: 29599.08,
COGS: 1285,
Profit: 28314.08,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1677,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33540,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31488.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18668.8,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3051,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 381375,
Discounts: 15400,
Sales: 365975,
COGS: 184800,
Profit: 181175,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50580,
Discounts: 588,
Sales: 49992,
COGS: 4900,
Profit: 45092,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1686,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 590100,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 551964,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 197844,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 46290,
Discounts: 3001.2,
Sales: 43288.8,
COGS: 25010,
Profit: 18278.8,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4150,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 83000,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 81867.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 74787.2,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3027,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 60540,
Discounts: 1032,
Sales: 59508,
COGS: 6450,
Profit: 53058,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4359,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1307700,
Discounts: 37488,
Sales: 1270212,
COGS: 390500,
Profit: 879712,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1589,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 23835,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 22981.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 15871.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2679,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 334875,
Discounts: 11140,
Sales: 323735,
COGS: 133680,
Profit: 190055,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 705.04,
Sales: 23101.96,
COGS: 6295,
Profit: 16806.96,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2815,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19705,
Discounts: 613.2,
Sales: 19091.8,
COGS: 5475,
Profit: 13616.8,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 59280,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 57094.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 43434.4,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4173,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1251900,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 1192860,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 577860,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1157,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8099,
Discounts: 379.68,
Sales: 7719.32,
COGS: 3390,
Profit: 4329.32,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3065,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21455,
Discounts: 894.88,
Sales: 20560.12,
COGS: 7990,
Profit: 12570.12,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81600,
Discounts: 3094.4,
Sales: 78505.6,
COGS: 19340,
Profit: 59165.6,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1713,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34260,
Discounts: 4788.8,
Sales: 29471.2,
COGS: 29930,
Profit: 458.8,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1691,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 591850,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 553714,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 199594,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2305,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 27660,
Discounts: 574.08,
Sales: 27085.92,
COGS: 1794,
Profit: 25291.92,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 22179.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 7644.08,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2288,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16016,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 14706.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 3016.72,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4086,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1225800,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 1210560,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 1051810,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2651,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 927850,
Discounts: 16086,
Sales: 911764,
COGS: 149370,
Profit: 762394,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3971,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27797,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 26487.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 14797.72,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2512,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 879200,
Discounts: 10668,
Sales: 868532,
COGS: 99060,
Profit: 769472,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2745,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 960750,
Discounts: 11816,
Sales: 948934,
COGS: 109720,
Profit: 839214,
Date: `8/1/20`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1903,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 570900,
Discounts: 51216,
Sales: 519684,
COGS: 533500,
Profit: 13816,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2914,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58280,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 57147.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 50067.2,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1889,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13223,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 11595.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 2939.92,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29320,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 27134.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 13474.4,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 887,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 266100,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 207060,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 407940,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 395,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 7900,
Discounts: 2432,
Sales: 5468,
COGS: 15200,
Profit: 9732,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1693,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 25395,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 24541.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 17431.8,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2649,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 794700,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 779460,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 620710,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3608,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72160,
Discounts: 698.4,
Sales: 71461.6,
COGS: 4365,
Profit: 67096.6,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1073,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 321900,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 292362,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 18862,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2167,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 650100,
Discounts: 102667.5,
Sales: 547432.5,
COGS: 950625,
Profit: 403192.5,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1319,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 461650,
Discounts: 52479,
Sales: 409171,
COGS: 433160,
Profit: 23989,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1252,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15024,
Discounts: 2506.68,
Sales: 12517.32,
COGS: 6963,
Profit: 5554.32,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1156,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144500,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 113033.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 222606.25,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 345900,
Discounts: 69255,
Sales: 276645,
COGS: 641250,
Profit: 364605,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2720,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 952000,
Discounts: 76135.5,
Sales: 875864.5,
COGS: 628420,
Profit: 247444.5,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3658,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54870,
Discounts: 4961.25,
Sales: 49908.75,
COGS: 36750,
Profit: 13158.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2950,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 885000,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 855462,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 581962,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1821,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27315,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 25658.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 13388.55,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 338100,
Discounts: 35748,
Sales: 302352,
COGS: 331000,
Profit: 28648,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 107750,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 76283.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 259356.25,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3805,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 57075,
Discounts: 330.75,
Sales: 56744.25,
COGS: 2450,
Profit: 54294.25,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1415,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 424500,
Discounts: 102424.5,
Sales: 322075.5,
COGS: 948375,
Profit: 626299.5,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2231,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 780850,
Discounts: 41170.5,
Sales: 739679.5,
COGS: 339820,
Profit: 399859.5,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 456125,
Discounts: 6378.75,
Sales: 449746.25,
COGS: 68040,
Profit: 381706.25,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2948,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 368500,
Discounts: 23737.5,
Sales: 344762.5,
COGS: 253200,
Profit: 91562.5,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3395,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1188250,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 1148276.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 818336.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2650,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31800,
Discounts: 2112.48,
Sales: 29687.52,
COGS: 5868,
Profit: 23819.52,
Date: `1/1/20`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 585,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 175500,
Discounts: 71793,
Sales: 103707,
COGS: 664750,
Profit: 561043,
Date: `2/1/20`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1316,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 460600,
Discounts: 42572.25,
Sales: 418027.75,
COGS: 351390,
Profit: 66637.75,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4459,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53508,
Discounts: 950.4,
Sales: 52557.6,
COGS: 2640,
Profit: 49917.6,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2711,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 813300,
Discounts: 50409,
Sales: 762891,
COGS: 466750,
Profit: 296141,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3613,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54195,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 52538.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 40268.55,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1847,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 230875,
Discounts: 9866.25,
Sales: 221008.75,
COGS: 105240,
Profit: 115768.75,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2996,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1048600,
Discounts: 65236.5,
Sales: 983363.5,
COGS: 538460,
Profit: 444903.5,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2838,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 993300,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 953326.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 623386.5,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1536,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 30720,
Discounts: 3049.2,
Sales: 27670.8,
COGS: 16940,
Profit: 10730.8,
Date: `11/1/20`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1291,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 25820,
Discounts: 1193.4,
Sales: 24626.6,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 17996.6,
Date: `5/1/20`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1213,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8491,
Discounts: 515.97,
Sales: 7975.03,
COGS: 4095,
Profit: 3880.03,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2370,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28440,
Discounts: 1706.4,
Sales: 26733.6,
COGS: 4740,
Profit: 21993.6,
Date: `9/1/20`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1979,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13853,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 13524.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 10919.77,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2879,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 57580,
Discounts: 1751.4,
Sales: 55828.6,
COGS: 9730,
Profit: 46098.6,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1707,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34140,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 32271.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 21891.6,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2933,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20531,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 20304.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 18504.2,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1014,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 12168,
Discounts: 2124.36,
Sales: 10043.64,
COGS: 5901,
Profit: 4142.64,
Date: `3/1/20`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 693,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10395,
Discounts: 3547.8,
Sales: 6847.2,
COGS: 26280,
Profit: 19432.8,
Date: `4/1/20`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3741,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26187,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 25960.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 24160.2,
Date: `10/1/20`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3995,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27965,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 27636.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 25031.77,
Date: `12/1/20`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 953,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19060,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 17191.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 6811.6,
Date: `6/1/20`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 37950,
Discounts: 2201.18,
Sales: 35748.82,
COGS: 16305,
Profit: 19443.82,
Date: `7/1/20`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2020
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 27440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 27440,
COGS: 16185,
Profit: 11255,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2762,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 55240,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 55240,
COGS: 13210,
Profit: 42030,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1464,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 21960,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 21960,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 180,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 719,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10785,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10785,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 1905,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3576,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 53640,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 53640,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 28940,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4422,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1547700,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1547700,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 1154320,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54735,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 54735,
COGS: 9210,
Profit: 45525,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4172,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50064,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50064,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 42510,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3841,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 76820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 76820,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 57830,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3726,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 44712,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 44712,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 40077,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2625,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 39375,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 14675,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1958,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 244750,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 244750,
COGS: 319860,
Profit: 75110,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3271,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 981300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 981300,
COGS: 239500,
Profit: 741800,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2091,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14637,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14637,
COGS: 10730,
Profit: 3907,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 316250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 316250,
COGS: 41400,
Profit: 274850,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2825,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 42375,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 42375,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 36225,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2513,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50260,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50260,
COGS: 2920,
Profit: 47340,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 883,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 13245,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 13245,
COGS: 9740,
Profit: 3505,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2087,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 25044,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 25044,
COGS: 7554,
Profit: 17490,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2563,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 897050,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 897050,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 635490,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2846,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 34152,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34152,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 33051,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 997,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6979,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6979,
COGS: 4415,
Profit: 2564,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3421,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 51315,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 51315,
COGS: 5490,
Profit: 45825,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Marchesa`,
UnitsSold: 70000,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 1050000,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1050000,
COGS: 5490,
Profit: 1044510,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2291,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 687300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 687300,
COGS: 197000,
Profit: 490300,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2290,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 34350,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 34350,
COGS: 24720,
Profit: 9630,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2133,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14931,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 14931,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 9216,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3475,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1216250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1216250,
COGS: 448500,
Profit: 767750,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3686,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 44232,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 44232,
COGS: 2736,
Profit: 41496,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3319,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49785,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 49785,
COGS: 21520,
Profit: 28265,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3617,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72340,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 72340,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 54170,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 443100,
COGS: 393380,
Profit: 49720,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 894,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6258,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 6258,
COGS: 7465,
Profit: 1207,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2725,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 340625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 340625,
COGS: 216480,
Profit: 124145,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3061,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36732,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 36732,
COGS: 6483,
Profit: 30249,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3958,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1385300,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1385300,
COGS: 261560,
Profit: 1123740,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3920,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 47040,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 47040,
COGS: 4635,
Profit: 42405,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3381,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 422625,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 422625,
COGS: 338520,
Profit: 84105,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1094,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 136750,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 136750,
COGS: 41400,
Profit: 95350,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4307,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1292100,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1292100,
COGS: 500250,
Profit: 791850,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 878,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10536,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 10536,
COGS: 8514,
Profit: 2022,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 496,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 7440,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7440,
COGS: 21780,
Profit: 14340,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3367,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50505,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 50505,
COGS: 8880,
Profit: 41625,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3880,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1358000,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1358000,
COGS: 397020,
Profit: 960980,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2055,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 616500,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 616500,
COGS: 537750,
Profit: 78750,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4041,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 80820,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 80820,
COGS: 18170,
Profit: 62650,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3237,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1132950,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 1132950,
COGS: 715000,
Profit: 417950,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 630,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 7560,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 7560,
COGS: 5859,
Profit: 1701,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4210,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 526250,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 526250,
COGS: 506340,
Profit: 19910,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 22540,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 22540,
COGS: 18990,
Profit: 3550,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3438,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24066,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24066,
COGS: 8430,
Profit: 15636,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2015,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 24180,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 24180,
COGS: 6423,
Profit: 17757,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2534,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17738,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 17738,
COGS: 5715,
Profit: 12023,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1384,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20760,
Discounts: null,
Sales: 20760,
COGS: 6150,
Profit: 14610,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3561,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24927,
Discounts: 276.15,
Sales: 24650.85,
COGS: 19725,
Profit: 4925.85,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1823,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27345,
Discounts: 344.4,
Sales: 27000.6,
COGS: 22960,
Profit: 4040.6,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2795,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19565,
Discounts: 72.1,
Sales: 19492.9,
COGS: 5150,
Profit: 14342.9,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 457,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3199,
Discounts: 44.73,
Sales: 3154.27,
COGS: 3195,
Profit: 40.73,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3785,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26495,
Discounts: 92.82,
Sales: 26402.18,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 19772.18,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 748,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8976,
Discounts: 222.96,
Sales: 8753.04,
COGS: 5574,
Profit: 3179.04,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1021,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 357350,
Discounts: 4235,
Sales: 353115,
COGS: 314600,
Profit: 38515,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2076,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14532,
Discounts: 177.03,
Sales: 14354.97,
COGS: 12645,
Profit: 1709.97,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4316,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51792,
Discounts: 173.4,
Sales: 51618.6,
COGS: 4335,
Profit: 47283.6,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2654,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 331750,
Discounts: 412.5,
Sales: 331337.5,
COGS: 39600,
Profit: 291737.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4174,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50088,
Discounts: 320.52,
Sales: 49767.48,
COGS: 8013,
Profit: 41754.48,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1675,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 20100,
Discounts: 91.92,
Sales: 20008.08,
COGS: 2298,
Profit: 17710.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1572,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 471600,
Discounts: 1482,
Sales: 470118,
COGS: 123500,
Profit: 346618,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3736,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1307600,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 1302710.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 939490.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1914,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 662357.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 102057.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2742,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41130,
Discounts: 332.1,
Sales: 40797.9,
COGS: 22140,
Profit: 18657.9,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1499,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 449700,
Discounts: 6903,
Sales: 442797,
COGS: 575250,
Profit: 132453,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 75440,
Discounts: 275.1,
Sales: 75164.9,
COGS: 13755,
Profit: 61409.9,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1112,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7784,
Discounts: 128.1,
Sales: 7655.9,
COGS: 9150,
Profit: 1494.1,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1723,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 516900,
Discounts: 7494,
Sales: 509406,
COGS: 624500,
Profit: 115094,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 423,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 52875,
Discounts: 828.75,
Sales: 52046.25,
COGS: 79560,
Profit: 27513.75,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2368,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 35520,
Discounts: 227.1,
Sales: 35292.9,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 20152.9,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11102,
Discounts: 314.48,
Sales: 10787.52,
COGS: 22462.5,
Profit: 11674.98,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3386,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 423250,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 422341.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 335101.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 852,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 106500,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 105516.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 11076.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2783,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 347875,
Discounts: 2278.75,
Sales: 345596.25,
COGS: 218760,
Profit: 126836.25,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2684,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 40260,
Discounts: 112.05,
Sales: 40147.95,
COGS: 7470,
Profit: 32677.95,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4393,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 52716,
Discounts: 91.92,
Sales: 52624.08,
COGS: 2298,
Profit: 50326.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1224900,
Discounts: 8715,
Sales: 1216185,
COGS: 726250,
Profit: 489935,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2816,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 985600,
Discounts: 7542.5,
Sales: 978057.5,
COGS: 560300,
Profit: 417757.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4294,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 85880,
Discounts: 772.8,
Sales: 85107.2,
COGS: 38640,
Profit: 46467.2,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2856,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19992,
Discounts: 25.34,
Sales: 19966.66,
COGS: 1810,
Profit: 18156.66,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1407,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 175875,
Discounts: 1153.75,
Sales: 174721.25,
COGS: 110760,
Profit: 63961.25,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3850,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 481250,
Discounts: 828.75,
Sales: 480421.25,
COGS: 79560,
Profit: 400861.25,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2856,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19992,
Discounts: 146.44,
Sales: 19845.56,
COGS: 10460,
Profit: 9385.56,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1265,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8855,
Discounts: 18.41,
Sales: 8836.59,
COGS: 1315,
Profit: 7521.59,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3892,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1362200,
Discounts: 3302.25,
Sales: 1358897.75,
COGS: 245310,
Profit: 1113587.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3068,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 383500,
Discounts: 908.75,
Sales: 382591.25,
COGS: 87240,
Profit: 295351.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 272625,
Discounts: 983.75,
Sales: 271641.25,
COGS: 94440,
Profit: 177201.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1356,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 406800,
Discounts: 2958,
Sales: 403842,
COGS: 246500,
Profit: 157342,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2545,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 763500,
Discounts: 1482,
Sales: 762018,
COGS: 123500,
Profit: 638518,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 634900,
Discounts: 4889.5,
Sales: 630010.5,
COGS: 363220,
Profit: 266790.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1495,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 186875,
Discounts: 2180,
Sales: 184695,
COGS: 209280,
Profit: 24585,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1154,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13848,
Discounts: 238.68,
Sales: 13609.32,
COGS: 5967,
Profit: 7642.32,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4180,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 62700,
Discounts: 48.15,
Sales: 62651.85,
COGS: 3210,
Profit: 59441.85,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1463,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 182875,
Discounts: 1856.25,
Sales: 181018.75,
COGS: 89100,
Profit: 91918.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 2580,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 2269.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 1615.8,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4099,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1229700,
Discounts: 1284,
Sales: 1228416,
COGS: 53500,
Profit: 1174916,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2660,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 18620,
Discounts: 300.3,
Sales: 18319.7,
COGS: 10725,
Profit: 7594.7,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 566,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 198100,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 178136,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 563384,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3255,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39060,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 38785.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 35359.92,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 772,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 15440,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 14813.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 846.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1135,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13620,
Discounts: 165.6,
Sales: 13454.4,
COGS: 2070,
Profit: 11384.4,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3826,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 478250,
Discounts: 4150,
Sales: 474100,
COGS: 199200,
Profit: 274900,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 17895,
Discounts: 708.9,
Sales: 17186.1,
COGS: 23630,
Profit: 6443.9,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 759000,
Discounts: 5508,
Sales: 753492,
COGS: 229500,
Profit: 523992,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3451,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1035300,
Discounts: 10368,
Sales: 1024932,
COGS: 432000,
Profit: 592932,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3059,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 36708,
Discounts: 274.08,
Sales: 36433.92,
COGS: 3426,
Profit: 33007.92,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3957,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 494625,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 492970,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 413530,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3444,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41328,
Discounts: 310.8,
Sales: 41017.2,
COGS: 3885,
Profit: 37132.2,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4388,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 548500,
Discounts: 2022.5,
Sales: 546477.5,
COGS: 97080,
Profit: 449397.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2106,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 263250,
Discounts: 5362.5,
Sales: 257887.5,
COGS: 257400,
Profit: 487.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 799,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 9588,
Discounts: 428.4,
Sales: 9159.6,
COGS: 5355,
Profit: 3804.6,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3154,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 946200,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 934704,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 455704,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4108,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1437800,
Discounts: 19964,
Sales: 1417836,
COGS: 741520,
Profit: 676316,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3760,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470000,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 463177.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 135697.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 377,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 5655,
Discounts: 577.5,
Sales: 5077.5,
COGS: 19250,
Profit: 14172.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2110,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14770,
Discounts: 281.82,
Sales: 14488.18,
COGS: 10065,
Profit: 4423.18,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2334,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28008,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 27754.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 24589.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 580,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 6960,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 6699.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 3447.84,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2610,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 52200,
Discounts: 626.4,
Sales: 51573.6,
COGS: 15660,
Profit: 35913.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1598,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 559300,
Discounts: 20762,
Sales: 538538,
COGS: 771160,
Profit: 232622,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 510650,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 490511,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 257509,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3284,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 410500,
Discounts: 2022.5,
Sales: 408477.5,
COGS: 97080,
Profit: 311397.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1197,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 149625,
Discounts: 5362.5,
Sales: 144262.5,
COGS: 257400,
Profit: 113137.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3774,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45288,
Discounts: 253.2,
Sales: 45034.8,
COGS: 3165,
Profit: 41869.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2303,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 46060,
Discounts: 217.6,
Sales: 45842.4,
COGS: 5440,
Profit: 40402.4,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2572,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30864,
Discounts: 260.16,
Sales: 30603.84,
COGS: 3252,
Profit: 27351.84,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 320,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 40000,
Discounts: 1655,
Sales: 38345,
COGS: 79440,
Profit: 41095,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2126,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 637800,
Discounts: 1284,
Sales: 636516,
COGS: 53500,
Profit: 583016,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3275,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1146250,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 1126111,
COGS: 748020,
Profit: 378091,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3582,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 447750,
Discounts: 6822.5,
Sales: 440927.5,
COGS: 327480,
Profit: 113447.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 783,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 274050,
Discounts: 1862,
Sales: 272188,
COGS: 69160,
Profit: 203028,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1202,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 420700,
Discounts: 13580,
Sales: 407120,
COGS: 504400,
Profit: 97280,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4056,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1216800,
Discounts: 1554,
Sales: 1215246,
COGS: 64750,
Profit: 1150496,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2144,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 643200,
Discounts: 6606,
Sales: 636594,
COGS: 275250,
Profit: 361344,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3502,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 437750,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 432060,
COGS: 273120,
Profit: 158940,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1397,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 488950,
Discounts: 20762,
Sales: 468188,
COGS: 771160,
Profit: 302972,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 679,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 13580,
Discounts: 494.4,
Sales: 13085.6,
COGS: 12360,
Profit: 725.6,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2351,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 47020,
Discounts: 376.4,
Sales: 46643.6,
COGS: 9410,
Profit: 37233.6,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2043,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 612900,
Discounts: 11496,
Sales: 601404,
COGS: 479000,
Profit: 122404,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3565,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 445625,
Discounts: 15913.13,
Sales: 429711.88,
COGS: 509220,
Profit: 79508.13,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28020,
Discounts: 1548,
Sales: 26472,
COGS: 25800,
Profit: 672,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2077,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 623100,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 616899,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 444649,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3643,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43716,
Discounts: 700.92,
Sales: 43015.08,
COGS: 5841,
Profit: 37174.08,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1105,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13260,
Discounts: 326.88,
Sales: 12933.12,
COGS: 2724,
Profit: 10209.12,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2960,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20720,
Discounts: 411.18,
Sales: 20308.82,
COGS: 9790,
Profit: 10518.82,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1201,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 14412,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 13727.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 8024.64,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2321,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16247,
Discounts: 114.24,
Sales: 16132.76,
COGS: 2720,
Profit: 13412.76,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3640,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1274000,
Discounts: 18868.5,
Sales: 1255131.5,
COGS: 467220,
Profit: 787911.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3972,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 496500,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 491673.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 337233.75,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3878,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 484750,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 478352.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 273632.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2278,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 683400,
Discounts: 21910.5,
Sales: 661489.5,
COGS: 608625,
Profit: 52864.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1075,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 134375,
Discounts: 6652.5,
Sales: 127722.5,
COGS: 212880,
Profit: 85157.5,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4050,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 48600,
Discounts: 684.36,
Sales: 47915.64,
COGS: 5703,
Profit: 42212.64,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3035,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 910500,
Discounts: 6201,
Sales: 904299,
COGS: 172250,
Profit: 732049,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3636,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 454500,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 448612.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 260212.5,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1379,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 16548,
Discounts: 493.02,
Sales: 16054.98,
COGS: 4108.5,
Profit: 11946.48,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4492,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 561500,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 553966.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 312886.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 764,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11460,
Discounts: 875.25,
Sales: 10584.75,
COGS: 19450,
Profit: 8865.25,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1744,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 218000,
Discounts: 4826.25,
Sales: 213173.75,
COGS: 154440,
Profit: 58733.75,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2341,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 292625,
Discounts: 6397.5,
Sales: 286227.5,
COGS: 204720,
Profit: 81507.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3835,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 479375,
Discounts: 7533.75,
Sales: 471841.25,
COGS: 241080,
Profit: 230761.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1161,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 348300,
Discounts: 25596,
Sales: 322704,
COGS: 711000,
Profit: 388296,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 876,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10512,
Discounts: 689.76,
Sales: 9822.24,
COGS: 5748,
Profit: 4074.24,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1705,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 213125,
Discounts: 5887.5,
Sales: 207237.5,
COGS: 188400,
Profit: 18837.5,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1805,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 541500,
Discounts: 16866,
Sales: 524634,
COGS: 468500,
Profit: 56134,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 136150,
Discounts: 17241,
Sales: 118909,
COGS: 426920,
Profit: 308011,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2745,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41175,
Discounts: 875.25,
Sales: 40299.75,
COGS: 19450,
Profit: 20849.75,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1459,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29180,
Discounts: 498.6,
Sales: 28681.4,
COGS: 8310,
Profit: 20371.4,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27566,
Discounts: 369.6,
Sales: 27196.4,
COGS: 8800,
Profit: 18396.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4236,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 84720,
Discounts: 2310.3,
Sales: 82409.7,
COGS: 38505,
Profit: 43904.7,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3627,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43524,
Discounts: 892.44,
Sales: 42631.56,
COGS: 7437,
Profit: 35194.56,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1756,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26340,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 25121.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 4811.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 307,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 4605,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 3386.4,
COGS: 20310,
Profit: 16923.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4489,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 67335,
Discounts: 1356.6,
Sales: 65978.4,
COGS: 22610,
Profit: 43368.4,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2167,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 43340,
Discounts: 588.8,
Sales: 42751.2,
COGS: 7360,
Profit: 35391.2,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1137,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7959,
Discounts: 798.28,
Sales: 7160.72,
COGS: 14255,
Profit: 7094.28,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1222,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 366600,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 342348,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 162902,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 489,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 171150,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 167314,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 96074,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4133,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61995,
Discounts: 1180.2,
Sales: 60814.8,
COGS: 19670,
Profit: 41144.8,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2743,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 822900,
Discounts: 22308,
Sales: 800592,
COGS: 464750,
Profit: 335842,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3699,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 25893,
Discounts: 798.28,
Sales: 25094.72,
COGS: 14255,
Profit: 10839.72,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4460,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1338000,
Discounts: 24252,
Sales: 1313748,
COGS: 505250,
Profit: 808498,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1232,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 154000,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 148310,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 11750,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2586,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 18102,
Discounts: 1190.28,
Sales: 16911.72,
COGS: 21255,
Profit: 4343.28,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1332,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 166500,
Discounts: 3975,
Sales: 162525,
COGS: 95400,
Profit: 67125,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4487,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1346100,
Discounts: 16974,
Sales: 1329126,
COGS: 353625,
Profit: 975501,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1158600,
Discounts: 35016,
Sales: 1123584,
COGS: 729500,
Profit: 394084,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1765,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 617750,
Discounts: 48300,
Sales: 569450,
COGS: 897000,
Profit: 327550,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3533,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 441625,
Discounts: 14940,
Sales: 426685,
COGS: 358560,
Profit: 68125,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2016,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 30240,
Discounts: 130.8,
Sales: 30109.2,
COGS: 2180,
Profit: 27929.2,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58760,
Discounts: 1659.2,
Sales: 57100.8,
COGS: 20740,
Profit: 36360.8,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3352,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67040,
Discounts: 844.8,
Sales: 66195.2,
COGS: 10560,
Profit: 55635.2,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4409,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 66135,
Discounts: 402.6,
Sales: 65732.4,
COGS: 6710,
Profit: 59022.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3323,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49845,
Discounts: 908.4,
Sales: 48936.6,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 33796.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2430,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 850500,
Discounts: 3836,
Sales: 846664,
COGS: 71240,
Profit: 775424,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 535,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 66875,
Discounts: 5690,
Sales: 61185,
COGS: 136560,
Profit: 75375,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1523,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18276,
Discounts: 703.2,
Sales: 17572.8,
COGS: 4395,
Profit: 13177.8,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3631,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72620,
Discounts: 2116.8,
Sales: 70503.2,
COGS: 26460,
Profit: 44043.2,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1782,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 623700,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 593222,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 27202,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 347,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4164,
Discounts: 415.68,
Sales: 3748.32,
COGS: 2598,
Profit: 1150.32,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4147,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1451450,
Discounts: 4886,
Sales: 1446564,
COGS: 90740,
Profit: 1355824,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3509,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1228150,
Discounts: 30478,
Sales: 1197672,
COGS: 566020,
Profit: 631652,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2774,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 41610,
Discounts: 908.4,
Sales: 40701.6,
COGS: 15140,
Profit: 25561.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2943,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1030050,
Discounts: 26110,
Sales: 1003940,
COGS: 484900,
Profit: 519040,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4037,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 504625,
Discounts: 5370,
Sales: 499255,
COGS: 128880,
Profit: 370375,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4146,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1451100,
Discounts: 26698,
Sales: 1424402,
COGS: 495820,
Profit: 928582,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4123,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61845,
Discounts: 402.6,
Sales: 61442.4,
COGS: 6710,
Profit: 54732.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1337,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 467950,
Discounts: 24892,
Sales: 443058,
COGS: 462280,
Profit: 19222,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 599,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 4193,
Discounts: 405.65,
Sales: 3787.35,
COGS: 5795,
Profit: 2007.65,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 725,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 5075,
Discounts: 480.2,
Sales: 4594.8,
COGS: 6860,
Profit: 2265.2,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 477,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3339,
Discounts: 822.15,
Sales: 2516.85,
COGS: 11745,
Profit: 9228.15,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2325,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16275,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 15333.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 1888.85,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 675,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 8100,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 6641.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 651.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2990,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35880,
Discounts: 1458.6,
Sales: 34421.4,
COGS: 7293,
Profit: 27128.4,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1072,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7504,
Discounts: 941.15,
Sales: 6562.85,
COGS: 13445,
Profit: 6882.15,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1048,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7336,
Discounts: 589.05,
Sales: 6746.95,
COGS: 8415,
Profit: 1668.05,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 469,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 5628,
Discounts: 673.8,
Sales: 4954.2,
COGS: 3369,
Profit: 1585.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 804,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 5628,
Discounts: 405.65,
Sales: 5222.35,
COGS: 5795,
Profit: 572.65,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4240,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50880,
Discounts: 1119,
Sales: 49761,
COGS: 5595,
Profit: 44166,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1976,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 23712,
Discounts: 669.6,
Sales: 23042.4,
COGS: 3348,
Profit: 19694.4,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1984,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39680,
Discounts: 1563,
Sales: 38117,
COGS: 15630,
Profit: 22487,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 144000,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 129135,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 118615,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3551,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24857,
Discounts: 355.6,
Sales: 24501.4,
COGS: 5080,
Profit: 19421.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1205,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 18075,
Discounts: 2093.25,
Sales: 15981.75,
COGS: 27910,
Profit: 11928.25,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2480,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17360,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 17160.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 14310.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2926,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20482,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 19611.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 7176.55,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3210,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1123500,
Discounts: 24228.75,
Sales: 1099271.25,
COGS: 359970,
Profit: 739301.25,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3221,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 402625,
Discounts: 22668.75,
Sales: 379956.25,
COGS: 435240,
Profit: 55283.75,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2389,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 836150,
Discounts: 12600,
Sales: 823550,
COGS: 187200,
Profit: 636350,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13524,
Discounts: 1405.2,
Sales: 12118.8,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 5092.8,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 319,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 95700,
Discounts: 16500,
Sales: 79200,
COGS: 275000,
Profit: 195800,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1610,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 32200,
Discounts: 1303,
Sales: 30897,
COGS: 13030,
Profit: 17867,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4100,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 512500,
Discounts: 18700,
Sales: 493800,
COGS: 359040,
Profit: 134760,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1012,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 126500,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 111593.75,
COGS: 286200,
Profit: 174606.25,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3337,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1001100,
Discounts: 24105,
Sales: 976995,
COGS: 401750,
Profit: 575245,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3955,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27685,
Discounts: 814.45,
Sales: 26870.55,
COGS: 11635,
Profit: 15235.55,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4347,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1304100,
Discounts: 14865,
Sales: 1289235,
COGS: 247750,
Profit: 1041485,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1548,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 541800,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 531265,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 374745,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 32295,
Discounts: 1965,
Sales: 30330,
COGS: 26200,
Profit: 4130,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3789,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1326150,
Discounts: 21490,
Sales: 1304660,
COGS: 319280,
Profit: 985380,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4364,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 87280,
Discounts: 1389,
Sales: 85891,
COGS: 13890,
Profit: 72001,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4126,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 515750,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 510368.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 407048.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1343,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 167875,
Discounts: 4400,
Sales: 163475,
COGS: 84480,
Profit: 78995,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 245,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 4900,
Discounts: 1802,
Sales: 3098,
COGS: 18020,
Profit: 14922,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3376,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67520,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 64857,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 38227,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 9807,
Discounts: 747.6,
Sales: 9059.4,
COGS: 10680,
Profit: 1620.6,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3483,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 52245,
Discounts: 1587,
Sales: 50658,
COGS: 21160,
Profit: 29498,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2244,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 33660,
Discounts: 416.25,
Sales: 33243.75,
COGS: 5550,
Profit: 27693.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1360,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20400,
Discounts: 2145.75,
Sales: 18254.25,
COGS: 28610,
Profit: 10355.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 279,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 34875,
Discounts: 5043.75,
Sales: 29831.25,
COGS: 96840,
Profit: 67008.75,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2521,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 882350,
Discounts: 10535,
Sales: 871815,
COGS: 156520,
Profit: 715295,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2433,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 48660,
Discounts: 2832,
Sales: 45828,
COGS: 28320,
Profit: 17508,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1738,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34760,
Discounts: 1579,
Sales: 33181,
COGS: 15790,
Profit: 17391,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1106,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 138250,
Discounts: 5381.25,
Sales: 132868.75,
COGS: 103320,
Profit: 29548.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3379,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 422375,
Discounts: 4400,
Sales: 417975,
COGS: 84480,
Profit: 333495,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1221,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 24420,
Discounts: 1033,
Sales: 23387,
COGS: 10330,
Profit: 13057,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 213,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 63900,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 45150,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 267350,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3335,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 66700,
Discounts: 1389,
Sales: 65311,
COGS: 13890,
Profit: 51421,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1260,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 25200,
Discounts: 1265,
Sales: 23935,
COGS: 12650,
Profit: 11285,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3034,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 60680,
Discounts: 2297,
Sales: 58383,
COGS: 22970,
Profit: 35413,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2929,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58580,
Discounts: 2663,
Sales: 55917,
COGS: 26630,
Profit: 29287,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2389,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16723,
Discounts: 199.5,
Sales: 16523.5,
COGS: 2850,
Profit: 13673.5,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21602,
Discounts: 870.45,
Sales: 20731.55,
COGS: 12435,
Profit: 8296.55,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 260750,
Discounts: 23625,
Sales: 237125,
COGS: 351000,
Profit: 113875,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1266,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 443100,
Discounts: 9660,
Sales: 433440,
COGS: 143520,
Profit: 289920,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3790,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1326500,
Discounts: 21490,
Sales: 1305010,
COGS: 319280,
Profit: 985730,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4287,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1286100,
Discounts: 18750,
Sales: 1267350,
COGS: 312500,
Profit: 954850,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3193,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 47895,
Discounts: 3420.9,
Sales: 44474.1,
COGS: 38010,
Profit: 6464.1,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1967,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 39340,
Discounts: 1341,
Sales: 37999,
COGS: 11175,
Profit: 26824,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 631,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 9465,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 6905.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 21534.6,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3469,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 41628,
Discounts: 404.64,
Sales: 41223.36,
COGS: 1686,
Profit: 39537.36,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 570,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 6840,
Discounts: 1655.28,
Sales: 5184.72,
COGS: 6897,
Profit: 1712.28,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3215,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 48225,
Discounts: 1827,
Sales: 46398,
COGS: 20300,
Profit: 26098,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3754,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26278,
Discounts: 110.46,
Sales: 26167.54,
COGS: 1315,
Profit: 24852.54,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2187,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 273375,
Discounts: 6652.5,
Sales: 266722.5,
COGS: 106440,
Profit: 160282.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1959,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 685650,
Discounts: 20580,
Sales: 665070,
COGS: 254800,
Profit: 410270,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2181,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 763350,
Discounts: 30660,
Sales: 732690,
COGS: 379600,
Profit: 353090,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3559,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 24913,
Discounts: 589.26,
Sales: 24323.74,
COGS: 7015,
Profit: 17308.74,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2205,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 26460,
Discounts: 1960.56,
Sales: 24499.44,
COGS: 8169,
Profit: 16330.44,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1890,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 661500,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 630084,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 241124,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1296,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15552,
Discounts: 1655.28,
Sales: 13896.72,
COGS: 6897,
Profit: 6999.72,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 775,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 271250,
Discounts: 15267,
Sales: 255983,
COGS: 189020,
Profit: 66963,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2417,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 302125,
Discounts: 7140,
Sales: 294985,
COGS: 114240,
Profit: 180745,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1158,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144750,
Discounts: 20662.5,
Sales: 124087.5,
COGS: 330600,
Profit: 206512.5,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 803,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 12045,
Discounts: 1377,
Sales: 10668,
COGS: 15300,
Profit: 4632,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3705,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1296750,
Discounts: 31416,
Sales: 1265334,
COGS: 388960,
Profit: 876374,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 589,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 4123,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 3493.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 3996.16,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3797,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1139100,
Discounts: 21978,
Sales: 1117122,
COGS: 305250,
Profit: 811872,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1321,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 462350,
Discounts: 43596,
Sales: 418754,
COGS: 539760,
Profit: 121006,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3999,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59985,
Discounts: 2559.6,
Sales: 57425.4,
COGS: 28440,
Profit: 28985.4,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4256,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29792,
Discounts: 629.16,
Sales: 29162.84,
COGS: 7490,
Profit: 21672.84,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1643,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 492900,
Discounts: 21978,
Sales: 470922,
COGS: 305250,
Profit: 165672,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1912,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 38240,
Discounts: 1347.6,
Sales: 36892.4,
COGS: 11230,
Profit: 25662.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1610,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 483000,
Discounts: 43848,
Sales: 439152,
COGS: 609000,
Profit: 169848,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2160,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 270000,
Discounts: 14906.25,
Sales: 255093.75,
COGS: 238500,
Profit: 16593.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 163100,
Discounts: 35259,
Sales: 127841,
COGS: 436540,
Profit: 308699,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 328,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 114800,
Discounts: 15267,
Sales: 99533,
COGS: 189020,
Profit: 89487,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4099,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28693,
Discounts: 589.26,
Sales: 28103.74,
COGS: 7015,
Profit: 21088.74,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 990,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 346500,
Discounts: 43596,
Sales: 302904,
COGS: 539760,
Profit: 236856,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1433,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28660,
Discounts: 2108.4,
Sales: 26551.6,
COGS: 17570,
Profit: 8981.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1478,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 22170,
Discounts: 1978.2,
Sales: 20191.8,
COGS: 21980,
Profit: 1788.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3798,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 56970,
Discounts: 1568.7,
Sales: 55401.3,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 37971.3,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 447,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6705,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 5667.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 5862.7,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1711,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34220,
Discounts: 2108.4,
Sales: 32111.6,
COGS: 17570,
Profit: 14541.6,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 745,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 14900,
Discounts: 1201.2,
Sales: 13698.8,
COGS: 10010,
Profit: 3688.8,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1732,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12124,
Discounts: 559.86,
Sales: 11564.14,
COGS: 6665,
Profit: 4899.14,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1759,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26385,
Discounts: 1037.7,
Sales: 25347.3,
COGS: 11530,
Profit: 13817.3,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 338,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4056,
Discounts: 610.68,
Sales: 3445.32,
COGS: 2181,
Profit: 1264.32,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3911,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46932,
Discounts: 1582.56,
Sales: 45349.44,
COGS: 5652,
Profit: 39697.44,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3691,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 73820,
Discounts: 2567.6,
Sales: 71252.4,
COGS: 18340,
Profit: 52912.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53676,
Discounts: 1965.6,
Sales: 51710.4,
COGS: 7020,
Profit: 44690.4,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 383,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 4596,
Discounts: 1967.28,
Sales: 2628.72,
COGS: 7026,
Profit: 4397.28,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3105,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21735,
Discounts: 505.19,
Sales: 21229.81,
COGS: 5155,
Profit: 16074.81,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1062,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 15930,
Discounts: 1325.1,
Sales: 14604.9,
COGS: 12620,
Profit: 1984.9,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4083,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28581,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 28024.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 22349.85,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3974,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27818,
Discounts: 268.03,
Sales: 27549.97,
COGS: 2735,
Profit: 24814.97,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3723,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26061,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 25285.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 17375.82,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2435,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29220,
Discounts: 1460.34,
Sales: 27759.66,
COGS: 5215.5,
Profit: 22544.16,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1678,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 20136,
Discounts: 1860.6,
Sales: 18275.4,
COGS: 6645,
Profit: 11630.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1763,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12341,
Discounts: 775.18,
Sales: 11565.82,
COGS: 7910,
Profit: 3655.82,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4473,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31311,
Discounts: 556.15,
Sales: 30754.85,
COGS: 5675,
Profit: 25079.85,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1246,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 436100,
Discounts: 43144.5,
Sales: 392955.5,
COGS: 457860,
Profit: 64904.5,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1615,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 484500,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 475092,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 363092,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 749,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 224700,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 178899,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 366351,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1318,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 26360,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 23593.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 3833.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2882,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 864600,
Discounts: 45801,
Sales: 818799,
COGS: 545250,
Profit: 273549,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3039,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 379875,
Discounts: 21875,
Sales: 358000,
COGS: 300000,
Profit: 58000,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2484,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 745200,
Discounts: 35742,
Sales: 709458,
COGS: 425500,
Profit: 283958,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3169,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 950700,
Discounts: 9408,
Sales: 941292,
COGS: 112000,
Profit: 829292,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 510000,
Discounts: 30738.75,
Sales: 479261.25,
COGS: 421560,
Profit: 57701.25,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3943,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59145,
Discounts: 2206.05,
Sales: 56938.95,
COGS: 21010,
Profit: 35928.95,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 784,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11760,
Discounts: 3077.55,
Sales: 8682.45,
COGS: 29310,
Profit: 20627.55,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 253,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 5060,
Discounts: 2149,
Sales: 2911,
COGS: 15350,
Profit: 12439,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1316,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 394800,
Discounts: 23583,
Sales: 371217,
COGS: 280750,
Profit: 90467,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 808,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 242400,
Discounts: 29484,
Sales: 212916,
COGS: 351000,
Profit: 138084,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3295,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39540,
Discounts: 2320.92,
Sales: 37219.08,
COGS: 8289,
Profit: 28930.08,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 520,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3640,
Discounts: 1041.25,
Sales: 2598.75,
COGS: 10625,
Profit: 8026.25,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 799,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 239700,
Discounts: 34839,
Sales: 204861,
COGS: 414750,
Profit: 209889,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3942,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 78840,
Discounts: 852.6,
Sales: 77987.4,
COGS: 6090,
Profit: 71897.4,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2498,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 312250,
Discounts: 18261.25,
Sales: 293988.75,
COGS: 250440,
Profit: 43548.75,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2517,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 50340,
Discounts: 2766.4,
Sales: 47573.6,
COGS: 19760,
Profit: 27813.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3182,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 63640,
Discounts: 1989.4,
Sales: 61650.6,
COGS: 14210,
Profit: 47440.6,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1145,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 343500,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 314688,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 28312,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 895,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 17900,
Discounts: 823.2,
Sales: 17076.8,
COGS: 5880,
Profit: 11196.8,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3814,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45768,
Discounts: 2725.38,
Sales: 43042.62,
COGS: 9733.5,
Profit: 33309.12,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1188,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 356400,
Discounts: 20139,
Sales: 336261,
COGS: 239750,
Profit: 96511,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2233,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 669900,
Discounts: 57687,
Sales: 612213,
COGS: 686750,
Profit: 74537,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 421,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 52625,
Discounts: 14393.75,
Sales: 38231.25,
COGS: 197400,
Profit: 159168.75,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 269,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 94150,
Discounts: 70462,
Sales: 23688,
COGS: 747760,
Profit: 724072,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3766,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470750,
Discounts: 8697.5,
Sales: 462052.5,
COGS: 119280,
Profit: 342772.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 952,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19040,
Discounts: 1565.2,
Sales: 17474.8,
COGS: 11180,
Profit: 6294.8,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 889200,
Discounts: 28812,
Sales: 860388,
COGS: 343000,
Profit: 517388,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1505,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10535,
Discounts: 273.28,
Sales: 10261.72,
COGS: 2440,
Profit: 7821.72,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1678,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33560,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31508.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18688.8,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4249,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29743,
Discounts: 143.92,
Sales: 29599.08,
COGS: 1285,
Profit: 28314.08,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1677,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 33540,
Discounts: 2051.2,
Sales: 31488.8,
COGS: 12820,
Profit: 18668.8,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3051,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 381375,
Discounts: 15400,
Sales: 365975,
COGS: 184800,
Profit: 181175,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3372,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 50580,
Discounts: 588,
Sales: 49992,
COGS: 4900,
Profit: 45092,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1686,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 590100,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 551964,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 197844,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3086,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 46290,
Discounts: 3001.2,
Sales: 43288.8,
COGS: 25010,
Profit: 18278.8,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4150,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 83000,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 81867.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 74787.2,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3027,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 60540,
Discounts: 1032,
Sales: 59508,
COGS: 6450,
Profit: 53058,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4359,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1307700,
Discounts: 37488,
Sales: 1270212,
COGS: 390500,
Profit: 879712,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3628,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1088400,
Discounts: 30792,
Sales: 1057608,
COGS: 320750,
Profit: 736858,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1589,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 23835,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 22981.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 15871.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2679,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 334875,
Discounts: 11140,
Sales: 323735,
COGS: 133680,
Profit: 190055,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 705.04,
Sales: 23101.96,
COGS: 6295,
Profit: 16806.96,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2815,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 19705,
Discounts: 613.2,
Sales: 19091.8,
COGS: 5475,
Profit: 13616.8,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2964,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 59280,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 57094.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 43434.4,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4173,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1251900,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 1192860,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 577860,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1157,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8099,
Discounts: 379.68,
Sales: 7719.32,
COGS: 3390,
Profit: 4329.32,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3065,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21455,
Discounts: 894.88,
Sales: 20560.12,
COGS: 7990,
Profit: 12570.12,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1962,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13734,
Discounts: 1349.04,
Sales: 12384.96,
COGS: 12045,
Profit: 339.96,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4080,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81600,
Discounts: 3094.4,
Sales: 78505.6,
COGS: 19340,
Profit: 59165.6,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1713,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34260,
Discounts: 4788.8,
Sales: 29471.2,
COGS: 29930,
Profit: 458.8,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2795,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 978250,
Discounts: 60088,
Sales: 918162,
COGS: 557960,
Profit: 360202,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4082,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 28574,
Discounts: 1089.76,
Sales: 27484.24,
COGS: 9730,
Profit: 17754.24,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1691,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 591850,
Discounts: 38136,
Sales: 553714,
COGS: 354120,
Profit: 199594,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2305,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 27660,
Discounts: 574.08,
Sales: 27085.92,
COGS: 1794,
Profit: 25291.92,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3401,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 23807,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 22179.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 7644.08,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2288,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 16016,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 14706.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 3016.72,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2399,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 719700,
Discounts: 9264,
Sales: 710436,
COGS: 96500,
Profit: 613936,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4086,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1225800,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 1210560,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 1051810,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2651,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 927850,
Discounts: 16086,
Sales: 911764,
COGS: 149370,
Profit: 762394,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3971,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27797,
Discounts: 1309.28,
Sales: 26487.72,
COGS: 11690,
Profit: 14797.72,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2512,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 879200,
Discounts: 10668,
Sales: 868532,
COGS: 99060,
Profit: 769472,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2745,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 960750,
Discounts: 11816,
Sales: 948934,
COGS: 109720,
Profit: 839214,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1903,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 570900,
Discounts: 51216,
Sales: 519684,
COGS: 533500,
Profit: 13816,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 647,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 194100,
Discounts: 19392,
Sales: 174708,
COGS: 202000,
Profit: 27292,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2914,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58280,
Discounts: 1132.8,
Sales: 57147.2,
COGS: 7080,
Profit: 50067.2,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1889,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13223,
Discounts: 1627.92,
Sales: 11595.08,
COGS: 14535,
Profit: 2939.92,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1466,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29320,
Discounts: 2185.6,
Sales: 27134.4,
COGS: 13660,
Profit: 13474.4,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 887,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 266100,
Discounts: 59040,
Sales: 207060,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 407940,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 395,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 7900,
Discounts: 2432,
Sales: 5468,
COGS: 15200,
Profit: 9732,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1693,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 25395,
Discounts: 853.2,
Sales: 24541.8,
COGS: 7110,
Profit: 17431.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2459,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29508,
Discounts: 1320,
Sales: 28188,
COGS: 4125,
Profit: 24063,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2649,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 794700,
Discounts: 15240,
Sales: 779460,
COGS: 158750,
Profit: 620710,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3608,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 72160,
Discounts: 698.4,
Sales: 71461.6,
COGS: 4365,
Profit: 67096.6,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1073,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 321900,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 292362,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 18862,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1754,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 21048,
Discounts: 396.36,
Sales: 20651.64,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 19550.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2167,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 650100,
Discounts: 102667.5,
Sales: 547432.5,
COGS: 950625,
Profit: 403192.5,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1319,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 461650,
Discounts: 52479,
Sales: 409171,
COGS: 433160,
Profit: 23989,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1679,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 503700,
Discounts: 8694,
Sales: 495006,
COGS: 80500,
Profit: 414506,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1252,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15024,
Discounts: 2506.68,
Sales: 12517.32,
COGS: 6963,
Profit: 5554.32,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3493,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 436625,
Discounts: 20891.25,
Sales: 415733.75,
COGS: 222840,
Profit: 192893.75,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1697,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11879,
Discounts: 1014.93,
Sales: 10864.07,
COGS: 8055,
Profit: 2809.07,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1156,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 144500,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 113033.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 222606.25,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 726,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 217800,
Discounts: 9018,
Sales: 208782,
COGS: 83500,
Profit: 125282,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1153,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 345900,
Discounts: 69255,
Sales: 276645,
COGS: 641250,
Profit: 364605,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2720,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 952000,
Discounts: 76135.5,
Sales: 875864.5,
COGS: 628420,
Profit: 247444.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3658,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54870,
Discounts: 4961.25,
Sales: 49908.75,
COGS: 36750,
Profit: 13158.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2950,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 885000,
Discounts: 29538,
Sales: 855462,
COGS: 273500,
Profit: 581962,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1821,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 27315,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 25658.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 13388.55,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4174,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 50088,
Discounts: 396.36,
Sales: 49691.64,
COGS: 1101,
Profit: 48590.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1127,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 338100,
Discounts: 35748,
Sales: 302352,
COGS: 331000,
Profit: 28648,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2209,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 26508,
Discounts: 1917,
Sales: 24591,
COGS: 5325,
Profit: 19266,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 862,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 107750,
Discounts: 31466.25,
Sales: 76283.75,
COGS: 335640,
Profit: 259356.25,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3805,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 57075,
Discounts: 330.75,
Sales: 56744.25,
COGS: 2450,
Profit: 54294.25,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1415,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 424500,
Discounts: 102424.5,
Sales: 322075.5,
COGS: 948375,
Profit: 626299.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2231,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 780850,
Discounts: 41170.5,
Sales: 739679.5,
COGS: 339820,
Profit: 399859.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3649,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 456125,
Discounts: 6378.75,
Sales: 449746.25,
COGS: 68040,
Profit: 381706.25,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2948,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 368500,
Discounts: 23737.5,
Sales: 344762.5,
COGS: 253200,
Profit: 91562.5,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3395,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1188250,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 1148276.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 818336.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2650,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31800,
Discounts: 2112.48,
Sales: 29687.52,
COGS: 5868,
Profit: 23819.52,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 585,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 175500,
Discounts: 71793,
Sales: 103707,
COGS: 664750,
Profit: 561043,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1316,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 460600,
Discounts: 42572.25,
Sales: 418027.75,
COGS: 351390,
Profit: 66637.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4459,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 53508,
Discounts: 950.4,
Sales: 52557.6,
COGS: 2640,
Profit: 49917.6,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2711,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 813300,
Discounts: 50409,
Sales: 762891,
COGS: 466750,
Profit: 296141,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2621,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31452,
Discounts: 2412.72,
Sales: 29039.28,
COGS: 6702,
Profit: 22337.28,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3613,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 54195,
Discounts: 1656.45,
Sales: 52538.55,
COGS: 12270,
Profit: 40268.55,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1847,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 230875,
Discounts: 9866.25,
Sales: 221008.75,
COGS: 105240,
Profit: 115768.75,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2996,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1048600,
Discounts: 65236.5,
Sales: 983363.5,
COGS: 538460,
Profit: 444903.5,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2838,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 993300,
Discounts: 39973.5,
Sales: 953326.5,
COGS: 329940,
Profit: 623386.5,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1302,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19530,
Discounts: 1309.5,
Sales: 18220.5,
COGS: 9700,
Profit: 8520.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1536,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 30720,
Discounts: 3049.2,
Sales: 27670.8,
COGS: 16940,
Profit: 10730.8,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1291,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 25820,
Discounts: 1193.4,
Sales: 24626.6,
COGS: 6630,
Profit: 17996.6,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1213,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8491,
Discounts: 515.97,
Sales: 7975.03,
COGS: 4095,
Profit: 3880.03,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2370,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28440,
Discounts: 1706.4,
Sales: 26733.6,
COGS: 4740,
Profit: 21993.6,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1979,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13853,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 13524.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 10919.77,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2879,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 57580,
Discounts: 1751.4,
Sales: 55828.6,
COGS: 9730,
Profit: 46098.6,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1707,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34140,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 32271.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 21891.6,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2933,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20531,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 20304.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 18504.2,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1014,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 12168,
Discounts: 2124.36,
Sales: 10043.64,
COGS: 5901,
Profit: 4142.64,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 693,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 10395,
Discounts: 3547.8,
Sales: 6847.2,
COGS: 26280,
Profit: 19432.8,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3741,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26187,
Discounts: 226.8,
Sales: 25960.2,
COGS: 1800,
Profit: 24160.2,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3116,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 62320,
Discounts: 4827.6,
Sales: 57492.4,
COGS: 26820,
Profit: 30672.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3995,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 27965,
Discounts: 328.23,
Sales: 27636.77,
COGS: 2605,
Profit: 25031.77,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 953,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 19060,
Discounts: 1868.4,
Sales: 17191.6,
COGS: 10380,
Profit: 6811.6,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2530,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 37950,
Discounts: 2201.18,
Sales: 35748.82,
COGS: 16305,
Profit: 19443.82,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2565,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30780,
Discounts: 330.48,
Sales: 30449.52,
COGS: 918,
Profit: 29531.52,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4297,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51564,
Discounts: 463.2,
Sales: 51100.8,
COGS: 1158,
Profit: 49942.8,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2871,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20097,
Discounts: 1629.6,
Sales: 18467.4,
COGS: 11640,
Profit: 6827.4,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3537,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 42444,
Discounts: 463.2,
Sales: 41980.8,
COGS: 1158,
Profit: 40822.8,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1598,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 199750,
Discounts: 43068.75,
Sales: 156681.25,
COGS: 413460,
Profit: 256778.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2616,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 327000,
Discounts: 18525,
Sales: 308475,
COGS: 177840,
Profit: 130635,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2836,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 992600,
Discounts: 80955,
Sales: 911645,
COGS: 601380,
Profit: 310265,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4023,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 502875,
Discounts: 22550,
Sales: 480325,
COGS: 216480,
Profit: 263845,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3994,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 59910,
Discounts: 3108,
Sales: 56802,
COGS: 20720,
Profit: 36082,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2928,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 58560,
Discounts: 3908,
Sales: 54652,
COGS: 19540,
Profit: 35112,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2912,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 873600,
Discounts: 17730,
Sales: 855870,
COGS: 147750,
Profit: 708120,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3671,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 55065,
Discounts: 3250.5,
Sales: 51814.5,
COGS: 21670,
Profit: 30144.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2778,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 55560,
Discounts: 482,
Sales: 55078,
COGS: 2410,
Profit: 52668,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 405,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6075,
Discounts: 1021.5,
Sales: 5053.5,
COGS: 6810,
Profit: 1756.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2013,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 30195,
Discounts: 765,
Sales: 29430,
COGS: 5100,
Profit: 24330,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2634,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39510,
Discounts: 1185,
Sales: 38325,
COGS: 7900,
Profit: 30425,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4166,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1458100,
Discounts: 22365,
Sales: 1435735,
COGS: 166140,
Profit: 1269595,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 355,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 44375,
Discounts: 19950,
Sales: 24425,
COGS: 191520,
Profit: 167095,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2382,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 714600,
Discounts: 68820,
Sales: 645780,
COGS: 573500,
Profit: 72280,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4170,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 83400,
Discounts: 482,
Sales: 82918,
COGS: 2410,
Profit: 80508,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 892,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6244,
Discounts: 1865.5,
Sales: 4378.5,
COGS: 13325,
Profit: 8946.5,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2200,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 275000,
Discounts: 23950,
Sales: 251050,
COGS: 229920,
Profit: 21130,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3389,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1016700,
Discounts: 25590,
Sales: 991110,
COGS: 213250,
Profit: 777860,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2990,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 373750,
Discounts: 4262.5,
Sales: 369487.5,
COGS: 40920,
Profit: 328567.5,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4013,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 60195,
Discounts: 961.5,
Sales: 59233.5,
COGS: 6410,
Profit: 52823.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 739,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 258650,
Discounts: 98245,
Sales: 160405,
COGS: 729820,
Profit: 569415,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1989,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 596700,
Discounts: 12960,
Sales: 583740,
COGS: 108000,
Profit: 475740,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2991,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 897300,
Discounts: 68820,
Sales: 828480,
COGS: 573500,
Profit: 254980,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4237,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 63555,
Discounts: 3250.5,
Sales: 60304.5,
COGS: 21670,
Profit: 38634.5,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1442,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 180250,
Discounts: 31612.5,
Sales: 148637.5,
COGS: 303480,
Profit: 154842.5,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2712,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 949200,
Discounts: 65450,
Sales: 883750,
COGS: 486200,
Profit: 397550,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1508,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 188500,
Discounts: 7237.5,
Sales: 181262.5,
COGS: 69480,
Profit: 111782.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4245,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1485750,
Discounts: 78400,
Sales: 1407350,
COGS: 582400,
Profit: 824950,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2630,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 789000,
Discounts: 89790,
Sales: 699210,
COGS: 748250,
Profit: 49040,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1182,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 14184,
Discounts: 4224.6,
Sales: 9959.4,
COGS: 10561.5,
Profit: 602.1,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1221,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 24420,
Discounts: 4078,
Sales: 20342,
COGS: 20390,
Profit: 48,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 963,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 11556,
Discounts: 3088.8,
Sales: 8467.2,
COGS: 7722,
Profit: 745.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3243,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1135050,
Discounts: 24745,
Sales: 1110305,
COGS: 183820,
Profit: 926485,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1120,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 16800,
Discounts: 3108,
Sales: 13692,
COGS: 20720,
Profit: 7028,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1174,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 352200,
Discounts: 25590,
Sales: 326610,
COGS: 213250,
Profit: 113360,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2541,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 30492,
Discounts: 1581.36,
Sales: 28910.64,
COGS: 3594,
Profit: 25316.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3246,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 22722,
Discounts: 1949.64,
Sales: 20772.36,
COGS: 12660,
Profit: 8112.36,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1531,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18372,
Discounts: 1581.36,
Sales: 16790.64,
COGS: 3594,
Profit: 13196.64,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2526,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 37890,
Discounts: 633.6,
Sales: 37256.4,
COGS: 3840,
Profit: 33416.4,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1136,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 13632,
Discounts: 623.04,
Sales: 13008.96,
COGS: 1416,
Profit: 11592.96,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1983,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13881,
Discounts: 1215.83,
Sales: 12665.17,
COGS: 7895,
Profit: 4770.17,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3259,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 39108,
Discounts: 1326.6,
Sales: 37781.4,
COGS: 3015,
Profit: 34766.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3267,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49005,
Discounts: 5279.17,
Sales: 43725.82,
COGS: 31995,
Profit: 11730.82,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2454,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 29448,
Discounts: 623.04,
Sales: 28824.96,
COGS: 1416,
Profit: 27408.96,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2643,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31716,
Discounts: 2556.84,
Sales: 29159.16,
COGS: 5811,
Profit: 23348.16,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 383,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 134050,
Discounts: 30492,
Sales: 103558,
COGS: 205920,
Profit: 102362,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2801,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 840300,
Discounts: 92763,
Sales: 747537,
COGS: 702750,
Profit: 44787,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1667,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 208375,
Discounts: 33563.75,
Sales: 174811.25,
COGS: 292920,
Profit: 118108.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3539,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 53085,
Discounts: 2574,
Sales: 50511,
COGS: 15600,
Profit: 34911,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4226,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 29582,
Discounts: 2083.62,
Sales: 27498.38,
COGS: 13530,
Profit: 13968.38,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2220,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 777000,
Discounts: 29491,
Sales: 747509,
COGS: 199160,
Profit: 548349,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 776,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 15520,
Discounts: 6582.4,
Sales: 8937.6,
COGS: 29920,
Profit: 20982.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 553,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 8295,
Discounts: 3559.05,
Sales: 4735.95,
COGS: 21570,
Profit: 16834.05,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2107,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 632100,
Discounts: 28809,
Sales: 603291,
COGS: 218250,
Profit: 385041,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2468,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 49360,
Discounts: 2468.4,
Sales: 46891.6,
COGS: 11220,
Profit: 35671.6,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1905,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 666750,
Discounts: 81023.25,
Sales: 585726.75,
COGS: 547170,
Profit: 38556.75,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3658,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 43896,
Discounts: 5314.32,
Sales: 38581.68,
COGS: 12078,
Profit: 26503.68,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4301,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51612,
Discounts: 3201.66,
Sales: 48410.34,
COGS: 7276.5,
Profit: 41133.84,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2446,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 48920,
Discounts: 5266.8,
Sales: 43653.2,
COGS: 23940,
Profit: 19713.2,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4209,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 63135,
Discounts: 3273.6,
Sales: 59861.4,
COGS: 19840,
Profit: 40021.4,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3353,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 419125,
Discounts: 33563.75,
Sales: 385561.25,
COGS: 292920,
Profit: 92641.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1401,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 28020,
Discounts: 6582.4,
Sales: 21437.6,
COGS: 29920,
Profit: 8482.4,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1865,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 559500,
Discounts: 45078,
Sales: 514422,
COGS: 341500,
Profit: 172922,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 463,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 9260,
Discounts: 6171,
Sales: 3089,
COGS: 28050,
Profit: 24961,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4177,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 62655,
Discounts: 1080.75,
Sales: 61574.25,
COGS: 6550,
Profit: 55024.25,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2523,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 883050,
Discounts: 13244,
Sales: 869806,
COGS: 89440,
Profit: 780366,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1930,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 13510,
Discounts: 1392.16,
Sales: 12117.84,
COGS: 9040,
Profit: 3077.84,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1301,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 15612,
Discounts: 2288.88,
Sales: 13323.12,
COGS: 5202,
Profit: 8121.12,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4125,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 515625,
Discounts: 7617.5,
Sales: 508007.5,
COGS: 66480,
Profit: 441527.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 607,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 12140,
Discounts: 6457,
Sales: 5683,
COGS: 29350,
Profit: 23667,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 478,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 59750,
Discounts: 43518.75,
Sales: 16231.25,
COGS: 379800,
Profit: 363568.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4489,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 89780,
Discounts: 5783.8,
Sales: 83996.2,
COGS: 26290,
Profit: 57706.2,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1504,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 188000,
Discounts: 19703.75,
Sales: 168296.25,
COGS: 171960,
Profit: 3663.75,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3763,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 470375,
Discounts: 13021.25,
Sales: 457353.75,
COGS: 113640,
Profit: 343713.75,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2412,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 844200,
Discounts: 13244,
Sales: 830956,
COGS: 89440,
Profit: 741516,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2342,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 35130,
Discounts: 3559.05,
Sales: 31570.95,
COGS: 21570,
Profit: 10000.95,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4451,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31157,
Discounts: 292.6,
Sales: 30864.4,
COGS: 1900,
Profit: 28964.4,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3796,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1328600,
Discounts: 37212,
Sales: 1291388,
COGS: 230360,
Profit: 1061028,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2286,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 285750,
Discounts: 36240,
Sales: 249510,
COGS: 289920,
Profit: 40410,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3614,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 451750,
Discounts: 32340,
Sales: 419410,
COGS: 258720,
Profit: 160690,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1716,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 25740,
Discounts: 4840.2,
Sales: 20899.8,
COGS: 26890,
Profit: 5990.2,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1301,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19515,
Discounts: 1218.6,
Sales: 18296.4,
COGS: 6770,
Profit: 11526.4,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 4175,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1252500,
Discounts: 63828,
Sales: 1188672,
COGS: 443250,
Profit: 745422,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 975,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 6825,
Discounts: 2032.8,
Sales: 4792.2,
COGS: 12100,
Profit: 7307.8,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1154,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 8078,
Discounts: 2296.56,
Sales: 5781.44,
COGS: 13670,
Profit: 7888.56,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1873,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 37460,
Discounts: 4116,
Sales: 33344,
COGS: 17150,
Profit: 16194,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3766,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1129800,
Discounts: 42696,
Sales: 1087104,
COGS: 296500,
Profit: 790604,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3558,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1067400,
Discounts: 125820,
Sales: 941580,
COGS: 873750,
Profit: 67830,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3156,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1104600,
Discounts: 37212,
Sales: 1067388,
COGS: 230360,
Profit: 837028,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2994,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 374250,
Discounts: 32340,
Sales: 341910,
COGS: 258720,
Profit: 83190,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2087,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 41740,
Discounts: 2172,
Sales: 39568,
COGS: 9050,
Profit: 30518,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1056,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 21120,
Discounts: 4116,
Sales: 17004,
COGS: 17150,
Profit: 146,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1353,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 473550,
Discounts: 66948,
Sales: 406602,
COGS: 414440,
Profit: 7838,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 416,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 124800,
Discounts: 48924,
Sales: 75876,
COGS: 339750,
Profit: 263874,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3880,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1164000,
Discounts: 77400,
Sales: 1086600,
COGS: 537500,
Profit: 549100,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 809,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 283150,
Discounts: 50274,
Sales: 232876,
COGS: 311220,
Profit: 78344,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1892,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 28380,
Discounts: 684,
Sales: 27696,
COGS: 3800,
Profit: 23896,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2072,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 41440,
Discounts: 2959.2,
Sales: 38480.8,
COGS: 12330,
Profit: 26150.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3052,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1068200,
Discounts: 58590,
Sales: 1009610,
COGS: 362700,
Profit: 646910,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3121,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1092350,
Discounts: 41412,
Sales: 1050938,
COGS: 256360,
Profit: 794578,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2059,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 41180,
Discounts: 2172,
Sales: 39008,
COGS: 9050,
Profit: 29958,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4254,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 51048,
Discounts: 3036.96,
Sales: 48011.04,
COGS: 6327,
Profit: 41684.04,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1293,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19395,
Discounts: 6974.1,
Sales: 12420.9,
COGS: 38745,
Profit: 26324.1,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1293,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 452550,
Discounts: 26166,
Sales: 426384,
COGS: 161980,
Profit: 264404,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 230,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 80500,
Discounts: 41412,
Sales: 39088,
COGS: 256360,
Profit: 217272,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1723,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 215375,
Discounts: 35805,
Sales: 179570,
COGS: 286440,
Profit: 106870,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 240,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 4800,
Discounts: 2959.2,
Sales: 1840.8,
COGS: 12330,
Profit: 10489.2,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2571,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 899850,
Discounts: 11340,
Sales: 888510,
COGS: 70200,
Profit: 818310,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1661,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 11627,
Discounts: 2874.06,
Sales: 8752.94,
COGS: 17107.5,
Profit: 8354.56,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4474,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 31318,
Discounts: 2296.56,
Sales: 29021.44,
COGS: 13670,
Profit: 15351.44,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 833,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 12495,
Discounts: 4586.4,
Sales: 7908.6,
COGS: 25480,
Profit: 17571.4,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 674,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 13480,
Discounts: 6051.6,
Sales: 7428.4,
COGS: 25215,
Profit: 17786.6,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 778,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 9336,
Discounts: 3831.84,
Sales: 5504.16,
COGS: 7983,
Profit: 2478.84,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1457,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 29140,
Discounts: 3674.4,
Sales: 25465.6,
COGS: 15310,
Profit: 10155.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3158,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 22106,
Discounts: 1252.44,
Sales: 20853.56,
COGS: 7455,
Profit: 13398.56,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4095,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81900,
Discounts: 3674.4,
Sales: 78225.6,
COGS: 15310,
Profit: 62915.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3170,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 38040,
Discounts: 3975.84,
Sales: 34064.16,
COGS: 8283,
Profit: 25781.16,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 493,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 7395,
Discounts: 5005.65,
Sales: 2389.35,
COGS: 25670,
Profit: 23280.65,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3286,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 49290,
Discounts: 5005.65,
Sales: 44284.35,
COGS: 25670,
Profit: 18614.35,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3563,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1247050,
Discounts: 41996.5,
Sales: 1205053.5,
COGS: 239980,
Profit: 965073.5,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4109,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1438150,
Discounts: 81445,
Sales: 1356705,
COGS: 465400,
Profit: 891305,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 3653,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 73060,
Discounts: 1149.2,
Sales: 71910.8,
COGS: 4420,
Profit: 67490.8,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2203,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 771050,
Discounts: 44703.75,
Sales: 726346.25,
COGS: 255450,
Profit: 470896.25,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2924,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20468,
Discounts: 1181.18,
Sales: 19286.82,
COGS: 6490,
Profit: 12796.82,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2650,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 31800,
Discounts: 942.24,
Sales: 30857.76,
COGS: 1812,
Profit: 29045.76,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1194,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 23880,
Discounts: 5863,
Sales: 18017,
COGS: 22550,
Profit: 4533,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3366,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 67320,
Discounts: 3247.4,
Sales: 64072.6,
COGS: 12490,
Profit: 51582.6,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1325,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 9275,
Discounts: 1309.04,
Sales: 7965.97,
COGS: 7192.5,
Profit: 773.47,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4243,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1272900,
Discounts: 31473,
Sales: 1241427,
COGS: 201750,
Profit: 1039677,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2887,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 57740,
Discounts: 6866.6,
Sales: 50873.4,
COGS: 26410,
Profit: 24463.4,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3839,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 76780,
Discounts: 7040.8,
Sales: 69739.2,
COGS: 27080,
Profit: 42659.2,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1863,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 652050,
Discounts: 119756,
Sales: 532294,
COGS: 684320,
Profit: 152026,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2858,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 357250,
Discounts: 25723.75,
Sales: 331526.25,
COGS: 189960,
Profit: 141566.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2868,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 34416,
Discounts: 890.76,
Sales: 33525.24,
COGS: 1713,
Profit: 31812.24,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3805,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 26635,
Discounts: 2453.36,
Sales: 24181.64,
COGS: 13480,
Profit: 10701.64,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3914,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 58710,
Discounts: 3051.75,
Sales: 55658.25,
COGS: 15650,
Profit: 40008.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 524,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 10480,
Discounts: 3247.4,
Sales: 7232.6,
COGS: 12490,
Profit: 5257.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3095,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1083250,
Discounts: 16243.5,
Sales: 1067006.5,
COGS: 92820,
Profit: 974186.5,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2410,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 28920,
Discounts: 1580.28,
Sales: 27339.72,
COGS: 3039,
Profit: 24300.72,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4263,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 63945,
Discounts: 7795.13,
Sales: 56149.88,
COGS: 39975,
Profit: 16174.88,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2239,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 783650,
Discounts: 119756,
Sales: 663894,
COGS: 684320,
Profit: 20426,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 569,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 3983,
Discounts: 1082.9,
Sales: 2900.1,
COGS: 5950,
Profit: 3049.9,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3889,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46668,
Discounts: 942.24,
Sales: 45725.76,
COGS: 1812,
Profit: 43913.76,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1378,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 20670,
Discounts: 1287,
Sales: 19383,
COGS: 6600,
Profit: 12783,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2253,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 27036,
Discounts: 639.6,
Sales: 26396.4,
COGS: 1230,
Profit: 25166.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3202,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 960600,
Discounts: 101595,
Sales: 859005,
COGS: 651250,
Profit: 207755,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3835,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 46020,
Discounts: 1580.28,
Sales: 44439.72,
COGS: 3039,
Profit: 41400.72,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2487,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 310875,
Discounts: 25723.75,
Sales: 285151.25,
COGS: 189960,
Profit: 95191.25,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4428,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 66420,
Discounts: 3051.75,
Sales: 63368.25,
COGS: 15650,
Profit: 47718.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1200,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 150000,
Discounts: 26958.75,
Sales: 123041.25,
COGS: 199080,
Profit: 76038.75,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2953,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 20671,
Discounts: 1082.9,
Sales: 19588.1,
COGS: 5950,
Profit: 13638.1,
Date: `6/1/19`,
MonthName: `June`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1453,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 17436,
Discounts: 639.6,
Sales: 16796.4,
COGS: 1230,
Profit: 15566.4,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 865,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 10380,
Discounts: 2761.2,
Sales: 7618.8,
COGS: 5310,
Profit: 2308.8,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1072,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 21440,
Discounts: 7221.2,
Sales: 14218.8,
COGS: 25790,
Profit: 11571.2,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1737,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 34740,
Discounts: 4880.4,
Sales: 29859.6,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 12429.6,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1535,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10745,
Discounts: 2936.08,
Sales: 7808.92,
COGS: 14980,
Profit: 7171.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2532,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 17724,
Discounts: 274.4,
Sales: 17449.6,
COGS: 1400,
Profit: 16049.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1765,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12355,
Discounts: 287.14,
Sales: 12067.86,
COGS: 1465,
Profit: 10602.86,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 1567,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10969,
Discounts: 2936.08,
Sales: 8032.92,
COGS: 14980,
Profit: 6947.08,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2640,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 39600,
Discounts: 583.8,
Sales: 39016.2,
COGS: 2780,
Profit: 36236.2,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3079,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 61580,
Discounts: 6798.4,
Sales: 54781.6,
COGS: 24280,
Profit: 30501.6,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4130,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 61950,
Discounts: 3710.7,
Sales: 58239.3,
COGS: 17670,
Profit: 40569.3,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2938,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35256,
Discounts: 2340.24,
Sales: 32915.76,
COGS: 4179,
Profit: 28736.76,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3080,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 21560,
Discounts: 274.4,
Sales: 21285.6,
COGS: 1400,
Profit: 19885.6,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1530,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 18360,
Discounts: 2340.24,
Sales: 16019.76,
COGS: 4179,
Profit: 11840.76,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3537,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 42444,
Discounts: 3385.2,
Sales: 39058.8,
COGS: 6045,
Profit: 33013.8,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2021,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 606300,
Discounts: 33642,
Sales: 572658,
COGS: 200250,
Profit: 372408,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1804,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 225500,
Discounts: 17902.5,
Sales: 207597.5,
COGS: 122760,
Profit: 84837.5,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1014,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 304200,
Discounts: 62832,
Sales: 241368,
COGS: 374000,
Profit: 132632,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2913,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 873900,
Discounts: 42420,
Sales: 831480,
COGS: 252500,
Profit: 578980,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 763,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11445,
Discounts: 3177.3,
Sales: 8267.7,
COGS: 15130,
Profit: 6862.3,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1425,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 21375,
Discounts: 4830,
Sales: 16545,
COGS: 23000,
Profit: 6455,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 4357,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 544625,
Discounts: 49367.5,
Sales: 495257.5,
COGS: 338520,
Profit: 156737.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2138,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 748300,
Discounts: 109147.5,
Sales: 639152.5,
COGS: 579150,
Profit: 60002.5,
Date: `1/1/19`,
MonthName: `January`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3825,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1338750,
Discounts: 58751,
Sales: 1279999,
COGS: 311740,
Profit: 968259,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3393,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1187550,
Discounts: 9800,
Sales: 1177750,
COGS: 52000,
Profit: 1125750,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2215,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 15505,
Discounts: 380.24,
Sales: 15124.76,
COGS: 1940,
Profit: 13184.76,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2278,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 15946,
Discounts: 1692.46,
Sales: 14253.54,
COGS: 8635,
Profit: 5618.54,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 403,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 6045,
Discounts: 4830,
Sales: 1215,
COGS: 23000,
Profit: 21785,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 289,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 5780,
Discounts: 728,
Sales: 5052,
COGS: 2600,
Profit: 2452,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 749,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 11235,
Discounts: 5187,
Sales: 6048,
COGS: 24700,
Profit: 18652,
Date: `9/1/18`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 372,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 5580,
Discounts: 3660.3,
Sales: 1919.7,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 15510.3,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3781,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 45372,
Discounts: 4895.52,
Sales: 40476.48,
COGS: 8742,
Profit: 31734.48,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1785,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 12495,
Discounts: 1696.38,
Sales: 10798.62,
COGS: 8655,
Profit: 2143.62,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 4029,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1410150,
Discounts: 34300,
Sales: 1375850,
COGS: 182000,
Profit: 1193850,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2813,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 33756,
Discounts: 3732.96,
Sales: 30023.04,
COGS: 6666,
Profit: 23357.04,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2150,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 752500,
Discounts: 57673,
Sales: 694827,
COGS: 306020,
Profit: 388807,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2093,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 732550,
Discounts: 94178,
Sales: 638372,
COGS: 499720,
Profit: 138652,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4391,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 548875,
Discounts: 27562.5,
Sales: 521312.5,
COGS: 189000,
Profit: 332312.5,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2695,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 53900,
Discounts: 1696.8,
Sales: 52203.2,
COGS: 6060,
Profit: 46143.2,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1337,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 401100,
Discounts: 103320,
Sales: 297780,
COGS: 615000,
Profit: 317220,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2621,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 786300,
Discounts: 11298,
Sales: 775002,
COGS: 67250,
Profit: 707752,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3735,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1120500,
Discounts: 106512,
Sales: 1013988,
COGS: 634000,
Profit: 379988,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4320,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 30240,
Discounts: 2844.94,
Sales: 27395.06,
COGS: 14515,
Profit: 12880.06,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2828,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 848400,
Discounts: 106722,
Sales: 741678,
COGS: 635250,
Profit: 106428,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2586,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 775800,
Discounts: 11298,
Sales: 764502,
COGS: 67250,
Profit: 697252,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1248,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 374400,
Discounts: 62832,
Sales: 311568,
COGS: 374000,
Profit: 62432,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4035,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1210500,
Discounts: 42420,
Sales: 1168080,
COGS: 252500,
Profit: 915580,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 359,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 125650,
Discounts: 62769,
Sales: 62881,
COGS: 333060,
Profit: 270179,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 3926,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1177800,
Discounts: 37296,
Sales: 1140504,
COGS: 222000,
Profit: 918504,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 4247,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 530875,
Discounts: 49770,
Sales: 481105,
COGS: 341280,
Profit: 139825,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 2695,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 32340,
Discounts: 4158,
Sales: 28182,
COGS: 7425,
Profit: 20757,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1104,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 16560,
Discounts: 3660.3,
Sales: 12899.7,
COGS: 17430,
Profit: 4530.3,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1449,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 17388,
Discounts: 4895.52,
Sales: 12492.48,
COGS: 8742,
Profit: 3750.48,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1131,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 7917,
Discounts: 1696.38,
Sales: 6220.62,
COGS: 8655,
Profit: 2434.38,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1468,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 10276,
Discounts: 1692.46,
Sales: 8583.54,
COGS: 8635,
Profit: 51.46,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1272,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 19080,
Discounts: 3927,
Sales: 15153,
COGS: 18700,
Profit: 3547,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1403,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 175375,
Discounts: 22012.5,
Sales: 153362.5,
COGS: 140880,
Profit: 12482.5,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 2161,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 270125,
Discounts: 51881.25,
Sales: 218243.75,
COGS: 332040,
Profit: 113796.25,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Kensington`,
UnitsSold: 1937,
ManufacturingPrice: 3,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 242125,
Discounts: 20343.75,
Sales: 221781.25,
COGS: 130200,
Profit: 91581.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 2879,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 863700,
Discounts: 24570,
Sales: 839130,
COGS: 136500,
Profit: 702630,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1330,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 26600,
Discounts: 3474,
Sales: 23126,
COGS: 11580,
Profit: 11546,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2426,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 36390,
Discounts: 3631.5,
Sales: 32758.5,
COGS: 16140,
Profit: 16618.5,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2033,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 14231,
Discounts: 2661.75,
Sales: 11569.25,
COGS: 12675,
Profit: 1105.75,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2029,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 710150,
Discounts: 149677.5,
Sales: 560472.5,
COGS: 741260,
Profit: 180787.5,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1049,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 15735,
Discounts: 5757.75,
Sales: 9977.25,
COGS: 25590,
Profit: 15612.75,
Date: `8/1/19`,
MonthName: `August`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1062,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 21240,
Discounts: 801,
Sales: 20439,
COGS: 2670,
Profit: 17769,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 2509,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 313625,
Discounts: 20343.75,
Sales: 293281.25,
COGS: 130200,
Profit: 163081.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1743,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 26145,
Discounts: 2643.75,
Sales: 23501.25,
COGS: 11750,
Profit: 11751.25,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3418,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 1196300,
Discounts: 105367.5,
Sales: 1090932.5,
COGS: 521820,
Profit: 569112.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1751,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 350,
GrossSales: 612850,
Discounts: 112927.5,
Sales: 499922.5,
COGS: 559260,
Profit: 59337.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3228,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 38736,
Discounts: 1645.2,
Sales: 37090.8,
COGS: 2742,
Profit: 34348.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 1105,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 22100,
Discounts: 879,
Sales: 21221,
COGS: 2930,
Profit: 18291,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2778,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 33336,
Discounts: 900,
Sales: 32436,
COGS: 1500,
Profit: 30936,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1173,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 17595,
Discounts: 6358.5,
Sales: 11236.5,
COGS: 28260,
Profit: 17023.5,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 3160,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 395000,
Discounts: 12431.25,
Sales: 382568.75,
COGS: 79560,
Profit: 303008.75,
Date: `9/1/19`,
MonthName: `September`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 4322,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 1296600,
Discounts: 115830,
Sales: 1180770,
COGS: 643500,
Profit: 537270,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 1901,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 237625,
Discounts: 45712.5,
Sales: 191912.5,
COGS: 292560,
Profit: 100647.5,
Date: `12/1/18`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Burlington`,
UnitsSold: 2980,
ManufacturingPrice: 120,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 35760,
Discounts: 1645.2,
Sales: 34114.8,
COGS: 2742,
Profit: 31372.8,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 4068,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 81360,
Discounts: 2596.5,
Sales: 78763.5,
COGS: 8655,
Profit: 70108.5,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2105,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 31575,
Discounts: 1107,
Sales: 30468,
COGS: 4920,
Profit: 25548,
Date: `7/1/19`,
MonthName: `July`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 1647,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 32940,
Discounts: 801,
Sales: 32139,
COGS: 2670,
Profit: 29469,
Date: `10/1/18`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 235,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 15,
GrossSales: 3525,
Discounts: 2643.75,
Sales: 881.25,
COGS: 11750,
Profit: 10868.75,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 3617,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 452125,
Discounts: 55387.5,
Sales: 396737.5,
COGS: 354480,
Profit: 42257.5,
Date: `11/1/18`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2018
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `India`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2106,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 125,
GrossSales: 263250,
Discounts: 10350,
Sales: 252900,
COGS: 66240,
Profit: 186660,
Date: `11/1/19`,
MonthName: `November`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 2351,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 20,
GrossSales: 47020,
Discounts: 879,
Sales: 46141,
COGS: 2930,
Profit: 43211,
Date: `12/1/19`,
MonthName: `December`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `UK`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 1897,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 569100,
Discounts: 111375,
Sales: 457725,
COGS: 618750,
Profit: 161025,
Date: `3/1/19`,
MonthName: `March`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Luxe`,
UnitsSold: 647,
ManufacturingPrice: 260,
SalePrice: 300,
GrossSales: 194100,
Discounts: 24570,
Sales: 169530,
COGS: 136500,
Profit: 33030,
Date: `10/1/19`,
MonthName: `October`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Brazil`,
Product: `Royal Oak`,
UnitsSold: 3621,
ManufacturingPrice: 5,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 25347,
Discounts: 1436.4,
Sales: 23910.6,
COGS: 6840,
Profit: 17070.6,
Date: `2/1/19`,
MonthName: `February`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `Japan`,
Product: `Vermont`,
UnitsSold: 3221,
ManufacturingPrice: 10,
SalePrice: 7,
GrossSales: 22547,
Discounts: 759.15,
Sales: 21787.85,
COGS: 3615,
Profit: 18172.85,
Date: `4/1/19`,
MonthName: `April`,
Year: 2019
this.push(new PivotSalesDataItem(
Country: `USA`,
Product: `Mandarin`,
UnitsSold: 493,
ManufacturingPrice: 250,
SalePrice: 12,
GrossSales: 5916,
Discounts: 3250.8,
Sales: 2665.2,
COGS: 5418,
Profit: 2752.8,
Date: `5/1/19`,
MonthName: `May`,
Year: 2019
tsimport 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { IgcPivotGridComponent, IgcPivotConfiguration, IgcPivotDataSelectorComponent, IgcPivotDateDimension } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { PivotSalesData } from './PivotSalesData';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
export class Sample {
private _pivotConfiguration: any | null = null;
public get pivotConfiguration(): any {
if (this._pivotConfiguration == null)
const dateDim = new IgcPivotDateDimension({
memberName: "Date",
enabled: true
months: false
} );
const pivotConfiguration: any = {
columns: [
memberName: "Country",
enabled: true
memberName: "Product",
enabled: true
rows: [
memberName: "MonthName",
enabled: false
values: [
member: "Sales",
dataType: 'currency',
aggregate: {
key: "SUM",
aggregatorName: 'SUM',
label: "Sum"
member: "Profit",
dataType: 'currency',
aggregate: {
key: "SUM",
aggregatorName: 'SUM',
label: "Sum"
this._pivotConfiguration = pivotConfiguration;
return this._pivotConfiguration;
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcPivotGridComponent;
var selector = document.getElementById('selector') as unknown as IgcPivotDataSelectorComponent;
this._bind = () => {
grid.pivotConfiguration = this.pivotConfiguration;
grid.data = this.pivotSalesData;
selector.grid = grid;
private _pivotSalesData: PivotSalesData = null;
public get pivotSalesData(): PivotSalesData {
if (this._pivotSalesData == null)
this._pivotSalesData = new PivotSalesData();
return this._pivotSalesData;
new Sample();
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Getting Started With Web Components Pivot Grid
The Web Components IgcPivotGrid can be configured via the pivotConfiguration
<igc-pivot-grid #grid1 data="data" pivot-configuration="pivotConfigHierarchy">
It is defined by three main dimensions: rows, columns and values. The rows and columns define the grouped structure that is displayed in the rows and columns of the grid. The values define the aggregation fields and the aggregation that will be used to calculate and display the related values of the groups.
A filter can also be defined via the filters configuration property. It can be used for fields that you do not want to add as a dimension or a value but would like to filter their related member values via the UI.
Dimensions Configuration
Each basic dimension configuration requires a MemberName
that matches a field from the provided data.
Multiple sibling dimensions can be defined, which creates a more complex nested group in the related row or column dimension area.
The dimensions can be reordered or moved from one area to another via their corresponding chips using drag & drop.
A dimension can also describe an expandable hierarchy via the ChildLevel
property, for example:
memberFunction: () => 'All',
memberName: 'AllProducts',
enabled: true,
childLevel: {
memberFunction: (data) => data.ProductCategory,
memberName: 'ProductCategory',
enabled: true
In this case the dimension renders an expander in the related section of the grid (row or column) and allows the children to be expanded or collapsed as part of the hierarchy. By default the row dimensions are initially expanded. This behavior can be controlled with the defaultExpandState
property of the Pivot Grid.
Predefined Dimensions
As part of the Pivot Grid some additional predefined dimensions are exposed for easier configuration:
Can be used for date fields. Describes the following hierarchy by default:- All Periods
- Years
- Quarters
- Months
- Full Date
It can be set for rows or columns, for example:
public pivotConfigHierarchy: IgcPivotConfiguration = {
rows: [
new IgcPivotDateDimension({ memberName: 'Date', enabled: true });
It also allows for further customization via the second option parameter in order to enable or disable a particular part of the hierarchy, for example:
new IgcPivotDateDimension({ memberName: 'Date', enabled: true }, {
total: true,
years: true,
months: true,
fullDate: true,
quarters: false
Values Configuration
A value configuration requires a member that matches a field from the provided data, or it can define a custom aggregator function for more complex custom scenarios. Out of the box, there are 4 predefined aggregations that can be used depending on the data type of the data field:
- for numeric fields. Contains the following aggregation functions:SUM
- for date fields. Contains the following aggregation functions:LATEST
- for time fields. Contains the following aggregation functions:LATEST
- for any other data types. This is the base aggregation. Contains the following aggregation functions:COUNT
The current aggregation function can be changed at runtime using the value chip's drop-down. By default, it displays a list of available aggregations based on the field's data type. A custom list of aggregations can also be set via the AggregateList
property, for example:
public pivotConfigHierarchy: IgcPivotConfiguration = {
values: [
member: 'AmountOfSale',
displayName: 'Amount of Sale',
aggregate: {
key: 'SUM',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalSale,
label: 'Sum of Sale'
aggregateList: [{
key: 'SUM',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalSale,
label: 'Sum of Sale'
}, {
key: 'MIN',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalMin,
label: 'Minimum of Sale'
}, {
key: 'MAX',
aggregator: IgcTotalSaleAggregate.totalMax,
label: 'Maximum of Sale'
public static totalSale: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) =>
data.reduce((accumulator, value) => accumulator + value.UnitPrice * value.UnitsSold, 0);
public static totalMin: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) => {
return data.map(x => x.UnitPrice * x.UnitsSold).reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b));
public static totalMax: PivotAggregation = (members, data: any) => {
return data.map(x => x.UnitPrice * x.UnitsSold).reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a,b));
The pivot value also provides a displayName
property. It can be used to display a custom name for this value in the column header.
Enable Property
is the interface that describes the current state of the IgcPivotGridComponent
component. With it the developer can declare fields of the data as rows, columns, filters or values. The configuration allows enabling or disabling each of these elements separately. Only enabled elements are included in the current state of the Pivot Grid. The IgcPivotDataSelectorComponent
component utilizes the same configuration and shows a list of all elements - enabled and disabled. For each of them there is a checkbox in the appropriate state. End-users can easily tweak the pivot state by toggling the different elements using these checkboxes.
The Enable
property controls if a given IgcPivotDimension
or IgcPivotValue
is active and takes part in the pivot view rendered by the Pivot Grid.
Full Configuration Code
Let's take a look at a basic pivot configuration:
public pivotConfigHierarchy: IgcPivotConfiguration = {
columns: [
memberName: 'ProductName',
memberFunction: (data) => data.ProductName,
enabled: true
memberName: 'SellerCity',
memberFunction: (data) => data.SellerCity,
enabled: true
rows: [
memberName: 'SellerName',
memberFunction: (data) => data.SellerName,
enabled: true,
values: [
member: 'AmountofSale',
displayName: "Amount of Sale",
aggregate: {
aggregator: IgcPivotNumericAggregate.sum,
key: 'SUM',
label: 'Sum of Sale'
enabled: true
This configuration defines 1 row, 1 column and 1 aggregation that sums the values of each dimension groups. The members match fields available in the provided data source:
public data = [
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `2007-01-01T00:00:00`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 282
Full Configuration Example
Using above code will result in the following example which groups the Date unique columns, Product Name and Seller City in unique rows and displays the related aggregations for the amount of sale in the related cells:
export class PivotDataFlatItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<PivotDataFlatItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public ProductName: string;
public ProductUnitPrice: number;
public SellerName: string;
public SellerCity: string;
public Date: string;
public Value: number;
public NumberOfUnits: number;
export class PivotDataFlat extends Array<PivotDataFlatItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<PivotDataFlatItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/01/2007`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 282
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 49.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/05/2007`,
Value: 70.8,
NumberOfUnits: 296
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/06/2007`,
Value: 35.8,
NumberOfUnits: 68
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/07/2007`,
Value: 41.4,
NumberOfUnits: 293
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/08/2007`,
Value: 60.6,
NumberOfUnits: 240
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/12/2007`,
Value: 38,
NumberOfUnits: 456
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/09/2007`,
Value: 89.2,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/16/2007`,
Value: 2,
NumberOfUnits: 78
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/17/2007`,
Value: 4.6,
NumberOfUnits: 150
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.6,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/19/2007`,
Value: 36.2,
NumberOfUnits: 262
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/21/2007`,
Value: 18.8,
NumberOfUnits: 125
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 51.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/04/2007`,
Value: 11.6,
NumberOfUnits: 42
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 27.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/04/2007`,
Value: 41.4,
NumberOfUnits: 282
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/17/2007`,
Value: 59.8,
NumberOfUnits: 305
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.4,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/23/2007`,
Value: 31.4,
NumberOfUnits: 265
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/25/2007`,
Value: 90.4,
NumberOfUnits: 350
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.6,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/27/2007`,
Value: 95.4,
NumberOfUnits: 82
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/02/2007`,
Value: 1.4,
NumberOfUnits: 67
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.4,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/04/2007`,
Value: 25.4,
NumberOfUnits: 370
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/12/2007`,
Value: 46.4,
NumberOfUnits: 228
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.8,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/15/2007`,
Value: 82.2,
NumberOfUnits: 272
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/18/2007`,
Value: 84,
NumberOfUnits: 227
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/18/2007`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/21/2007`,
Value: 45.8,
NumberOfUnits: 414
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/25/2007`,
Value: 97.6,
NumberOfUnits: 43
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/26/2007`,
Value: 21,
NumberOfUnits: 71
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.2,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/14/2007`,
Value: 72,
NumberOfUnits: 321
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 49.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/17/2007`,
Value: 49.6,
NumberOfUnits: 329
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/17/2007`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 88
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.2,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/26/2007`,
Value: 56.2,
NumberOfUnits: 366
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/02/2007`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 450
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 89.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/06/2007`,
Value: 19,
NumberOfUnits: 475
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/11/2007`,
Value: 55,
NumberOfUnits: 195
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 54.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/17/2007`,
Value: 71.6,
NumberOfUnits: 458
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/04/2007`,
Value: 24.2,
NumberOfUnits: 7
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/08/2007`,
Value: 57.6,
NumberOfUnits: 158
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/09/2007`,
Value: 58.8,
NumberOfUnits: 34
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/10/2007`,
Value: 32.4,
NumberOfUnits: 412
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/15/2007`,
Value: 85,
NumberOfUnits: 10
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/16/2007`,
Value: 52.2,
NumberOfUnits: 466
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 4.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/20/2007`,
Value: 34.2,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/24/2007`,
Value: 45.6,
NumberOfUnits: 307
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.4,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/26/2007`,
Value: 26.2,
NumberOfUnits: 445
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/01/2007`,
Value: 89.2,
NumberOfUnits: 480
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.6,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/02/2007`,
Value: 38.2,
NumberOfUnits: 390
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/05/2007`,
Value: 23.2,
NumberOfUnits: 388
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 45,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/19/2007`,
Value: 23.4,
NumberOfUnits: 37
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/24/2007`,
Value: 17.4,
NumberOfUnits: 237
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/26/2007`,
Value: 54.6,
NumberOfUnits: 396
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/26/2007`,
Value: 61,
NumberOfUnits: 3
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/02/2007`,
Value: 85.2,
NumberOfUnits: 330
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/04/2007`,
Value: 51.2,
NumberOfUnits: 143
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.6,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/05/2007`,
Value: 55.2,
NumberOfUnits: 318
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.6,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/06/2007`,
Value: 41.8,
NumberOfUnits: 393
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/10/2007`,
Value: 9.2,
NumberOfUnits: 129
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/17/2007`,
Value: 25.6,
NumberOfUnits: 426
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 2.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/18/2007`,
Value: 36.4,
NumberOfUnits: 217
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 77.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/20/2007`,
Value: 28,
NumberOfUnits: 152
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/25/2007`,
Value: 21.8,
NumberOfUnits: 452
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.8,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/02/2007`,
Value: 98.4,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 32.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/06/2007`,
Value: 79.6,
NumberOfUnits: 169
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/14/2007`,
Value: 69.6,
NumberOfUnits: 386
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `10/14/2007`,
Value: 27.8,
NumberOfUnits: 454
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/25/2007`,
Value: 82.2,
NumberOfUnits: 334
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `10/26/2007`,
Value: 54.4,
NumberOfUnits: 107
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `11/07/2007`,
Value: 86.2,
NumberOfUnits: 275
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/09/2007`,
Value: 37.8,
NumberOfUnits: 241
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/11/2007`,
Value: 75.2,
NumberOfUnits: 177
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `11/13/2007`,
Value: 58.6,
NumberOfUnits: 494
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/19/2007`,
Value: 40.8,
NumberOfUnits: 451
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5.2,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/01/2008`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 125
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/02/2008`,
Value: 31,
NumberOfUnits: 103
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `01/03/2008`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 224
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/07/2008`,
Value: 47.6,
NumberOfUnits: 498
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/08/2008`,
Value: 15.6,
NumberOfUnits: 142
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/21/2008`,
Value: 87.2,
NumberOfUnits: 487
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/27/2008`,
Value: 14.6,
NumberOfUnits: 331
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/03/2008`,
Value: 99.2,
NumberOfUnits: 418
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/04/2008`,
Value: 61,
NumberOfUnits: 214
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/05/2008`,
Value: 81.8,
NumberOfUnits: 229
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/05/2008`,
Value: 54.4,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/08/2008`,
Value: 18,
NumberOfUnits: 216
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/09/2008`,
Value: 85,
NumberOfUnits: 486
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/13/2008`,
Value: 45.2,
NumberOfUnits: 172
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/21/2008`,
Value: 60.6,
NumberOfUnits: 102
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/24/2008`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 36
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/25/2008`,
Value: 11,
NumberOfUnits: 71
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/25/2008`,
Value: 17,
NumberOfUnits: 53
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.6,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/25/2008`,
Value: 99,
NumberOfUnits: 104
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/26/2008`,
Value: 96.2,
NumberOfUnits: 294
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/03/2008`,
Value: 93.8,
NumberOfUnits: 454
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/05/2008`,
Value: 82.8,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/08/2008`,
Value: 0.8,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24.8,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/09/2008`,
Value: 88.6,
NumberOfUnits: 225
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/10/2008`,
Value: 69.2,
NumberOfUnits: 422
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.6,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/12/2008`,
Value: 97.2,
NumberOfUnits: 303
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.2,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/13/2008`,
Value: 46.4,
NumberOfUnits: 319
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/14/2008`,
Value: 48.6,
NumberOfUnits: 262
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/23/2008`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 345
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/03/2008`,
Value: 87.4,
NumberOfUnits: 407
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/04/2008`,
Value: 15.2,
NumberOfUnits: 121
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/06/2008`,
Value: 44.4,
NumberOfUnits: 30
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/11/2008`,
Value: 25.4,
NumberOfUnits: 293
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/12/2008`,
Value: 55.2,
NumberOfUnits: 271
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/18/2008`,
Value: 25.8,
NumberOfUnits: 107
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.8,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/18/2008`,
Value: 54.6,
NumberOfUnits: 87
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/23/2008`,
Value: 79,
NumberOfUnits: 319
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/24/2008`,
Value: 21.6,
NumberOfUnits: 346
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/07/2008`,
Value: 77.8,
NumberOfUnits: 382
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/11/2008`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 334
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `05/13/2008`,
Value: 28.8,
NumberOfUnits: 176
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/19/2008`,
Value: 8.4,
NumberOfUnits: 125
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/19/2008`,
Value: 15,
NumberOfUnits: 458
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/25/2008`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 331
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/27/2008`,
Value: 71,
NumberOfUnits: 39
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/06/2008`,
Value: 97.2,
NumberOfUnits: 238
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/07/2008`,
Value: 5.8,
NumberOfUnits: 84
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `06/08/2008`,
Value: 24.8,
NumberOfUnits: 363
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/08/2008`,
Value: 59,
NumberOfUnits: 479
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/11/2008`,
Value: 87.6,
NumberOfUnits: 404
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.8,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/18/2008`,
Value: 80.4,
NumberOfUnits: 478
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 90.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/19/2008`,
Value: 2.4,
NumberOfUnits: 285
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/22/2008`,
Value: 82.6,
NumberOfUnits: 15
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `06/26/2008`,
Value: 77.8,
NumberOfUnits: 245
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/01/2008`,
Value: 8.2,
NumberOfUnits: 376
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/02/2008`,
Value: 48.6,
NumberOfUnits: 40
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.6,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/10/2008`,
Value: 38,
NumberOfUnits: 112
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/15/2008`,
Value: 9.8,
NumberOfUnits: 224
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 71.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/16/2008`,
Value: 66.4,
NumberOfUnits: 145
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/21/2008`,
Value: 46.6,
NumberOfUnits: 272
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/27/2008`,
Value: 90.2,
NumberOfUnits: 278
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/27/2008`,
Value: 89.2,
NumberOfUnits: 253
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/01/2008`,
Value: 28.4,
NumberOfUnits: 255
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.2,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/02/2008`,
Value: 0.6,
NumberOfUnits: 46
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/08/2008`,
Value: 58.6,
NumberOfUnits: 279
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 63,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/08/2008`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 89
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/14/2008`,
Value: 52.6,
NumberOfUnits: 17
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/21/2008`,
Value: 54,
NumberOfUnits: 470
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/25/2008`,
Value: 1.8,
NumberOfUnits: 195
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 86.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/27/2008`,
Value: 23.8,
NumberOfUnits: 173
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/01/2008`,
Value: 51.2,
NumberOfUnits: 472
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/06/2008`,
Value: 88.4,
NumberOfUnits: 148
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/06/2008`,
Value: 94.6,
NumberOfUnits: 314
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/07/2008`,
Value: 66.8,
NumberOfUnits: 431
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 84.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/07/2008`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 347
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/11/2008`,
Value: 2.8,
NumberOfUnits: 27
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/12/2008`,
Value: 12,
NumberOfUnits: 5
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/19/2008`,
Value: 16.6,
NumberOfUnits: 191
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/25/2008`,
Value: 84.4,
NumberOfUnits: 421
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.2,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/03/2008`,
Value: 29,
NumberOfUnits: 297
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/04/2008`,
Value: 15.8,
NumberOfUnits: 128
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/13/2008`,
Value: 37.4,
NumberOfUnits: 210
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/14/2008`,
Value: 27,
NumberOfUnits: 315
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/19/2008`,
Value: 69.8,
NumberOfUnits: 489
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 84.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/21/2008`,
Value: 61.4,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/22/2008`,
Value: 69.4,
NumberOfUnits: 92
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/01/2008`,
Value: 81.2,
NumberOfUnits: 30
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/01/2008`,
Value: 15,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.2,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/10/2008`,
Value: 6.2,
NumberOfUnits: 368
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/11/2008`,
Value: 39.2,
NumberOfUnits: 482
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/11/2008`,
Value: 48.8,
NumberOfUnits: 22
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/20/2008`,
Value: 87.2,
NumberOfUnits: 159
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 59.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/25/2008`,
Value: 88.6,
NumberOfUnits: 52
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/05/2009`,
Value: 79.8,
NumberOfUnits: 194
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/08/2009`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 100
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/10/2009`,
Value: 48.4,
NumberOfUnits: 252
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/13/2009`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 116
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 91,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/14/2009`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 259
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 100,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/19/2009`,
Value: 56.8,
NumberOfUnits: 217
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/22/2009`,
Value: 36.6,
NumberOfUnits: 48
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/02/2009`,
Value: 71.4,
NumberOfUnits: 445
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60.6,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/03/2009`,
Value: 44.6,
NumberOfUnits: 90
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/07/2009`,
Value: 36.2,
NumberOfUnits: 453
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.2,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/07/2009`,
Value: 85.6,
NumberOfUnits: 450
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/07/2009`,
Value: 48.2,
NumberOfUnits: 152
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/16/2009`,
Value: 46.6,
NumberOfUnits: 119
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/16/2009`,
Value: 29.2,
NumberOfUnits: 463
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.6,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/17/2009`,
Value: 19.8,
NumberOfUnits: 150
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/19/2009`,
Value: 17.6,
NumberOfUnits: 210
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/20/2009`,
Value: 36.4,
NumberOfUnits: 150
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/21/2009`,
Value: 74,
NumberOfUnits: 97
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.2,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/22/2009`,
Value: 86.4,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/24/2009`,
Value: 53,
NumberOfUnits: 172
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 15,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/24/2009`,
Value: 5.2,
NumberOfUnits: 489
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/27/2009`,
Value: 9.2,
NumberOfUnits: 222
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 98.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/03/2009`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 300
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/03/2009`,
Value: 1.4,
NumberOfUnits: 270
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/07/2009`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 263
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/10/2009`,
Value: 22.8,
NumberOfUnits: 28
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/15/2009`,
Value: 20.4,
NumberOfUnits: 237
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/16/2009`,
Value: 64,
NumberOfUnits: 171
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/27/2009`,
Value: 24,
NumberOfUnits: 251
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 51,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/01/2009`,
Value: 32.4,
NumberOfUnits: 275
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 4.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/06/2009`,
Value: 42,
NumberOfUnits: 311
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 71,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/07/2009`,
Value: 82.8,
NumberOfUnits: 217
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/09/2009`,
Value: 62.2,
NumberOfUnits: 360
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.6,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/12/2009`,
Value: 51.6,
NumberOfUnits: 35
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/15/2009`,
Value: 81,
NumberOfUnits: 294
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/16/2009`,
Value: 36,
NumberOfUnits: 436
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.6,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/20/2009`,
Value: 82.6,
NumberOfUnits: 78
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/22/2009`,
Value: 94,
NumberOfUnits: 301
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/02/2009`,
Value: 92.6,
NumberOfUnits: 24
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 71.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/04/2009`,
Value: 19.4,
NumberOfUnits: 332
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/11/2009`,
Value: 56.4,
NumberOfUnits: 307
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/11/2009`,
Value: 34.4,
NumberOfUnits: 375
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/12/2009`,
Value: 2,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/21/2009`,
Value: 42.6,
NumberOfUnits: 337
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/24/2009`,
Value: 55.4,
NumberOfUnits: 284
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/26/2009`,
Value: 94.8,
NumberOfUnits: 292
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/26/2009`,
Value: 60.2,
NumberOfUnits: 424
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/05/2009`,
Value: 29,
NumberOfUnits: 271
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/10/2009`,
Value: 94,
NumberOfUnits: 6
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/12/2009`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 44
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/12/2009`,
Value: 74.2,
NumberOfUnits: 277
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/13/2009`,
Value: 65.2,
NumberOfUnits: 98
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/22/2009`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 443
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/26/2009`,
Value: 81.4,
NumberOfUnits: 409
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/02/2009`,
Value: 68.2,
NumberOfUnits: 240
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/10/2009`,
Value: 95.6,
NumberOfUnits: 23
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/12/2009`,
Value: 36,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 86.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/13/2009`,
Value: 30,
NumberOfUnits: 117
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/15/2009`,
Value: 34.4,
NumberOfUnits: 336
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/18/2009`,
Value: 92.4,
NumberOfUnits: 372
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/19/2009`,
Value: 90.4,
NumberOfUnits: 403
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/19/2009`,
Value: 66.2,
NumberOfUnits: 144
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/19/2009`,
Value: 41.8,
NumberOfUnits: 395
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.6,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/20/2009`,
Value: 16.6,
NumberOfUnits: 236
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/20/2009`,
Value: 86.8,
NumberOfUnits: 160
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/20/2009`,
Value: 65.8,
NumberOfUnits: 157
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.8,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/25/2009`,
Value: 0.2,
NumberOfUnits: 255
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/16/2009`,
Value: 43,
NumberOfUnits: 284
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 89.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/17/2009`,
Value: 15.8,
NumberOfUnits: 333
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/17/2009`,
Value: 51.6,
NumberOfUnits: 48
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `08/18/2009`,
Value: 82.6,
NumberOfUnits: 399
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/24/2009`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 413
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/06/2009`,
Value: 72,
NumberOfUnits: 182
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 77,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/06/2009`,
Value: 45,
NumberOfUnits: 156
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/09/2009`,
Value: 92.4,
NumberOfUnits: 293
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/01/2009`,
Value: 100,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/01/2009`,
Value: 16,
NumberOfUnits: 106
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `10/06/2009`,
Value: 91.6,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `10/07/2009`,
Value: 1.8,
NumberOfUnits: 187
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/10/2009`,
Value: 21.8,
NumberOfUnits: 137
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/14/2009`,
Value: 15,
NumberOfUnits: 138
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.4,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/24/2009`,
Value: 65,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.2,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/24/2009`,
Value: 11.2,
NumberOfUnits: 353
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/01/2009`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 359
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/04/2009`,
Value: 43.2,
NumberOfUnits: 134
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 91,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/09/2009`,
Value: 25.2,
NumberOfUnits: 263
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/11/2009`,
Value: 41,
NumberOfUnits: 313
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.6,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/16/2009`,
Value: 20.4,
NumberOfUnits: 115
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/17/2009`,
Value: 33,
NumberOfUnits: 414
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/21/2009`,
Value: 3,
NumberOfUnits: 53
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/22/2009`,
Value: 86.8,
NumberOfUnits: 472
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/23/2009`,
Value: 53.6,
NumberOfUnits: 199
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `11/24/2009`,
Value: 27.4,
NumberOfUnits: 241
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.2,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/24/2009`,
Value: 1.2,
NumberOfUnits: 320
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/02/2010`,
Value: 20.6,
NumberOfUnits: 299
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/08/2010`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 366
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.6,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `01/10/2010`,
Value: 27.8,
NumberOfUnits: 290
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 11.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/11/2010`,
Value: 61.8,
NumberOfUnits: 350
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/14/2010`,
Value: 33.8,
NumberOfUnits: 469
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/21/2010`,
Value: 75.6,
NumberOfUnits: 352
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 92.2,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/25/2010`,
Value: 38.8,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.2,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/02/2010`,
Value: 66.4,
NumberOfUnits: 153
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/02/2010`,
Value: 28.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `02/04/2010`,
Value: 67,
NumberOfUnits: 267
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/04/2010`,
Value: 71.4,
NumberOfUnits: 91
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/05/2010`,
Value: 46,
NumberOfUnits: 84
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/11/2010`,
Value: 66.8,
NumberOfUnits: 270
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/12/2010`,
Value: 87,
NumberOfUnits: 496
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/16/2010`,
Value: 47.4,
NumberOfUnits: 24
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/17/2010`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 41
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 15.8,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/22/2010`,
Value: 65.6,
NumberOfUnits: 365
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 2.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/01/2010`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 202
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/01/2010`,
Value: 79.4,
NumberOfUnits: 225
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/03/2010`,
Value: 70.2,
NumberOfUnits: 206
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 22.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/11/2010`,
Value: 54.8,
NumberOfUnits: 158
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/14/2010`,
Value: 70.4,
NumberOfUnits: 169
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/15/2010`,
Value: 19,
NumberOfUnits: 4
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 12.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/15/2010`,
Value: 12.8,
NumberOfUnits: 232
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/16/2010`,
Value: 78.8,
NumberOfUnits: 421
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/25/2010`,
Value: 89.6,
NumberOfUnits: 260
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 54.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/02/2010`,
Value: 92,
NumberOfUnits: 194
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/05/2010`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 491
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 11.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/14/2010`,
Value: 30,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/15/2010`,
Value: 84.6,
NumberOfUnits: 279
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/15/2010`,
Value: 99.6,
NumberOfUnits: 287
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/22/2010`,
Value: 59,
NumberOfUnits: 363
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/22/2010`,
Value: 16.4,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.4,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/24/2010`,
Value: 0.2,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/04/2010`,
Value: 99.6,
NumberOfUnits: 25
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 62.4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/05/2010`,
Value: 48,
NumberOfUnits: 64
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/06/2010`,
Value: 57.8,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `05/07/2010`,
Value: 15.4,
NumberOfUnits: 50
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/07/2010`,
Value: 58.6,
NumberOfUnits: 437
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/19/2010`,
Value: 41,
NumberOfUnits: 253
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/22/2010`,
Value: 24,
NumberOfUnits: 312
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/24/2010`,
Value: 12.6,
NumberOfUnits: 82
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/01/2010`,
Value: 32.2,
NumberOfUnits: 467
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.8,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/05/2010`,
Value: 69.6,
NumberOfUnits: 74
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 1.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/10/2010`,
Value: 14.8,
NumberOfUnits: 81
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 15,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `06/25/2010`,
Value: 18.8,
NumberOfUnits: 88
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 43.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/26/2010`,
Value: 44.4,
NumberOfUnits: 126
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.2,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/27/2010`,
Value: 77.8,
NumberOfUnits: 112
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 59.2,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/27/2010`,
Value: 15.4,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/05/2010`,
Value: 29.4,
NumberOfUnits: 218
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 27,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/05/2010`,
Value: 30,
NumberOfUnits: 34
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/13/2010`,
Value: 83.4,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/16/2010`,
Value: 41.6,
NumberOfUnits: 464
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/17/2010`,
Value: 83.4,
NumberOfUnits: 118
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/18/2010`,
Value: 94.2,
NumberOfUnits: 442
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/23/2010`,
Value: 59.6,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/23/2010`,
Value: 83.6,
NumberOfUnits: 472
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/24/2010`,
Value: 84,
NumberOfUnits: 140
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/26/2010`,
Value: 86.6,
NumberOfUnits: 118
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.2,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `07/27/2010`,
Value: 64,
NumberOfUnits: 176
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 98.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/01/2010`,
Value: 23.4,
NumberOfUnits: 77
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/08/2010`,
Value: 74.4,
NumberOfUnits: 105
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 98.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `08/21/2010`,
Value: 60.8,
NumberOfUnits: 160
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/26/2010`,
Value: 67,
NumberOfUnits: 186
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 17.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/04/2010`,
Value: 29,
NumberOfUnits: 380
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38.8,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `09/11/2010`,
Value: 41.6,
NumberOfUnits: 470
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/13/2010`,
Value: 42.8,
NumberOfUnits: 348
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/14/2010`,
Value: 29.4,
NumberOfUnits: 151
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 51.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/24/2010`,
Value: 86.6,
NumberOfUnits: 7
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 31.4,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/07/2010`,
Value: 39,
NumberOfUnits: 123
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/08/2010`,
Value: 8.8,
NumberOfUnits: 374
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `10/11/2010`,
Value: 96.8,
NumberOfUnits: 178
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `10/22/2010`,
Value: 31.4,
NumberOfUnits: 354
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.6,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/25/2010`,
Value: 85.6,
NumberOfUnits: 459
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 27.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/02/2010`,
Value: 46.4,
NumberOfUnits: 78
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/03/2010`,
Value: 52.2,
NumberOfUnits: 417
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/12/2010`,
Value: 15.4,
NumberOfUnits: 208
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `11/19/2010`,
Value: 48.6,
NumberOfUnits: 359
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/25/2010`,
Value: 24.6,
NumberOfUnits: 392
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 78.4,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `01/01/2011`,
Value: 37.6,
NumberOfUnits: 241
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.6,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/04/2011`,
Value: 27.2,
NumberOfUnits: 62
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 6.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/06/2011`,
Value: 89.6,
NumberOfUnits: 485
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/14/2011`,
Value: 5,
NumberOfUnits: 470
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 6.2,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/23/2011`,
Value: 78.6,
NumberOfUnits: 197
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.6,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/26/2011`,
Value: 59.8,
NumberOfUnits: 353
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `02/01/2011`,
Value: 39.6,
NumberOfUnits: 338
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/08/2011`,
Value: 93,
NumberOfUnits: 17
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 11.8,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/12/2011`,
Value: 61.4,
NumberOfUnits: 429
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `02/14/2011`,
Value: 24.4,
NumberOfUnits: 385
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/20/2011`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 166
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/20/2011`,
Value: 52.6,
NumberOfUnits: 137
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `02/24/2011`,
Value: 8.2,
NumberOfUnits: 443
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/26/2011`,
Value: 87.4,
NumberOfUnits: 40
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20.6,
SellerName: `Glenn Landeros`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/05/2011`,
Value: 7.4,
NumberOfUnits: 138
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/09/2011`,
Value: 18.2,
NumberOfUnits: 15
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/09/2011`,
Value: 74.6,
NumberOfUnits: 469
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `03/11/2011`,
Value: 89,
NumberOfUnits: 426
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 63,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/16/2011`,
Value: 32.6,
NumberOfUnits: 208
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 58.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/21/2011`,
Value: 51,
NumberOfUnits: 155
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `03/23/2011`,
Value: 33.4,
NumberOfUnits: 381
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 19.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `04/12/2011`,
Value: 75.2,
NumberOfUnits: 5
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `04/12/2011`,
Value: 14.6,
NumberOfUnits: 221
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/14/2011`,
Value: 84.8,
NumberOfUnits: 39
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 74.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `04/16/2011`,
Value: 51.4,
NumberOfUnits: 468
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 8.2,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/17/2011`,
Value: 0.8,
NumberOfUnits: 44
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 59.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `04/22/2011`,
Value: 47.6,
NumberOfUnits: 287
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.8,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/24/2011`,
Value: 78.6,
NumberOfUnits: 463
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 76.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/24/2011`,
Value: 63,
NumberOfUnits: 335
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/24/2011`,
Value: 30.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/03/2011`,
Value: 87.4,
NumberOfUnits: 291
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/05/2011`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 1
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/06/2011`,
Value: 46,
NumberOfUnits: 120
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 20,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/06/2011`,
Value: 72.6,
NumberOfUnits: 382
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/07/2011`,
Value: 7.8,
NumberOfUnits: 63
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.8,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/12/2011`,
Value: 94.4,
NumberOfUnits: 230
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `05/13/2011`,
Value: 31,
NumberOfUnits: 362
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.8,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `05/17/2011`,
Value: 59.8,
NumberOfUnits: 430
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.2,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `05/23/2011`,
Value: 91.2,
NumberOfUnits: 204
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 61,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `05/24/2011`,
Value: 86.2,
NumberOfUnits: 118
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/01/2011`,
Value: 14.6,
NumberOfUnits: 17
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.8,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/03/2011`,
Value: 9,
NumberOfUnits: 312
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/12/2011`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 283
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/13/2011`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 460
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/14/2011`,
Value: 66.2,
NumberOfUnits: 295
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/15/2011`,
Value: 50.6,
NumberOfUnits: 49
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `06/24/2011`,
Value: 8,
NumberOfUnits: 127
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 39.2,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/27/2011`,
Value: 98.8,
NumberOfUnits: 244
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 53.4,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/01/2011`,
Value: 11.2,
NumberOfUnits: 188
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 25.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/06/2011`,
Value: 56.2,
NumberOfUnits: 458
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 70.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/08/2011`,
Value: 82.4,
NumberOfUnits: 448
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/27/2011`,
Value: 30.6,
NumberOfUnits: 226
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/01/2011`,
Value: 69.6,
NumberOfUnits: 474
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 37.6,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/02/2011`,
Value: 62.8,
NumberOfUnits: 338
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/02/2011`,
Value: 75.2,
NumberOfUnits: 88
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.2,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/04/2011`,
Value: 86.4,
NumberOfUnits: 436
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/06/2011`,
Value: 9.2,
NumberOfUnits: 297
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/07/2011`,
Value: 5.2,
NumberOfUnits: 240
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/07/2011`,
Value: 80.2,
NumberOfUnits: 415
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 49.2,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/08/2011`,
Value: 61.2,
NumberOfUnits: 435
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 95.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/16/2011`,
Value: 73.8,
NumberOfUnits: 64
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 74.2,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/23/2011`,
Value: 40.8,
NumberOfUnits: 21
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/25/2011`,
Value: 55,
NumberOfUnits: 467
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/02/2011`,
Value: 28.2,
NumberOfUnits: 98
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `09/04/2011`,
Value: 72.6,
NumberOfUnits: 370
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/05/2011`,
Value: 81,
NumberOfUnits: 94
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 74.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `09/09/2011`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 106
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/11/2011`,
Value: 10,
NumberOfUnits: 261
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/17/2011`,
Value: 29.4,
NumberOfUnits: 307
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/17/2011`,
Value: 57,
NumberOfUnits: 362
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `09/24/2011`,
Value: 24,
NumberOfUnits: 330
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 77.6,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/26/2011`,
Value: 91.8,
NumberOfUnits: 23
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/27/2011`,
Value: 66.8,
NumberOfUnits: 392
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 32.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/13/2011`,
Value: 81.6,
NumberOfUnits: 16
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 63,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/13/2011`,
Value: 31,
NumberOfUnits: 100
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13.4,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/22/2011`,
Value: 85.6,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.4,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `10/22/2011`,
Value: 74.4,
NumberOfUnits: 22
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/02/2011`,
Value: 88.2,
NumberOfUnits: 96
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 50.2,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/03/2011`,
Value: 31.4,
NumberOfUnits: 76
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/04/2011`,
Value: 91.2,
NumberOfUnits: 492
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 6.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `11/08/2011`,
Value: 51.6,
NumberOfUnits: 49
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/12/2011`,
Value: 21,
NumberOfUnits: 197
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/12/2011`,
Value: 70.4,
NumberOfUnits: 484
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.4,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `11/13/2011`,
Value: 14.4,
NumberOfUnits: 182
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/15/2011`,
Value: 18.4,
NumberOfUnits: 42
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 66.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/19/2011`,
Value: 52.8,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `11/23/2011`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 310
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 93.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/03/2012`,
Value: 53.4,
NumberOfUnits: 306
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.6,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `01/06/2012`,
Value: 83,
NumberOfUnits: 290
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `01/10/2012`,
Value: 29.8,
NumberOfUnits: 499
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 9.8,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `01/11/2012`,
Value: 10.8,
NumberOfUnits: 7
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 64.6,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/14/2012`,
Value: 35,
NumberOfUnits: 220
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 47.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `01/15/2012`,
Value: 50.2,
NumberOfUnits: 395
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.6,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `01/18/2012`,
Value: 100,
NumberOfUnits: 219
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 10.8,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/18/2012`,
Value: 92,
NumberOfUnits: 229
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 65,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `01/22/2012`,
Value: 55.8,
NumberOfUnits: 111
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/01/2012`,
Value: 20.6,
NumberOfUnits: 237
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 87.8,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `02/13/2012`,
Value: 17.2,
NumberOfUnits: 114
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 55.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `02/23/2012`,
Value: 76.8,
NumberOfUnits: 329
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 40.8,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `02/24/2012`,
Value: 1.2,
NumberOfUnits: 135
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `03/02/2012`,
Value: 46.8,
NumberOfUnits: 187
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 14.8,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/10/2012`,
Value: 17.6,
NumberOfUnits: 286
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 13,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/11/2012`,
Value: 18.2,
NumberOfUnits: 468
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `03/18/2012`,
Value: 93.2,
NumberOfUnits: 71
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.6,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `03/21/2012`,
Value: 62,
NumberOfUnits: 251
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 44.4,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/25/2012`,
Value: 57.2,
NumberOfUnits: 297
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 68.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `03/25/2012`,
Value: 4.2,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 35.4,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `03/26/2012`,
Value: 45.2,
NumberOfUnits: 488
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 41.2,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `04/06/2012`,
Value: 59.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 29.4,
SellerName: `Stanley Brooker`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/14/2012`,
Value: 3.2,
NumberOfUnits: 149
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `04/14/2012`,
Value: 9.8,
NumberOfUnits: 99
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/16/2012`,
Value: 14,
NumberOfUnits: 225
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 26,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `04/27/2012`,
Value: 95.4,
NumberOfUnits: 408
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 5,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `05/09/2012`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 417
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `05/24/2012`,
Value: 67.8,
NumberOfUnits: 221
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 57.6,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/02/2012`,
Value: 45.4,
NumberOfUnits: 288
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 72.4,
SellerName: `Bryan Culver`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `06/03/2012`,
Value: 92.8,
NumberOfUnits: 372
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.6,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `06/03/2012`,
Value: 51.4,
NumberOfUnits: 408
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 91.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/04/2012`,
Value: 28.6,
NumberOfUnits: 13
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `06/05/2012`,
Value: 31.6,
NumberOfUnits: 487
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.4,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `06/11/2012`,
Value: 86,
NumberOfUnits: 276
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 18.2,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `06/16/2012`,
Value: 40.2,
NumberOfUnits: 490
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `06/18/2012`,
Value: 55.6,
NumberOfUnits: 238
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 94.4,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `06/23/2012`,
Value: 92,
NumberOfUnits: 170
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 48.8,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/04/2012`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 82.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/05/2012`,
Value: 56.8,
NumberOfUnits: 443
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 38.2,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/05/2012`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 368
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 24.2,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/11/2012`,
Value: 38.6,
NumberOfUnits: 39
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 4,
SellerName: `Alfredo Fetuchini`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/13/2012`,
Value: 43.2,
NumberOfUnits: 95
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 81.8,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `07/14/2012`,
Value: 42.6,
NumberOfUnits: 42
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 75,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/16/2012`,
Value: 61.4,
NumberOfUnits: 200
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 85.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `07/16/2012`,
Value: 10.6,
NumberOfUnits: 221
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 96.4,
SellerName: `Larry Lieb`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `07/21/2012`,
Value: 99.6,
NumberOfUnits: 54
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 46.2,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `Tokyo`,
Date: `07/21/2012`,
Value: 56,
NumberOfUnits: 173
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99.8,
SellerName: `Lydia Burson`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `07/23/2012`,
Value: 10.8,
NumberOfUnits: 47
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 42.4,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `07/26/2012`,
Value: 91.6,
NumberOfUnits: 173
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 52.2,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Mellvile`,
Date: `08/05/2012`,
Value: 98.8,
NumberOfUnits: 323
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 45.6,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/07/2012`,
Value: 26,
NumberOfUnits: 264
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 56.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/09/2012`,
Value: 11.6,
NumberOfUnits: 385
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 3.6,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `08/10/2012`,
Value: 26,
NumberOfUnits: 56
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Dupree`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/12/2012`,
Value: 96.2,
NumberOfUnits: 267
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 92.4,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/14/2012`,
Value: 95,
NumberOfUnits: 109
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 34.8,
SellerName: `Mark Slater`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/17/2012`,
Value: 62.4,
NumberOfUnits: 478
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 23.4,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `08/21/2012`,
Value: 57.8,
NumberOfUnits: 184
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 79.6,
SellerName: `Brandon Mckim`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/21/2012`,
Value: 35.4,
NumberOfUnits: 132
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 30.8,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `08/22/2012`,
Value: 96,
NumberOfUnits: 142
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 90,
SellerName: `Carl Costello`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `08/27/2012`,
Value: 27.6,
NumberOfUnits: 46
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 83.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `Seattle`,
Date: `09/03/2012`,
Value: 68.6,
NumberOfUnits: 102
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 0.2,
SellerName: `Russell Shorter`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `09/09/2012`,
Value: 96.6,
NumberOfUnits: 21
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 36.6,
SellerName: `Monica Freitag`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/10/2012`,
Value: 5,
NumberOfUnits: 442
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 92.4,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/13/2012`,
Value: 99.2,
NumberOfUnits: 254
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28,
SellerName: `Nicholas Carmona`,
SellerCity: `Sofia`,
Date: `09/13/2012`,
Value: 50,
NumberOfUnits: 251
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 60.4,
SellerName: `Antonio Charbonneau`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/15/2012`,
Value: 44,
NumberOfUnits: 119
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Bikes`,
ProductUnitPrice: 33,
SellerName: `Claudia Kobayashi`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/19/2012`,
Value: 32.4,
NumberOfUnits: 256
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 99,
SellerName: `John Smith`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `09/23/2012`,
Value: 35.8,
NumberOfUnits: 456
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 16.2,
SellerName: `Kathe Pettel`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/01/2012`,
Value: 16.4,
NumberOfUnits: 430
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 73,
SellerName: `David Haley`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/02/2012`,
Value: 57,
NumberOfUnits: 248
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 21.8,
SellerName: `Harold Garvin`,
SellerCity: `Berlin`,
Date: `10/18/2012`,
Value: 28.2,
NumberOfUnits: 440
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 28.4,
SellerName: `Howard Sprouse`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/19/2012`,
Value: 66.6,
NumberOfUnits: 234
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 80.6,
SellerName: `Benjamin Meekins`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `10/25/2012`,
Value: 5.4,
NumberOfUnits: 36
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Accessories`,
ProductUnitPrice: 97.8,
SellerName: `Harry Tyler`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `10/26/2012`,
Value: 41.2,
NumberOfUnits: 46
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 88.8,
SellerName: `Elisa Longbottom`,
SellerCity: `London`,
Date: `11/02/2012`,
Value: 64.6,
NumberOfUnits: 211
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Clothing`,
ProductUnitPrice: 67.4,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/17/2012`,
Value: 14.2,
NumberOfUnits: 408
new PivotDataFlatItem(
ProductName: `Components`,
ProductUnitPrice: 7.2,
SellerName: `Walter Pang`,
SellerCity: `New York`,
Date: `11/20/2012`,
Value: 72.8,
NumberOfUnits: 376
tsimport 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { IgcPivotGridComponent, IgcPivotConfiguration, IgcPivotDateDimension, IgcPivotDimension, IgcPivotDateDimensionOptions, SortingDirection, IgcPivotValue, IgcPivotAggregator } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { PivotDataFlatItem, PivotDataFlat } from './PivotDataFlat';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private grid: IgcPivotGridComponent
private _pivotConfiguration1: IgcPivotConfiguration | null = null;
public get pivotConfiguration1(): IgcPivotConfiguration {
if (this._pivotConfiguration1 == null)
var pivotConfiguration1: IgcPivotConfiguration = {} as IgcPivotConfiguration;
var pivotDateDimension1 = new IgcPivotDateDimension();
pivotDateDimension1.memberName = "Date";
pivotDateDimension1.enabled = true;
var pivotDimension1: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension1.memberName = "Date";
pivotDimension1.enabled = true;
pivotDateDimension1.baseDimension = pivotDimension1;
var pivotDateDimensionOptions1: IgcPivotDateDimensionOptions = {} as IgcPivotDateDimensionOptions;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.years = true;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.months = false;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.quarters = true;
pivotDateDimensionOptions1.fullDate = false;
pivotDateDimension1.options = pivotDateDimensionOptions1;
pivotConfiguration1.columns = [pivotDateDimension1];
var pivotDimension2: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension2.memberName = "ProductName";
pivotDimension2.sortDirection = SortingDirection.Asc;
pivotDimension2.enabled = true;
var pivotDimension3: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension3.memberName = "SellerCity";
pivotDimension3.enabled = true;
pivotConfiguration1.rows = [pivotDimension2,pivotDimension3];
var pivotDimension4: IgcPivotDimension = {} as IgcPivotDimension;
pivotDimension4.memberName = "SellerName";
pivotDimension4.enabled = true;
pivotConfiguration1.filters = [pivotDimension4];
var pivotValue1: IgcPivotValue = {} as IgcPivotValue;
pivotValue1.member = "AmountofSale";
pivotValue1.displayName = "Amount of Sale";
pivotValue1.enabled = true;
var pivotAggregator1: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator1.key = "SUM";
pivotAggregator1.label = "Sum of Sale";
pivotAggregator1.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateSumSale;
pivotValue1.aggregate = pivotAggregator1;
var pivotAggregator2: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator2.key = "SUM";
pivotAggregator2.label = "Sum of Sale";
pivotAggregator2.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateSumSale;
var pivotAggregator3: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator3.key = "MIN";
pivotAggregator3.label = "Minimum of Sale";
pivotAggregator3.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateMinSale;
var pivotAggregator4: IgcPivotAggregator = {} as IgcPivotAggregator;
pivotAggregator4.key = "MAX";
pivotAggregator4.label = "Maximum of Sale";
pivotAggregator4.aggregator = this.pivotDataFlatAggregateMaxSale;
pivotValue1.aggregateList = [pivotAggregator2,pivotAggregator3,pivotAggregator4];
pivotConfiguration1.values = [pivotValue1];
this._pivotConfiguration1 = pivotConfiguration1;
return this._pivotConfiguration1;
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var grid = this.grid = document.getElementById('grid') as IgcPivotGridComponent;
this._bind = () => {
grid.data = this.pivotDataFlat;
grid.pivotConfiguration = this.pivotConfiguration1;
private _pivotDataFlat: PivotDataFlat = null;
public get pivotDataFlat(): PivotDataFlat {
if (this._pivotDataFlat == null)
this._pivotDataFlat = new PivotDataFlat();
return this._pivotDataFlat;
public pivotDataFlatAggregateSumSale(members: any[], data: any[]): any {
return data.reduce((accumulator, value) => accumulator + value.ProductUnitPrice * value.NumberOfUnits, 0);
public pivotDataFlatAggregateMinSale(members: any[], data: any[]): any {
let min = 0;
if (data.length === 1) {
min = data[0].ProductUnitPrice * data[0].NumberOfUnits;
} else if (data.length > 1) {
const mappedData = data.map(x => x.ProductUnitPrice * x.NumberOfUnits);
min = mappedData.reduce((a, b) => Math.min(a, b));
return min;
public pivotDataFlatAggregateMaxSale(members: any[], data: any[]): any {
let max = 0;
if (data.length === 1) {
max = data[0].ProductUnitPrice * data[0].NumberOfUnits;
} else if (data.length > 1) {
const mappedData = data.map(x => x.ProductUnitPrice * x.NumberOfUnits);
max = mappedData.reduce((a, b) => Math.max(a, b));
return max;
new Sample();
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Auto generate configuration
The autoGenerateConfig
property automatically generates dimensions and values based on the data source fields:
Numeric Fields:
- Created as
aggregator. - Added to the values collection and enabled by default.
- Created as
Non-Numeric Fields:
- Created as
. - Disabled by default.
- Added to the columns collection.
- Created as
Date Fields(only the first
field is enabled, the otherdate
fields apply non-numeric fields rule):- Created as
- Enabled by default
- added to the rows collection.
- Created as
This feature allows developers to quickly create a pivot view without manually specifying dimensions and values. With a pivot selector next to the pivot grid, users can enable and reorder dimensions and values as needed.
Pivot Value Calculation Keys
The Pivot grid provides a customization to the object keys fields it uses to do its pivot calculations.
A more detailed view of how they are used can be seen bellow in example data, where you can see already aggregated values:
ProductCategory: 'All', AllProducts: 'All Products', All: 1000, 'All-Bulgaria': 774, 'All-USA': 829, 'All-Uruguay': 524,
AllProducts_records: [
{ ProductCategory: 'Clothing', 'All-Bulgaria': 774, 'All-USA': 296, 'All-Uruguay': 456 },
{ ProductCategory: 'Bikes', 'All-Uruguay': 68 },
{ ProductCategory: 'Accessories', 'All-USA': 293 },
{ ProductCategory: 'Components', 'All-USA': 240 }
All of these are stored in the pivotKeys property which is part of the pivotConfiguration
and can be used to change the default pivot keys.
- children - Field that stores children for hierarchy building. It represents a map from grouped values and all the pivotGridRecords that are based on that value. It can be utilized in very specific scenarios, where there is a need to do something while creating the hierarchies. No need to change this for common usage.
- records - Field that stores reference to the original data records. Can be seen in the example from above - AllProducts_records. Avoid setting fields in the data with the same name as this property. If your data records has records property, you can specify different and unique value for it using the pivotKeys.
- aggregations - Field that stores aggregation values. It's applied while creating the hierarchies and also it should not be changed for common scenarios.
- level - Field that stores dimension level based on its hierarchy. Avoid setting fields in the data with the same name as this property. If your data records has level property, you can specify different and unique value for it using the pivotKeys.
- columnDimensionSeparator - Separator used when generating the unique column field values. It is the dash(-) from example value - All-Bulgaria.
- rowDimensionSeparator - Separator used when generating the unique row field values. It's used when creating the records and level field.
The default values are:
aggregations: 'aggregations',
records: 'records',
children: 'children',
level: 'level',
rowDimensionSeparator: '_',
columnDimensionSeparator: '-'
If you have data field values that contain the default keys, make sure to change the separators that match to any other symbols that you are not currently using. Otherwise could lead to unexpected behavior in calculating and showing the aggregated values.
Known Issues and Limitations
Limitation | Description |
Setting columns declaratively is not supported. | The Pivot grid generates its columns based on the columns configuration, so setting them declaratively, like in the base grid, is not supported. Such columns are disregarded. |
Setting duplicate MemberName or Member property values for dimensions/values. |
These properties should be unique for each dimension/value. Duplication may result in loss of data from the final result. |
Row Selection is only supported in Single mode. | Multiple selection is currently not supported. |
API References
Additional Resources
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