Web Components Tree Grid Column Selection Overview
The Web Components Tree Grid Column Selection feature in Ignite UI for Web Components offers a simplified and Excel-like way to select and highlight an entire column with a single click. It can be enabled through the columnSelection
input. Thanks to the rich API, the feature allows for easy manipulation of the selection state, data extraction from the selected fractions, data analysis operations, and visualizations.
Web Components Tree Grid Column Selection Example
The sample below demonstrates the three types of IgcTreeGridComponent
's column selection behavior. Use the column selection dropdown below to enable each of the available selection modes.
*Unit Price and Discontinued are with disabled column selection.
export class FoodsDataItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<FoodsDataItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public ID: number;
public ParentID: number;
public Name: string;
public UnitPrice: number;
public AddedDate: string;
public Discontinued: boolean;
export class FoodsData extends Array<FoodsDataItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<FoodsDataItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 1,
ParentID: -1,
Name: `Foods`,
UnitPrice: 0,
AddedDate: `2009-06-19`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 101,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Chef Antons Gumbo Mix`,
UnitPrice: 21.35,
AddedDate: `2011-11-11`,
Discontinued: true
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 102,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Grandmas Boysenberry Spread`,
UnitPrice: 25,
AddedDate: `2017-12-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 103,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Uncle Bobs Organic Dried Pears`,
UnitPrice: 30,
AddedDate: `2016-07-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 104,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Mishi Kobe Niku`,
UnitPrice: 97,
AddedDate: `2010-02-17`,
Discontinued: true
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 105,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Queso Cabrales`,
UnitPrice: 21,
AddedDate: `2009-11-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 106,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Queso Manchego La Pastora`,
UnitPrice: 38,
AddedDate: `2015-11-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 107,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Konbu`,
UnitPrice: 6,
AddedDate: `2025-03-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 108,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Tofu`,
UnitPrice: 23.25,
AddedDate: `2019-06-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 109,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Ikura`,
UnitPrice: 31,
AddedDate: `2010-05-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 110,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Pavlova`,
UnitPrice: 17.45,
AddedDate: `2018-03-28`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 111,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Alice Mutton`,
UnitPrice: 39,
AddedDate: `2015-08-17`,
Discontinued: true
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 112,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Carnarvon Tigers`,
UnitPrice: 62.5,
AddedDate: `2015-09-27`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 113,
ParentID: 1,
Name: `Teatime Chocolate Biscuits`,
UnitPrice: 9.2,
AddedDate: `2011-03-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 2,
ParentID: -1,
Name: `Beverages`,
UnitPrice: 0,
AddedDate: `2009-06-19`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 201,
ParentID: 2,
Name: `Chai`,
UnitPrice: 18,
AddedDate: `2012-02-12`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 202,
ParentID: 2,
Name: `Chang`,
UnitPrice: 19,
AddedDate: `2013-03-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 3,
ParentID: -1,
Name: `Sauces`,
UnitPrice: 0,
AddedDate: `2009-06-19`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 301,
ParentID: 3,
Name: `Aniseed Syrup`,
UnitPrice: 10,
AddedDate: `2016-03-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 302,
ParentID: 3,
Name: `Chef Antons Cajun Seasoning`,
UnitPrice: 22,
AddedDate: `2012-03-17`,
Discontinued: true
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 303,
ParentID: 3,
Name: `Northwoods Cranberry Sauce`,
UnitPrice: 40,
AddedDate: `2012-01-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 304,
ParentID: 3,
Name: `Genen Shouyu`,
UnitPrice: 15.5,
AddedDate: `2010-03-17`,
Discontinued: false
new FoodsDataItem(
ID: 305,
ParentID: 3,
Name: `Sir Rodneys Marmalade`,
UnitPrice: 18,
AddedDate: `2015-03-17`,
Discontinued: false
tsimport { IgcPropertyEditorPanelModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { ComponentRenderer, PropertyEditorPanelDescriptionModule, WebTreeGridDescriptionModule } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import { IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent, IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-layouts';
import { IgcTreeGridComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { FoodsDataItem, FoodsData } from './FoodsData';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import 'igniteui-webcomponents/themes/light/bootstrap.css';
import { defineAllComponents } from 'igniteui-webcomponents';
import { ModuleManager } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-core';
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private propertyEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent
private columnSelectionEditor: IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent
private treeGrid: IgcTreeGridComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var propertyEditor = this.propertyEditor = document.getElementById('PropertyEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPanelComponent;
var columnSelectionEditor = this.columnSelectionEditor = document.getElementById('columnSelectionEditor') as IgcPropertyEditorPropertyDescriptionComponent;
var treeGrid = this.treeGrid = document.getElementById('treeGrid') as IgcTreeGridComponent;
this._bind = () => {
propertyEditor.componentRenderer = this.renderer;
propertyEditor.target = this.treeGrid;
treeGrid.data = this.foodsData;
private _foodsData: FoodsData = null;
public get foodsData(): FoodsData {
if (this._foodsData == null)
this._foodsData = new FoodsData();
return this._foodsData;
private _componentRenderer: ComponentRenderer = null;
public get renderer(): ComponentRenderer {
if (this._componentRenderer == null) {
this._componentRenderer = new ComponentRenderer();
var context = this._componentRenderer.context;
return this._componentRenderer;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Kanit&display=swap" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium Web" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples/shared.v8.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/index.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="options vertical">
label="Column Selection">
<div class="container fill">
header="Unit Price"
header="Added Date">
<!-- This script is needed only for parcel and it will be excluded for webpack -->
<% if (false) { %><script src="src/index.ts"></script><% } %>
html/* shared styles are loaded from: */
/* https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples */
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Basic Usage
The column selection feature can be enabled through the columnSelection
input, which takes GridSelectionMode
The default selection mode is None
. If set to Single
or Multiple
, all of the presented columns will be selectable
. With that being said, in order to select a column, we just need to click on one, which will mark it as selected
. If the column is not selectable, no selection style will be applied on the header, while hovering.
The Multi Column Headers feature does not reflect on the selectable input. The ColumnGroupComponent is selectable, if at least one of its children has the selection behavior enabled. In addition, the component is marked as selected if all of its selectable descendants are selected.
*Under Personal Details Column Group only column ID and Title are selectable.
export class EmployeesFlatDetailsItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<EmployeesFlatDetailsItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public Address: string;
public Age: number;
public City: string;
public Country: string;
public Fax: string;
public HireDate: string;
public ID: number;
public Name: string;
public ParentID: number;
public Phone: string;
public PostalCode: number;
public Title: string;
public LastName: string;
public FullAddress: string;
export class EmployeesFlatDetails extends Array<EmployeesFlatDetailsItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<EmployeesFlatDetailsItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Obere Str. 57`,
Age: 55,
City: `Berlin`,
Country: `Germany`,
Fax: `030-0076545`,
HireDate: `2008-03-20`,
ID: 1,
Name: `Johnathan Winchester`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `030-0074321`,
PostalCode: 12209,
Title: `Development Manager`,
LastName: `Winchester`,
FullAddress: `Obere Str. 57, Berlin, Germany`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Avda. de la Constitución 2222`,
Age: 42,
City: `México D.F.`,
Country: `Mexico`,
Fax: `(51) 555-3745`,
HireDate: `2014-01-22`,
ID: 4,
Name: `Ana Sanders`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `(5) 555-4729`,
PostalCode: 5021,
Title: `CEO`,
LastName: `Sanders`,
FullAddress: `Avda. de la Constitución 2222, México D.F., Mexico`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Mataderos 2312`,
Age: 49,
City: `México D.F.`,
Country: `Mexico`,
Fax: `(5) 555-3995`,
HireDate: `2014-01-22`,
ID: 18,
Name: `Victoria Lincoln`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `(5) 555-3932`,
PostalCode: 5023,
Title: `Accounting Manager`,
LastName: `Lincoln`,
FullAddress: `Mataderos 2312, México D.F., Mexico`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `120 Hanover Sq.`,
Age: 61,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(171) 555-6750`,
HireDate: `2010-01-01`,
ID: 10,
Name: `Yang Wang`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `(171) 555-7788`,
PostalCode: 39000,
Title: `Localization Manager`,
LastName: `Wang`,
FullAddress: `120 Hanover Sq., London, UK`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Berguvsvägen 8`,
Age: 43,
City: `Luleå`,
Country: `Sweden`,
Fax: `0921-12 34 67`,
HireDate: `2011-06-03`,
ID: 3,
Name: `Michael Burke`,
ParentID: 1,
Phone: `0921-12 34 65`,
PostalCode: 29000,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Burke`,
FullAddress: `Berguvsvägen 8, Luleå, Sweden`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Forsterstr. 57`,
Age: 29,
City: `Mannheim`,
Country: `Germany`,
Fax: `0621-08924`,
HireDate: `2009-06-19`,
ID: 2,
Name: `Thomas Anderson`,
ParentID: 1,
Phone: `0621-08460`,
PostalCode: 68306,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Anderson`,
FullAddress: `Forsterstr. 57, Mannheim, Germany`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `24, place Kléber`,
Age: 31,
City: `Strasbourg`,
Country: `France`,
Fax: ``,
HireDate: `2014-08-18`,
ID: 11,
Name: `Monica Reyes`,
ParentID: 1,
Phone: ``,
PostalCode: 67000,
Title: `Software Development Team Lead`,
LastName: `Reyes`,
FullAddress: `24, place Kléber, Strasbourg, France`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `C/ Araquil, 67`,
Age: 35,
City: `Madrid`,
Country: `Spain`,
Fax: `(911) 555 91 99`,
HireDate: `2015-09-17`,
ID: 6,
Name: `Roland Mendel`,
ParentID: 11,
Phone: `(91) 555 22 82`,
PostalCode: 28023,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Mendel`,
FullAddress: `C/ Araquil, 67, Madrid, Spain`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `12, rue des Bouchers`,
Age: 44,
City: `Marseille`,
Country: `France`,
Fax: ``,
HireDate: `2009-10-11`,
ID: 12,
Name: `Sven Cooper`,
ParentID: 11,
Phone: ``,
PostalCode: 13008,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Cooper`,
FullAddress: `12, rue des Bouchers, Marseille, France`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `23 Tsawassen Blvd.`,
Age: 44,
City: `Tsawassen`,
Country: `Canada`,
Fax: `(604) 555-3745`,
HireDate: `2014-04-04`,
ID: 14,
Name: `Laurence Johnson`,
ParentID: 4,
Phone: `(604) 555-4729`,
PostalCode: 19000,
Title: `Director`,
LastName: `Johnson`,
FullAddress: `23 Tsawassen Blvd., Tsawassen, Canada`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Fauntleroy Circus`,
Age: 25,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(125) 555-3798`,
HireDate: `2017-11-9`,
ID: 5,
Name: `Elizabeth Richards`,
ParentID: 4,
Phone: `(171) 555-1212`,
PostalCode: 30000,
Title: `Vice President`,
LastName: `Richards`,
FullAddress: `Fauntleroy Circus, London, UK`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Cerrito 333`,
Age: 39,
City: `Buenos Aires`,
Country: `Argentina`,
Fax: `(121) 135-4892`,
HireDate: `2010-03-22`,
ID: 13,
Name: `Trevor Ashworth`,
ParentID: 5,
Phone: `(1) 135-5555`,
PostalCode: 1010,
Title: `Director`,
LastName: `Ashworth`,
FullAddress: `Cerrito 333, Buenos Aires, Argentina`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Sierras de Granada 9993`,
Age: 44,
City: `México D.F.`,
Country: `Mexico`,
Fax: `(153) 555-7293`,
HireDate: `2014-04-04`,
ID: 17,
Name: `Antonio Moreno`,
ParentID: 18,
Phone: `(5) 555-3392`,
PostalCode: 5022,
Title: `Senior Accountant`,
LastName: `Moreno`,
FullAddress: `Sierras de Granada 9993, México D.F., Mexico`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Hauptstr. 29`,
Age: 50,
City: `Sao Paulo`,
Country: `Brazil`,
Fax: `(531) 555-6691`,
HireDate: `2007-11-18`,
ID: 7,
Name: `Pedro Rodriguez`,
ParentID: 10,
Phone: `0452-076545`,
PostalCode: 3012,
Title: `Senior Localization Developer`,
LastName: `Rodriguez`,
FullAddress: `Hauptstr. 29, Sao Paulo, Brazil`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Av. dos Lusíadas, 23`,
Age: 27,
City: `Bern`,
Country: `Switzerland`,
Fax: `(271) 335-357`,
HireDate: `2016-02-19`,
ID: 8,
Name: `Casey Harper`,
ParentID: 10,
Phone: `(11) 555-7647`,
PostalCode: 40000,
Title: `Senior Localization`,
LastName: `Harper`,
FullAddress: `Av. dos Lusíadas, 23, Bern, Switzerland`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Berkeley Gardens 12`,
Age: 25,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(171) 555-9199`,
HireDate: `2017-11-09`,
ID: 15,
Name: `Patricia Simpson`,
ParentID: 7,
Phone: `(171) 555-2282`,
PostalCode: 26000,
Title: `Localization Intern`,
LastName: `Simpson`,
FullAddress: `Berkeley Gardens 12, London, UK`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Walserweg 21`,
Age: 39,
City: `Aachen`,
Country: `Germany`,
Fax: `0241-059428`,
HireDate: `2010-03-22`,
ID: 9,
Name: `Francisco Chang`,
ParentID: 7,
Phone: `0241-039123`,
PostalCode: 52066,
Title: `Localization Intern`,
LastName: `Chang`,
FullAddress: `Walserweg 21, Aachen, Germany`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `35 King George`,
Age: 25,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(171) 555-3373`,
HireDate: `2018-03-18`,
ID: 16,
Name: `Peter Lewis`,
ParentID: 7,
Phone: `(171) 555-0297`,
PostalCode: 48000,
Title: `Localization Intern`,
LastName: `Lewis`,
FullAddress: `35 King George, London, UK`
tsimport 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { IgcTreeGridComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { EmployeesFlatDetailsItem, EmployeesFlatDetails } from './EmployeesFlatDetails';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private treeGrid: IgcTreeGridComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var treeGrid = this.treeGrid = document.getElementById('treeGrid') as IgcTreeGridComponent;
this._bind = () => {
treeGrid.data = this.employeesFlatDetails;
private _employeesFlatDetails: EmployeesFlatDetails = null;
public get employeesFlatDetails(): EmployeesFlatDetails {
if (this._employeesFlatDetails == null)
this._employeesFlatDetails = new EmployeesFlatDetails();
return this._employeesFlatDetails;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples/shared.v8.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/index.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="container fill">
header="General Information">
header="Hire Date"
header="Personal Details">
header="Address Information">
header="Contact Information">
header="Postal Code"
<!-- This script is needed only for parcel and it will be excluded for webpack -->
<% if (false) { %><script src="src/index.ts"></script><% } %>
html/* shared styles are loaded from: */
/* https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples */
Keyboard Combinations
The keyboard combinations are available only when the grid columnSelection input is set to multiple.
There are two scenarios for keyboard navigation of the Column Selection feature:
- Multi-column selection - holding ctrl + click on every selectable header cell.
- Range column selection - holding shift + click selects all selectable columns in between.
API Manipulations
The API provides some additional capabilities when it comes to the non-visible columns such that, every hidden column could be marked as selected
by setting the corresponding setter.
The above statement also applies to the ColumnGroupComponent, except that when the selected property is changed it changes the state of its descendants.
More information regarding the API manipulations could be found in the API References section.
In addition to the predefined themes, the grid could be further customized by setting some of the available CSS properties.
In case you would like to change some of the colors, you need to set a class
for the grid first:
<igc-tree-grid class="grid"></igc-tree-grid>
Then set the related CSS properties to this class:
.grid {
--ig-grid-row-selected-background: #0062A3;
--ig-grid-row-selected-text-color: #ecaa53;
--ig-grid-row-selected-hover-background: #0062A3;
--ig-grid-header-selected-text-color: #ecaa53;
--ig-grid-header-selected-background: #0062A3;
--ig-grid-row-selected-hover-text-color: #ecaa53;
--ig-grid-row-selected-hover-background: #0062A3;
export class EmployeesFlatDetailsItem {
public constructor(init: Partial<EmployeesFlatDetailsItem>) {
Object.assign(this, init);
public Address: string;
public Age: number;
public City: string;
public Country: string;
public Fax: string;
public HireDate: string;
public ID: number;
public Name: string;
public ParentID: number;
public Phone: string;
public PostalCode: number;
public Title: string;
public LastName: string;
public FullAddress: string;
export class EmployeesFlatDetails extends Array<EmployeesFlatDetailsItem> {
public constructor(items: Array<EmployeesFlatDetailsItem> | number = -1) {
if (Array.isArray(items)) {
} else {
const newItems = [
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Obere Str. 57`,
Age: 55,
City: `Berlin`,
Country: `Germany`,
Fax: `030-0076545`,
HireDate: `2008-03-20`,
ID: 1,
Name: `Johnathan Winchester`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `030-0074321`,
PostalCode: 12209,
Title: `Development Manager`,
LastName: `Winchester`,
FullAddress: `Obere Str. 57, Berlin, Germany`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Avda. de la Constitución 2222`,
Age: 42,
City: `México D.F.`,
Country: `Mexico`,
Fax: `(51) 555-3745`,
HireDate: `2014-01-22`,
ID: 4,
Name: `Ana Sanders`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `(5) 555-4729`,
PostalCode: 5021,
Title: `CEO`,
LastName: `Sanders`,
FullAddress: `Avda. de la Constitución 2222, México D.F., Mexico`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Mataderos 2312`,
Age: 49,
City: `México D.F.`,
Country: `Mexico`,
Fax: `(5) 555-3995`,
HireDate: `2014-01-22`,
ID: 18,
Name: `Victoria Lincoln`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `(5) 555-3932`,
PostalCode: 5023,
Title: `Accounting Manager`,
LastName: `Lincoln`,
FullAddress: `Mataderos 2312, México D.F., Mexico`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `120 Hanover Sq.`,
Age: 61,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(171) 555-6750`,
HireDate: `2010-01-01`,
ID: 10,
Name: `Yang Wang`,
ParentID: -1,
Phone: `(171) 555-7788`,
PostalCode: 39000,
Title: `Localization Manager`,
LastName: `Wang`,
FullAddress: `120 Hanover Sq., London, UK`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Berguvsvägen 8`,
Age: 43,
City: `Luleå`,
Country: `Sweden`,
Fax: `0921-12 34 67`,
HireDate: `2011-06-03`,
ID: 3,
Name: `Michael Burke`,
ParentID: 1,
Phone: `0921-12 34 65`,
PostalCode: 29000,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Burke`,
FullAddress: `Berguvsvägen 8, Luleå, Sweden`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Forsterstr. 57`,
Age: 29,
City: `Mannheim`,
Country: `Germany`,
Fax: `0621-08924`,
HireDate: `2009-06-19`,
ID: 2,
Name: `Thomas Anderson`,
ParentID: 1,
Phone: `0621-08460`,
PostalCode: 68306,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Anderson`,
FullAddress: `Forsterstr. 57, Mannheim, Germany`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `24, place Kléber`,
Age: 31,
City: `Strasbourg`,
Country: `France`,
Fax: ``,
HireDate: `2014-08-18`,
ID: 11,
Name: `Monica Reyes`,
ParentID: 1,
Phone: ``,
PostalCode: 67000,
Title: `Software Development Team Lead`,
LastName: `Reyes`,
FullAddress: `24, place Kléber, Strasbourg, France`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `C/ Araquil, 67`,
Age: 35,
City: `Madrid`,
Country: `Spain`,
Fax: `(911) 555 91 99`,
HireDate: `2015-09-17`,
ID: 6,
Name: `Roland Mendel`,
ParentID: 11,
Phone: `(91) 555 22 82`,
PostalCode: 28023,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Mendel`,
FullAddress: `C/ Araquil, 67, Madrid, Spain`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `12, rue des Bouchers`,
Age: 44,
City: `Marseille`,
Country: `France`,
Fax: ``,
HireDate: `2009-10-11`,
ID: 12,
Name: `Sven Cooper`,
ParentID: 11,
Phone: ``,
PostalCode: 13008,
Title: `Senior Software Developer`,
LastName: `Cooper`,
FullAddress: `12, rue des Bouchers, Marseille, France`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `23 Tsawassen Blvd.`,
Age: 44,
City: `Tsawassen`,
Country: `Canada`,
Fax: `(604) 555-3745`,
HireDate: `2014-04-04`,
ID: 14,
Name: `Laurence Johnson`,
ParentID: 4,
Phone: `(604) 555-4729`,
PostalCode: 19000,
Title: `Director`,
LastName: `Johnson`,
FullAddress: `23 Tsawassen Blvd., Tsawassen, Canada`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Fauntleroy Circus`,
Age: 25,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(125) 555-3798`,
HireDate: `2017-11-9`,
ID: 5,
Name: `Elizabeth Richards`,
ParentID: 4,
Phone: `(171) 555-1212`,
PostalCode: 30000,
Title: `Vice President`,
LastName: `Richards`,
FullAddress: `Fauntleroy Circus, London, UK`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Cerrito 333`,
Age: 39,
City: `Buenos Aires`,
Country: `Argentina`,
Fax: `(121) 135-4892`,
HireDate: `2010-03-22`,
ID: 13,
Name: `Trevor Ashworth`,
ParentID: 5,
Phone: `(1) 135-5555`,
PostalCode: 1010,
Title: `Director`,
LastName: `Ashworth`,
FullAddress: `Cerrito 333, Buenos Aires, Argentina`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Sierras de Granada 9993`,
Age: 44,
City: `México D.F.`,
Country: `Mexico`,
Fax: `(153) 555-7293`,
HireDate: `2014-04-04`,
ID: 17,
Name: `Antonio Moreno`,
ParentID: 18,
Phone: `(5) 555-3392`,
PostalCode: 5022,
Title: `Senior Accountant`,
LastName: `Moreno`,
FullAddress: `Sierras de Granada 9993, México D.F., Mexico`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Hauptstr. 29`,
Age: 50,
City: `Sao Paulo`,
Country: `Brazil`,
Fax: `(531) 555-6691`,
HireDate: `2007-11-18`,
ID: 7,
Name: `Pedro Rodriguez`,
ParentID: 10,
Phone: `0452-076545`,
PostalCode: 3012,
Title: `Senior Localization Developer`,
LastName: `Rodriguez`,
FullAddress: `Hauptstr. 29, Sao Paulo, Brazil`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Av. dos Lusíadas, 23`,
Age: 27,
City: `Bern`,
Country: `Switzerland`,
Fax: `(271) 335-357`,
HireDate: `2016-02-19`,
ID: 8,
Name: `Casey Harper`,
ParentID: 10,
Phone: `(11) 555-7647`,
PostalCode: 40000,
Title: `Senior Localization`,
LastName: `Harper`,
FullAddress: `Av. dos Lusíadas, 23, Bern, Switzerland`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Berkeley Gardens 12`,
Age: 25,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(171) 555-9199`,
HireDate: `2017-11-09`,
ID: 15,
Name: `Patricia Simpson`,
ParentID: 7,
Phone: `(171) 555-2282`,
PostalCode: 26000,
Title: `Localization Intern`,
LastName: `Simpson`,
FullAddress: `Berkeley Gardens 12, London, UK`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `Walserweg 21`,
Age: 39,
City: `Aachen`,
Country: `Germany`,
Fax: `0241-059428`,
HireDate: `2010-03-22`,
ID: 9,
Name: `Francisco Chang`,
ParentID: 7,
Phone: `0241-039123`,
PostalCode: 52066,
Title: `Localization Intern`,
LastName: `Chang`,
FullAddress: `Walserweg 21, Aachen, Germany`
new EmployeesFlatDetailsItem(
Address: `35 King George`,
Age: 25,
City: `London`,
Country: `UK`,
Fax: `(171) 555-3373`,
HireDate: `2018-03-18`,
ID: 16,
Name: `Peter Lewis`,
ParentID: 7,
Phone: `(171) 555-0297`,
PostalCode: 48000,
Title: `Localization Intern`,
LastName: `Lewis`,
FullAddress: `35 King George, London, UK`
tsimport 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/combined';
import { IgcTreeGridComponent } from 'igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids';
import { EmployeesFlatDetailsItem, EmployeesFlatDetails } from './EmployeesFlatDetails';
import "igniteui-webcomponents-grids/grids/themes/light/bootstrap.css";
import "./index.css";
export class Sample {
private treeGrid: IgcTreeGridComponent
private _bind: () => void;
constructor() {
var treeGrid = this.treeGrid = document.getElementById('treeGrid') as IgcTreeGridComponent;
this._bind = () => {
treeGrid.data = this.employeesFlatDetails;
private _employeesFlatDetails: EmployeesFlatDetails = null;
public get employeesFlatDetails(): EmployeesFlatDetails {
if (this._employeesFlatDetails == null)
this._employeesFlatDetails = new EmployeesFlatDetails();
return this._employeesFlatDetails;
new Sample();
ts<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Sample | Ignite UI | Web Components | infragistics</title>
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<div id="root">
<div class="container sample ig-typography">
<div class="container fill">
header="General Information">
header="Hire Date"
header="Personal Details">
header="Address Information">
header="Contact Information">
header="Postal Code"
<!-- This script is needed only for parcel and it will be excluded for webpack -->
<% if (false) { %><script src="src/index.ts"></script><% } %>
html/* shared styles are loaded from: */
/* https://static.infragistics.com/xplatform/css/samples */
#treeGrid {
--ig-grid-row-selected-background: #0062A3;
--ig-grid-row-selected-text-color: #ecaa53;
--ig-grid-row-selected-hover-background: #0062A3;
--ig-grid-header-selected-text-color: #ecaa53;
--ig-grid-header-selected-background: #0062A3;
--ig-grid-row-selected-hover-text-color: #ecaa53;
--ig-grid-row-selected-hover-background: #0062A3;
API References
The column selection UI has a few more APIs to explore, which are listed below.
Additional Resources
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