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Upgrading Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.v5.2 to 2013 vol 2 infragistics conrol



I am doing a POC on upgrading existing infragistics controls to new controls without much code change. I find equivalent for ultrawebgrid is WEbDataGrid(Infragistics45.Web.v13.2). I hope this is the right equivalent, as I could not find ultrawebgrid in the latest release.

Can you please provide some tips for this upgrade with minimal effort.

I am using currently trial version, I am doing POC to study the feasibility and the amount of change for the upgrade.

Please help me as soon as possible.

sample code for grid usage

<ig:UltraWebgrid id=dgInvestmentAccounts runat="server">                             <displaylayout version="4.00" name="dggrid">                               <framestyle width="100%" cursor="Default" height="80px"></framestyle>                             </displaylayout>                             <bands>                               <ig:ultragridband>                                 <columns>                                   <ig:templatedcolumn key="key" editorcontrolid="" datatype="System.Boolean" headertext="" basecolumnname="" format="" footertext="">                                     <celltemplate>

                                    </celltemplate>                                   </ig:templatedcolumn>                                 </columns>                               </ig:ultragridband>                             </bands>                           </ig:UltraWebgrid>