Hi, there
How can I change the ForeColor and BackColor for highlighted text in UltraCombo? I tried to change several places for back and fore colors, but no matter what I change, when I select text inside the UltraCombo edit portion, the text is always white on blue background. How can I change that?
Richard Zhu
Hello Richard,
When the Combo goes into edit mode a TextBox control is placed over the Combo and allows you to edit. So if you select a portion of the text in edit mode the blue and white colors for highlighted text actually are coming from the Operation System that you are using, so I think that is no way to change these two colors.
Danko Valkov
Developer Support Engineer
Infragistics, Inc.
the reason I'm asking this question, is that I have a UltraCombo that when selected, appears totally white so it almost look like there's no text. My suspicion is that the backColor and the Forecolor got set to the same color, so the text doesn't show up. In AppStylist I don't see this problem, so I'm suspecting that style for other control is causing this. Are you saying that when the text is selected in UltraCombo, it's using only a system text box, not a Infragistics control? Can you think of any control that might cause this to happen?
It is hard for me to swallow that the highlighted text color is coming from the operating system. It just doesn't sounds right. If it is an infragistics textbox then there must be some code that would control that functionality right? Would you not be able to modify that with a draw filter on the control?
When the combo goes into edit mode, it displays an inbox TextBox control to allow the user to edit. This control picks up it's selected text backcolor from the OS setting and there is no way to change it.
When text is selected, it should also be picking up the selected text color from the operating system, though. So you should always be able to see the text.